Hi everyone! New Here!

Hi Everyone. I'm new to myfitnesspal. I downloaded the app to my phone a few days ago and this is my first time snooping around the community. I'm a 23 year old female, single mom, and college student. I'm hoping to lose around 50 lbs. and get to 150 lbs., then see where I want to go from there. Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone, and if anyone has any good advice, I'm all ears!


  • sub150
    sub150 Posts: 1

    I just joined a couple weeks ago, and I'm already seeing results. You can do it! 2 most important things: (1) log everything on here and (2) when you slip up, don't beat yourself up. If you're on a 1500 calorie diet and eat 1800 one day, that's still probably way better than what you were eating last month! Just promise yourself you'll do better tomorrow. The shame spiral is deadly.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks, that's really good adivice, and something I have to get better about. Every time I've tried dieting before, I slip up, and then I guilt myself into letting everything fall apart. I just keep telling myself that this isn't just another diet, it's a lifestyle change, and I'm in this for the long term.
  • bamakid43
    bamakid43 Posts: 15 Member
    It is a lifestyle change..I've learned that diets don't work. You have to change what you are doing and go for it. Everyone's different and you know what's best for your body (I do because I've lost 70 lbs before and I know what it takes). So make the change in your life... don't give up if you have a bad day.. Keep pressing ahead top your goal.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    anyone can add me the more support the better
  • Hi Everyone , I am new to myfitnespal and would welcome some encouragment from likeminded people.
  • Ladynikki1
    Ladynikki1 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome, I also just recently joined and our goals seem to be similar. Looking for friends with like goals!

  • Jfrerichs
    Jfrerichs Posts: 32 Member
    I agree about not worrying when you mess up. I used to just give up when I had a bad day or two - now I just move on and get back on the wagon. Having support is key, so please add me (anyone) if you would like. Just knowing that other people are seeing what I'm doing is motivation and support.