Bonus Calories for Cardio???



  • stu236
    stu236 Posts: 44
    For me not eating them back works well. There was point when I was eating them back and I started to gain weight. I have since stop and the weight I gained is coming back off.

    And there we have nice to know I'm not alone in doing what works for me!

    Well done mate:)
  • dea5311
    dea5311 Posts: 8 Member
    What works for one person does not always work for everyone.
  • stu236
    stu236 Posts: 44
    What works for one person does not always work for everyone.

    I have stated this once or twice me it's pretty obvious. Keep up the good work and good luck in reaching your goals:)
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    it really blows my mind that people still think you aren't supposed to eat back your calories. Just a recipe for disaster. If you're doing TDEE that's fine, your exercise calories are already baked in... but if not... come on, It's just math people. The post above is perfect. If it's not working, it's not because of the exercise calories, it's because something else is wrong.

    I sometimes consume over 3000 calories on days where I do long runs or a ton of exercise. I haven't gained back a pound.


    Plus I exercise so I do not feel like I am starving. I earned them, I eat them. I am not depriving myself for the off chance I might lose weight faster, all while killing my metabolism.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Go by how you feel. If you feel good and have energy don't eat them back. - Listen to your body.

    If you'r hungry - eat....just make sure you eat something good (lean protean, veggies or fruit).

    I didn't eat them back and didn't experience starvation mode - beware of blanket statements about starvation mode.

    I started by eating mine back but this is now how I do it. That said the difference between 'I'm good I don't need to eat them back' and 'raging starving beast who would hunt you down and eat you if she weren't also fatigued' is a lot narrower than I wish it were. So when in doubt, at least eat some back.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When the hell did it start snowing in here?
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    When the hell did it start snowing in here?

    I do not understand what this means. Please enlightened me.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    MFP as normally set up, has your deficit built in. So your exercise calories can be eaten back.

    Problem here is that exercise calories are horrifyingly inaccurate. The treadmill may say you burned 500, but it could be anywhere. That is why so many people suggest eating back only HALF your exercise calories.

    If you create too large of a deficit for the amount of fat that you have to lose, then you will degrade muscle mass significantly. Fat cells can only supply so much energy per day. This is why we all can't just go on an intense hike one day and come back ripped.

    Eat them back or not, it is up to you. Just make sure you eat above your BMR every day and you'll be fine.
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    I use an HRM from Timex for most all my workouts. I calibrated its output against various runs, of which there are several calculators available for so it's a nice metric. Be it a 5k or 10K when I was heavier it over-estimated by about 33%!! Now that I'm a bit lighter it's off by about 25%. Something's goofed in it's calculations. So I log 75% of what it tells me now. So yeah, I agree. Cast a wary eye to those calorie burn numbers you're seeing, always good to be conservative/double check those numbers. Good points DanaDark!
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    When the hell did it start snowing in here?

    I do not understand what this means. Please enlightened me.

    I believe it means that there are people in the thread who think they are "special snowflakes", i.e. they claim that something that does in fact work for everyone, doesn't work for just them, when it is more likely they are just not doing it correctly.

    Disclaimer: I am interpreting the saying and not trying to insult anyone.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    When the hell did it start snowing in here?

    I do not understand what this means. Please enlightened me.

    I believe it means that there are people in the thread who think they are "special snowflakes", i.e. they claim that something that does in fact work for everyone, doesn't work for just them, when it is more likely they are just not doing it correctly.

    Disclaimer: I am interpreting the saying and not trying to insult anyone.

    Love it, makes sense and thanks.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I really like when people say, "I don't do it the way 99% of you do it! That doesn't work for me!!!"

    My ticker shows 48 pounds lost. Yours shows 2 pounds lost in the past five months.

    Okay, so...? Maybe it's time to try something new? It can't hurt. Just try it.

    (Not targeting anyone with the ticker example. It was just an example.)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    I wanna be a special snowflake. :cry:

    I go by the numbers on my fitbit which includes all my exercise, usually coming in between 300-500 calories under what it says my TDEE is, and end up losing weight during the month (I weigh once a week and average it out at the end of the month for my official weigh in).

