

  • i just started up again and since last time ive actually GAINED weight!
    i really need support because i also am not so motivated.
    so friend me and ill friend you too.
    ps. im kinda new to this too. :(
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    Feel free to add me as well if you would like!
  • BunnieMommie
    BunnieMommie Posts: 680 Member
    Anyone can add me too!!! I'm on here daily! :)
  • usskid
    usskid Posts: 2
    Wecome, I hope you enjoy it, I have had a lot of fun logging on, it does make me keep up with trying to loose weight
  • Seems like you have lots of offers for support, but I'm always on here and plan to stay if you or anyone else needs support!
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    Its time for me to add some more friends and I'm a daily logger/supporter. Feel free to add me.
  • Feel free to add me! :)
  • Added a couple of you guys ...the more the merrier i guess
    anyone can add me im here for the long haul
  • katmcq29
    katmcq29 Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me! Would love the support and would always give support to my friends on MFP :-) x
  • krislyn84
    krislyn84 Posts: 337 Member
    I am also off and on. Would love more people who will call me out when I'm "off". =) Anyone can add me!!!
  • kmdavis1105
    kmdavis1105 Posts: 16 Member
    I'd like more friends, too! the support and motivation is a HUGE help!
  • Anyone can add me! I've added a bunch of people from here :)
  • I really need friends to motivate me. Add me people :)
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    The more MFP Friends, the better... more motivation and more accountability! Always a great thing!
  • beansoverjava
    beansoverjava Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Go ahead and add me, hon. It's all about the support!!
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    anyone is welcome to add me
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    You can add me is you like, but be warned i am bluntly honest is my comments, opinons and information.

    I STRONGLY advise that you read Forks Over Knives