Breakfast is the most important meal??



  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I had a 750 calorie breakfast today.
    I didn't eat breakfast yesterday.

    That is good, you are confusing your body

    Wait did I just invent metabolism confusion???
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    You're getting snarky remarks because your metabolism works 24/7. There is no such thing as jump starting it. It's never stops. Lol.

    I eat 3 eggs, and either bacon, steak, or pork chops, and then either an avocado, or some nuts. And that's sets me up for a great day and holds me until lunch. I don't believe in low cal or low fat. Just eat. Watch your cals and macro nutrients. That's it.

    Also, other snarks are about, "everyone is different". They aren't. It's basic physics and science. Physical laws cannot be different for everyone, otherwise medicine would never work. Think about it. Everyone is basically the same. Our bodies respond the same. This is why programs work for people. Unless, you have a major health issue that needs specialty attention.

    Just eat good healthful filling whole foods. Fuel your body. Don't try to eat light.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Meal frequency is not important, that being said I am a Type 2 Diabetic so in my situation I eat right before bed and then within 30 minutes of waking in the morning. So breakfast comes down to a personal preference. I eat 3000-3400 calories a day so my meals run around 1000 calories each most day with a couple 100 calorie snacks thrown in through the day... Best of Luck
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I had a 750 calorie breakfast today.
    I didn't eat breakfast yesterday.

    That is good, you are confusing your body

    Wait did I just invent metabolism confusion???

    Better get going on a website selling it for $50
  • What do you guys eat for breakfast? I see so many posts about breakfast and trying to keep it lo-cal and i just wonder why? It's called break-fast for a reason. It's the meal that jump starts your metabolism for the day, so why would you short change your body nutritionally by skimping?

    I've lost 20lbs in 4 months (3 before joining MFP) and I rarely RARELY eat breakfast that consists of less than 400-500 calories. I exercise and I RARELY eat less than 1800 calories a day. I'm 5'9" so it's not like I'm super tall. I've gone from roughly 27-30% fat to 20-22% fat. I make sure I eat a varied diet that includes carbs, protein, fat, etc. No food is off limits but I do tend to stay away from processed things.

    So I guess I'm just wondering why so many folks here seem to cheat themselves with their breakfasts?

    Indeed! But really.. I need breakfast now that my metabolism has increased. I wake up with my stomach growling..... I even decided throw out the "eating after 7" myth. I normally have some almond milk with protein powder an hour before bed..... *gasp*
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    There is no such thing as jump starting it. It's never stops.

    If it did, what to have for breakfast would be the least of your concerns.
  • i have tried eating a large breakfast, only to go wayy over my calories. My body naturally tends to want to eat in the evenings. I have lost a lot of weight before by cutting out breakfast and saving those calories for later on.. My doc said that was fine, calories are calories, take them now or take them later when you get hungry...
  • I have recently begun eating oatmeal M-F. I want to lower my cholesterol. Previously I was NOT a breakfast person at all.
    On Saturday/Sunday I rarely eat before noon.. I work out 5 days/week. I will let you know next month if the oatmeal thing is working for my cholesterol.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    You can eat all your calories in one meal. Some people eat once a day.

    It's ok. Really. There is no timing or anything. That's all BS. It's perpetuated by a multi billion dollar industry that makes money off selling you stuff, like bars for a quick in between meals to "keep your metabolism working". You've been fed a lot of BS for many years. You need to read up, deconstruct what you think you know, and relearn about nutrition and exercise..

    Stay here and be open minded.
  • amandacowan1978
    amandacowan1978 Posts: 50 Member
    Breakfast is by far my biggest meal of the day, especially if I work out before hand. I guess it's good to remember that everyone is different. But I know very few people who make it a point to eat a good healthy breakfast who ever complain about having trouble losing weight and having enough energy to make it to lunch time and dinnertime without feeling sleepy.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Getting your day's worth of calories relative to your goal is the most important meal.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    i have tried eating a large breakfast, only to go wayy over my calories. My body naturally tends to want to eat in the evenings. I have lost a lot of weight before by cutting out breakfast and saving those calories for later on.. My doc said that was fine, calories are calories, take them now or take them later when you get hungry...

    I'm never very hungry in the morning, so I have a very small breakfast, a bigger mid-day meal, and the biggest meal in the evening. It seems to work for me and fits best with work and social life. It's nice getting most of the way through the day and still having a lot of calories left too!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I have my tea and milk in the morning and then a snack at 10am (yogurt & Fruit) I rarely eat breakfast.....
    why? because I'm not hungry....
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    What do you guys eat for breakfast? I see so many posts about breakfast and trying to keep it lo-cal and i just wonder why? It's called break-fast for a reason. It's the meal that jump starts your metabolism for the day, so why would you short change your body nutritionally by skimping?