    I tend to think that the people who gain weight while eating their exercise calories back after not doing so, didn't eat them back for so long that their bodies got used to the lower calories.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    Eating them back seems silly at first. But it is is the key to keeping your body losing and also it makes you feel like you're not dieting. It also mimics real life. when you get to maintenance it works the very same way...when you exercise you get to eat more and stay the same size. It is a process..a journey... a grand conclusion. Not the usual quick know.. you blow right up like a balloon after you hit goal.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When the hell did it start snowing in here?

    I do not understand what this means. Please enlightened me.

    I believe it means that there are people in the thread who think they are "special snowflakes", i.e. they claim that something that does in fact work for everyone, doesn't work for just them, when it is more likely they are just not doing it correctly.

    Disclaimer: I am interpreting the saying and not trying to insult anyone.

    exactly...there are no snow flakes...this is science and mathematics.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    ......I tend to think that the people who gain weight while eating their exercise calories back after not doing so, didn't eat them back for so long that their bodies got used to the lower calories.

    That and they tend to be negligent in measuring and weighing (I was one of these and used to just eyeball stuff...when I was thinking I was having a cup of something I was actually having 1.5 cups...when I was supposed to have a 2oz serving of pasta, I'd just pick up a handful and it turns out it was closer to 4 oz, etc)...they tend to lack consistency in logging (that was me too)...they tend to believe things like alcohol don't count (yup, been there done that)...they tend to think there are magic negative calorie foods or if you just eat more vegetables, the fat will just melt off (now how did I know that...yup...used to be me too)...and the list could go on and on.

    Once I started listening to veterans on this forum, everything changed for me and I've now been consistently losing 1 Lb per week on average over the last couple of months. When I first started, I was all over the place after having lost 6 Lbs on my own...then gaining...then losing...then gaining, etc. There's a lot of people on this forum who know what the **** they're talking about.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    When the hell did it start snowing in here?

    I do not understand what this means. Please enlightened me.

    I believe it means that there are people in the thread who think they are "special snowflakes", i.e. they claim that something that does in fact work for everyone, doesn't work for just them, when it is more likely they are just not doing it correctly.

    Disclaimer: I am interpreting the saying and not trying to insult anyone.

    exactly...there are no snow flakes...this is science and mathematics.

    Dangit, I am a special snowflake. Just not when it comes to weight loss.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I really like when people say, "I don't do it the way 99% of you do it! That doesn't work for me!!!"

    My ticker shows 48 pounds lost. Yours shows 2 pounds lost in the past five months.

    Okay, so...? Maybe it's time to try something new? It can't hurt. Just try it.

    (Not targeting anyone with the ticker example. It was just an example.)

    Considering you've lost 48lbs in 24 days, I wouldn't want to lose like you do. Completely not sustainable, especially if other people have a lot less to lose.
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    I don't think there will ever be a "right" answer for this. There is a lot of opinion though.

    Depending on how much you have to lose, you may not need to worry about "starvation" mode. That only occurs when bodyfat % get really low. (There are lots of studies but i'm too lazy to link them). Think of it like this... those who go through weight loss surgery are essentially drastically reducing the intake they need to feel full. I belive right after they are on a 600 calorie diet per day. They have a lot to lose so it's ok for them (or me because I have plenty to lose).

    Eating provides energy. If you are working out to just burn calories, then you can
    just eat less (that's not always easy to do). Some people work out to be able to eat the greasy burger and fries w/o gaining. Some workout because they want to improve heart/lung health, some workout because they want to run faster, or lift more. That last group of ppl need energy to rebuild and fuel their workout and should eat their calories (IMO). As long as you have pleny to lose, you are not in any danger of starvation mode. Do what works best for you and helps you stay on track.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I really like when people say, "I don't do it the way 99% of you do it! That doesn't work for me!!!"

    My ticker shows 48 pounds lost. Yours shows 2 pounds lost in the past five months.

    Okay, so...? Maybe it's time to try something new? It can't hurt. Just try it.

    (Not targeting anyone with the ticker example. It was just an example.)

    Considering you've lost 48lbs in 24 days, I wouldn't want to lose like you do. Completely not sustainable, especially if other people have a lot less to lose.

    No idea where you got that idea from. Here are dates from her profile:

    331: 25 pounds lost - achieved 8/8/12

    325: safely under the Wii Fit weight limit (330) - achieved 8/24/12

    314: my weight when I met my boyfriend - achieved 11/30/12

    309: BMI under 50 - achieved 1/24/13

    Looks like they're losing on average 4 lbs. per month. assumed they didn't start losing until they joined this site. Not so.