Meat eaters vs. veg-heads



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    I think the meat eaters here should STRONGLY consider limiting their meats and dairy - especially on workout days. Both meat and dairy is acid forming.

    acid forming? Can you explain exactly what you mean by this, in terms of what's going on in the body? In your own words. (i.e. don't just quote an article at me).

    On workout days I eat fish/seafood, meat and whey protein. I limit red meat because it tends to be fatty and harder to fit in my macros, so the meat I eat is usually chicken. I have no trouble recovering after workouts, in fact I'm currently recovering from surgery and my doctor has commented about how well I'm recovering (also on a fish/seafood, dairy and chicken with occasional red meat and less whey protein than usual as I'm not currently allowed to exercise diet)

    ETA: I do agree that everyone should eat plenty of fruit and veg, and most people don't eat anywhere near enough of them, but other than beans/lentils (which not everyone can digest easily) I eat plant foods for the micronutrients rather than protein.

    Meat will cause a build up of uric acid and gout in the body which is one the primary causes of arthritis
    Too many refined carbs and sugar in the diet can create high blood glucose which results in insulin resistance, diabetes, MetS and cardiovascular disease.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I quit dairy 3 weeks ago and had fantastic results. I still eat meat just a better quality meat. Like wild meats and organic/grass fed meats when possible. Since quiting dairy my acne has went away, my pms symptoms have disappeared, and all food cravings are gone. I do load up on the veggies. I only eat 1 maybe 2 small portions of meat each day.
  • plantlyfe
    I lost about 30lbs with no exercise and my period diminished significantly. i had regular bowel movements and no more bloating. That heavy, tired feeling that you feel when you're done eating a meal...that went away too. Im also stronger physically as well...even though im 30lns lighter. I used to struggle to run a mile on the treadmill, now I can keep going for another two laps until I start feeling the sweat and burn...thats with the same amount of physical activity.
  • linnaeus
    linnaeus Posts: 36 Member
    Of course, it's still fairly easy here to be an unhealthy vegan - like me, last year. I did lose 10 pounds just by switching from vegetarian to vegan, but still overweight.

    However, in the last 2 weeks that I've been eating very healthily and getting regular workouts, my mood has completely changed. Negative emotions like anger/depression don't last as long or feel as intense. I feel generally more positive and find it easier to feel compassion. It's pretty crazy what a change in diet/exercise can do to one's emotional state.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Since switching back to a vegan based (plant based) diet with a few junk food thrown in (pizza, burgers, chocolate etc) I've lost over 20 lb and the month isn't over yet...

    I feel much better, more energy. I haven't cut out all meat yet (as you can see from my chart) but by adding more veggies - I've seemed to feel full and the pounds keep falling off with no exercise.

    It's made a believer out of me.

    I followed this for 2 months with great results - the 3 weeks around xmas/new years I started eating meats again, and some processed foods - gained all my weight back. Soon as I switched back to plant based, things are looking up.

    Like I said - it might not be meat- but loading up on veggies IS the answer for many who are having a hard time feeling full & with other minor health problems
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Did this study control for other unhealthy variables such as smoking, alcohol consumption, job types, exercise levels?
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Did this study control for other unhealthy variables such as smoking, alcohol consumption, job types, exercise levels?

    I assume not. Like many stated - those who choose to remove meat & dairy from their diets most likely also make other healthier choices in life.

    That being said; even removing cancers associated with smoking- there is still type 2 diabetes complications, clogged arteries, etc that could all lead to death that is being removed when limiting/removing meat, dairy & other highly processed foods.

    Fred - did you watch the video though? I ask b/c they break it down to a biological makeup rather than a study which can be swayed or altered, or just not as controlled like you stated.