    I've lost 20lbs in 4 months (3 before joining MFP) and I rarely RARELY eat breakfast that consists of less than 400-500 calories. I exercise and I RARELY eat less than 1800 calories a day. I'm 5'9" so it's not like I'm super tall. I've gone from roughly 27-30% fat to 20-22% fat. I make sure I eat a varied diet that includes carbs, protein, fat, etc. No food is off limits but I do tend to stay away from processed things.

    So I guess I'm just wondering why so many folks here seem to cheat themselves with their breakfasts?
    It was a slogan created by the cereal companies. There isn't any scientific clinical studies to show that breakfast "jump starts" metabolism. There isn't any evidence that people who don't eat it can't lose weight. There is CORRELATION that people who do skip it tend to be more overweight, but let's face it, they are over weight by over consumption, not because they don't eat breakfast.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • snrhea
    snrhea Posts: 8
    I usually have my shake for breakfast but if I don't have that I'll have an egg with a slice of toast; my breakfast is 250 calories or less. I'm just not a breakfast eater and I do not wake up and instantly crave large amounts of food. I'm not shortchanging my body of any nutrients just because I don't eat a higher calorie breakfast.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    What do you guys eat for breakfast? I see so many posts about breakfast and trying to keep it lo-cal and i just wonder why? It's called break-fast for a reason. It's the meal that jump starts your metabolism for the day, so why would you short change your body nutritionally by skimping?

    I've lost 20lbs in 4 months (3 before joining MFP) and I rarely RARELY eat breakfast that consists of less than 400-500 calories. I exercise and I RARELY eat less than 1800 calories a day. I'm 5'9" so it's not like I'm super tall. I've gone from roughly 27-30% fat to 20-22% fat. I make sure I eat a varied diet that includes carbs, protein, fat, etc. No food is off limits but I do tend to stay away from processed things.

    So I guess I'm just wondering why so many folks here seem to cheat themselves with their breakfasts?
    It was a slogan created by the cereal companies. There isn't any scientific clinical studies to show that breakfast "jump starts" metabolism. There isn't any evidence that people who don't eat it can't lose weight. There is CORRELATION that people who do skip it tend to be more overweight, but let's face it, they are over weight by over consumption, not because they don't eat breakfast.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Great point. A nutritionist once told me the reason she wanted me to eat breakfast is because when she looked at my food log, lunch was off the charts. She said, maybe if you eat breakfast, you won't be ravenous when lunch rolls around. Lol. For me, it did help a lot.
  • irenematilda
    irenematilda Posts: 45 Member
    I'm not a great fan of eating within a few hours of getting up and so it's not unusual for me not to bother with breakfast. On the other hand, I do like to eat in the evening and don't have a problem with having a snack at nine or ten at night - or maybe even later - provided it doesn't take me over my calorie limit for the day and I've established with myself that I am actually hungry and not just eating for the sake of it.

    It's always mystified me why the 'experts' who tell us that breakfast is essential are usually the same people who tell us to 'listen to your body'. Mine would be screaming 'No!, No, not the breakfast! Anything but the breakfast... aaaarrrgggghh!' if I forced the issue. When I've tried it in the past, all it's meant is that I've started eating earlier, and I'll still want that snack in the evening, even if I'm already over my allowance (because the breakfast I didn't want earlier put me there!). This means I'll either give in (and feel bad) or spend the evening trying to resist the temptation to gnaw my own arm off (and feeling bad).

    If I'm honest, I don't think the 'breakfast is vital' line would be nearly as widely used if it weren't for the huge cereal companies that have been subtly pushing it to us over the years. I can see why it might be a sight more important to them that I eat breakfast than it is to me. I think taking in less calories than I burn during my day is the most important thing. Eating for the sake of it is bad enough, but eating for the sake of it when I don't even want to is just plain bizarre.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Breakfast is by far my biggest meal of the day, especially if I work out before hand. I guess it's good to remember that everyone is different. But I know very few people who make it a point to eat a good healthy breakfast who ever complain about having trouble losing weight and having enough energy to make it to lunch time and dinnertime without feeling sleepy.

    Glad that works for you. As long as you get total calories and good macros for the day, your meal timing should be driven by personal preference and overall performance. There are many, including me, to whom eating breakfast is no factor in weight loss and there is research in the form of peer reviewed studies that indicates timing is irrelevant. I chose to rely on that data as opposed to the info you've recieved from the people you know. That would not be considered a reliable and scientific proof source. More like anecdotal info.

    Should you care to learn more, here is a link to a thread with links to actual research:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • Weekdays and the routine of work makes for an easier (though sometimes forced) breakast every morning. My wife and I commute and she eats less than I do. But we split a bagel, grab coffee at Starbucks and I add a Greek yogurt. It makes my breakfast consistently 360. I also make sure to have some fruit within a few hours to tide me over until lunch. I do eat a snack between lunch and dinner, but dinner remains my big meal of the day, contrary to how much is written about eating less as the day progresses.