Getting Started with breakfast..HELP

I'm new to this and Im starting my journey, but I need help with breakfast. I dont have my house loaded with fresh safe healthy food yet, and Im not a breakfast eater and I know to be sucessful and to fuel your body it starts with that meal..How do you just jump in to breakfast when your a drink coffee till lunch person.. PLEASE HELP!!


  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    My breakfast every morning ..cuz it works for me.

    1/4 cup of perfect portions maple oatmeal ( mixed with water to taste and nuked until consistency desired)
    1 packet of splenda
    1 tablespoon of perfect accents cranberry / almonds

    and COFFEE!!! I have that before I leave for work and that holds me a good 4 hours.

    LOL I'm a drinkcoffeeuponwakinguntilgoingtobed person
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,276 Member
    I'm new to this and Im starting my journey, but I need help with breakfast. I dont have my house loaded with fresh safe healthy food yet, and Im not a breakfast eater and I know to be sucessful and to fuel your body it starts with that meal..How do you just jump in to breakfast when your a drink coffee till lunch person.. PLEASE HELP!!

    If you don't like breakfast, you don't have to eat it. Meal timing and frequency have no impact on metabolic rate or weight loss. It's all personal preference. Breakfast might work for some people because it will keep them from eating too much at their next meal or keep them from making unhealthy choices later on in the day.

    However, there is no need to "kick start your metabolism" or any of that false information.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Eating breakfast is not complusory.

    But if you want to try something, have a piece of toast, maybe spread with a little peanut butter. Or a yoghurt. Or a slice of ham. Or cheese. Or a handful of nuts and raisins.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    fat free plain yogurt

    cocoa powder
    dried fruit

    mix and match

    also cant go wrong with egg white omelette!!! mmm
  • Spartan_Guy
    Spartan_Guy Posts: 30 Member
    I try to build up on protein in the morning, as I find it keeps me full through lunchtime. My typical breakfast is a nonfat greek yogurt, a banana, and a glass of milk. I also chow down on about a quarter cup of blueberries if I have them around.

    Obviously, if you're avoiding lactose, my routine won't work for you. But it avoids the carbs, sugar, and sodium of a bowl of cereal, and combined with my mid-morning snack (which I often have to force myself to eat because I'm rarely hungry again until after noon) of some walnuts and a clementine or two, I find it gets my day off to a really good start.

    Good luck!
  • sqshyfsh
    sqshyfsh Posts: 8 Member
    I've been drinking meal replacements in the morning. SlimFasts, in particular, but there are plenty of other comparable items.

    They get a little expensive, but they are great because you just pop it open and drink! Some people think they taste gross, but if I can get my boyfriend to drink them, then I think almost anyone should be able to :)

    For me, ts a great way to get something in your stomach and set you up for a successful day.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    As others have said, the "must have breakfast" is false, I very rarely have breakfast, my first food is generally around noon

    It depends on you, some are unable to resist a high calorie snack or choccie bar if they do not eat first thing, others are not hungry [me] so do not bother until we are

    Both work, depends what works for you
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Even on my worst day, I can always choke down a banana. I exercise in the morning so breakfast is a very important meal in my plan. If you are an afternoon or evening exerciser, later meals will be more important.
  • nykdem
    nykdem Posts: 119 Member
    I used to be a 'survive on *kitten* and coffee until mid-afternoon' person but I've very recently given up smoking and am cutting down on my caffeine intake. In order to survive the temptation to smoke I keep cereal bars handy and have one or 2 of them throughout the course of the morning. I log them as breakfast but I usually eat them anytime between 10am and 2pm.
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    I NEVER used to eat breakfast. Coffee until lunch was good for me! It was really hard at first to choke down anything in the morning but now if I don't eat breakfast I am starving by lunch.

    I typically eat one of two things. I started with smoothies because I didn't actually have to "eat" it. And I could drink it on my way to work.

