Belly Fat

I have heard several different ways that people have used to reduce belly fat. What are some ways that have worked for you? I have had 4 children (youngest is now 5), but no matter how small I get I seem to have this donut of fat around my belly button. I am on a high protein diet, minimal sugars, and exercise 5 days a week doing cardio and strength training. What are your suggestions?! Thanks!


  • breajohnson
    breajohnson Posts: 109 Member
    hey i dont know if this will help but im doing the 30 day shred (jillian michaels) and there are some awesome crunches on it that she says will reduce that flab.
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    diet will show your abs, not crunches.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For the most part, your body chooses where to reduce fat. The only thing I've ever seen evidence that would specifically reduce belly fat was one of those vibration things you stand on. It did not reduce body fat, but did cause the fat to be redistributed to other areas of the body. It's been a while since I read that study though and I can't remember how long it took. And, of course, it was just the one study (that I know of) so not exactly concrete proof that it will work for everyone.

    Core exercises can improve the look of your belly, and help burn calories, but exercising the muscles in your midsection is no guarantee that you will lose fat there instead of another part of your body.
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    eat clean & drink lots of at least a gallon a day
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    hey i dont know if this will help but im doing the 30 day shred (jillian michaels) and there are some awesome crunches on it that she says will reduce that flab.

    No. You CANNOT - without surgery, of course - spot reduce. The only way to reduce belly flab is to lose overall fat.

    OP - since you're doing strength training, you're on a good track. Just make sure you're at a slight Caloric deficit.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    eat a moderate calorie deficit day after day consistently. results guaranteed.
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    For me belly BLOAT is what gets me...drink a lot of water and make sure your getting a good amount of fiber.
    Cardio and Weights. ...
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Keep doing what you're doing. If you started all this when you joined (this month), it hasn't been long enough for you to see great results, but they will come. Be patient :-)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I have heard several different ways that people have used to reduce belly fat. What are some ways that have worked for you? I have had 4 children (youngest is now 5), but no matter how small I get I seem to have this donut of fat around my belly button. I am on a high protein diet, minimal sugars, and exercise 5 days a week doing cardio and strength training. What are your suggestions?! Thanks!

    What kind of strength training are you doing? I would focus on compound lifts that ultimately give you a full body workout, 3 times per week. These will train a variety of muscle groups without isolating them and really work your core. This, combined with a nutritious diet (and deficit to burn fat) is the best way to produce the body composition that most people are looking for, including a nice set of abs (once the fat suit gets gone). Crunches and other isolation work is, IMHO, for the most part a waste of time and energy relative to their benefits. And no, you won't get hulky...that takes a lot more than lifting heavy a few days per week and eating a relatively healthy diet.

    This is what my wife and I do (Starting Strength):

    WkOut A (Heavy):

    Squats 3x5
    Bench Press 3x5
    Barbell Rows 3x5

    WkOut B (Heavy):

    Squats 3x5
    Overhead Press 3x5
    Dedlift 1x5

    We just alternate these every other day, 3 days per week. Including warm up and cool down, we're usually in and out in an hour. We do our cardio on non lift days.
  • melissahurst99
    Thanks everyone for the advice! I have been working out since July, but started working out double around January 7th, so I know it hasn't been that long. Patience is my test!

  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member

    I know exactly what you mean. I lost inches everywhere, except on my hips. It just seem to stick there and I am not getting rid of it. My abs start showing and my collar bone is clearly visible, but around my hips is a nice cushion. Im a 30 inches at my waist but 43 on my hips.
    I attend spinning and combat funk ( a type of boxing drills and exercises) three times a week and have between those days workout plans from my trainer. Muscle confusion (it is a mixture of cardio and weight exercises which are completed back to back with minimal break between each exercise, just enough to grap the equipment) worked the best for me and I had the most success with.

    As you said, just be patient.