    1 cup frozen strawberries
    1 ripe banana (I usually throw overriping bananas in the freezer to use for smoothies) helps sweeten the plain yogurt
    1 cup plain fat free or low fat yogurt - greek if you have it (more protein)
    1 cup fat free or low fat milk, or unsweetened almond, soy or whatever kind of milk you like
    Mix in a blender and drink

    I now usually eat:
    3 eggs or two whole eggs with two egg whites
    1 piece of whole wheat toast w/ 1 Tbs of natural peanut butter

    I find that the protein really keeps me satisfied. I don't think you actually NEED breakfast to succeed but for me it helps me not binge later in the day.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I'm not a morning person, but every morning (about 9am =]) I eat some flavor of clif bar. They are easy, portable, and not too intrusive to the darkest hours of my day!
  • rshields9093
    rshields9093 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm new to this and Im starting my journey, but I need help with breakfast. I dont have my house loaded with fresh safe healthy food yet, and Im not a breakfast eater and I know to be sucessful and to fuel your body it starts with that meal..How do you just jump in to breakfast when your a drink coffee till lunch person.. PLEASE HELP!!

    If you don't like breakfast, you don't have to eat it. Meal timing and frequency have no impact on metabolic rate or weight loss. It's all personal preference. Breakfast might work for some people because it will keep them from eating too much at their next meal or keep them from making unhealthy choices later on in the day.

    However, there is no need to "kick start your metabolism" or any of that false information.

    A lot of "experts" suggest that you must start the day with breakfast to lose weight. But they usually don't explain why they say that (and many don't even know). There is no fundamental requirement to eat breakfast to lose weight. Your average over time of calories in and calories out are all that really matters (within normal ranges) for the sole goal of weight loss.

    That being said, there are many reasons why one will find eating breakfast a good idea for weight loss and I certainly do it every morning. Breakfast keeps me from getting ravenous around 10AM (and then risk heavy snacking). I also found that it takes a very small number of calories (especially if they are a good balance of carbs, fats, and proteins) to make me feel full. I found that eating a lot of small meals during the day made it easier to stay full and still at the end of the day not having taken in too many calories (as opposed to the way I used to do it where I waited until I was ravenous and then ate way too many calories too fast before I felt full).

    So anyway, eating breakfast may be good for you and your schedule/lifestyle. If so, enjoy it. Just don't think that it is some magical requirement for losing weight.

    So, to actually answer your question. :)

    My typical quick morning meals usually involve one or more of the following: cottage cheese, boiled eggs (I boil and peel them ahead of time to have handy), various smoothies that I make with frozen fruits/berries, and in a pinch, protein bars.

    By the way, if you can stand to eat it (some love it, some hate it) I think cottage cheese is just about one of the greatest diet foods on the planet. It is super convenient and has a great balance of carbs, fat (I use the 1%), and protein.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    If breakfast completely doesn't interest you, and you aren't actually hungry. Then don't eat it. If chewing food in the morning is absolutely unappetizing, why try to choke it down.

    But if you do feel in the need for something, small changes are easier. Why not incorporate it into your coffee. I have been using Greek yogurt and/or protein powder in my cold brewed coffee in the mornings.

    There is very little reason to completely strip your diet out of everything you've ever done all at once. Just like more than halving your typical caloric intake all at once isn't desirable or sustainable. Make smallish adjustment that you can maintain until you hit the point you want.
  • wildechild74
    wildechild74 Posts: 64 Member
    i never used to be a breakfast person. however, i have learned that if i have a kinda high calorie, high protein breakfast, i do just fine until lunch, and actually supper is my smallest meal, sometimes i will just have fruit/veggies b/c i am not hungry. that said, i just cant get out of bed and eat, i'd throw up- food that early is just unappealing. i'm up early, and unfortunately have a desk job, so i eat breakfast while working, about 3-4hrs after my feet have hit the floor in the morning.

    for me, i have also learned that lots of whole grain/high fiber DO NOT fill me up. i will be hungry 30minutes later. my body does best with protein, so my breakfast is eggs (omlette) and milk.

    it is finding what works best for you. what works for me is not going to work for the next person. trial and error. try something for 2-3days before you move on. good luck!