Moms with small child(ren) me out!

This post is specifically for moms with small child(ren):

How do you stay motivated between working, cooking, cleaning, fussing, chasing, bathing, feeding, reading, playing, coloring,etc... and still workout? Had it not been for the pole fitness class I went to, I would have no exercise to speak of this week. I have my son on a schedule to go to bed at 8pm. But in about 2 minutes, here comes the pitter patter of little feet headed my way. I've tried to workout while he is awake, but that's when he wants to play and I'm scared I won't see him run behind or in front of me and I'll accidently kick him or something (a few close calls). Morning are impossible because I'm exhausted from trying to get him into bed. I really am one of those people who feel it's hard to function without 7 or more hours of sleep. Do I just suck it up and kick him in the head while working out or what?? (Just kidding). Real advice from real moms please. Thanks!


  • Honeybea86
    I joined the gym with a kids club my little ones play and run off their energy while I run off my extra weight!
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I have a ten month old daughter and the husband doesn't get home until 10 or 11 at night. So as soon as I get off at five, it's just me and her until she goes to bed... It was really hard at first, now I just kind of have a schedule or a routine I try to stick to as much as possible. That way I can get her needs taken care of on top of cooking, cleaning, all that stuff. I wait until she goes to bed and I workout out. One Mon, Wed, and Fri I work out for about an hour and then on Tues and Thurs I only work out for 30 min and focus on the house more. You just have to find what works for you and keep at it.

    Edited to Add: I LOVE MY CROCKPOT. It has been a lifesaver on many occasions.
  • LoveTexas
    I got a baby gate lol I put my son in his room with every toy that I can find and let him go crazy for an hour while I workout. It has always worked for me.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    how old is he? is he old enough to "join in" with the exercise video? My kids do (one is almost 3, the other 6) if I do an exercise video. I keep them quite far from me though (far enough away that they don't get hit or kicked by accident). I also bought them some dumbbells, they're the kind that are empty plastic that you fill with water, well I just didn't fill them with water. This kind of thing sets a good example for kids too, it's not just about what's convenient for you.

    When I do weights, I save that for when they're at school/nursery, or if someone else is at home who can watch them. There's no way I'll let them in the same room as me if I'm lifting, totally not safe. this of course depends on having someone around who doesn't mind watching the kids while you work out.
  • no1belongs
    ok i have a 4 year old lil girl so i can understand the stress. if you are working out at home if he is old enough have him do it with you or give him some activities within eye shot of to do while you work out. you have to figure out the time. it took me a long time to get out of my own way with this same issue but finally i found the hour i have that i have commited to me time. hang in there also what honeybea said is a great idea too, if its possible ^_^
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    I've got A one year old son, i usually leave him with daddy while i go of into my exercise room. Usually about 8pm at night. Good luck to u
  • TheManda27
    TheManda27 Posts: 42 Member

    I do feel your pain. I have two girls aged 9 and 4 and they want (and deserve) a lot of attention. One of the benefits I have found is that when I do exercise I have far more patience and energy to give them better quality attention. Now, for me the scheduling does completely depend on what kind of day it is. Most days the girls want to try and do the videos with me so I just make sure I clear enough space and let them go at it. My four year old usually ends up getting distracted by something shiny and runs around but she is still close enough to me that I can see her. Sometimes if it's a big rush I make them dinner sit them down to eat and exercise then. Sometimes I will take them skating, public swimming or to walk to dogs in order to get some exercise in. I find just looking at your day and seeing what you can fit in but sticking with the fact that you must fit it in helps. Last night was really busy so I only did 20 mins, on the days when I can find a bit more I do 40. I also try to do things like squats, lunges, dips or whatever I can squeeze in while standing around making dinner; if you have a staircase to go up and down do that several times whenever you get a break.

    I think it’s a great thing for your kids to see you exercising and putting effort into your health. It teaches them that it is important to take care of yourself and maintain a healthy lifestyle plus as a bonus makes you a happy more energetic mom.

    Best of luck!
  • Tonya0605
    Tonya0605 Posts: 111 Member
    Consistency is key. I have four children (18, 16, 10 and almost 2). Of course the older ones hold their own, my almost-two year usually sits on the bed and color or play games on my phone, watch/giggle and cheer me on when I'm on the treadmill. When it's time for pilates/yoga, she does it with me. She has her own stretch band and loves doing the moves, too. However, I do it EVERY night at 7pm. She expects it and knows it's exercise time so there is no issue. Granted, when I first started, she wanted me to stop and play or get her something, etc. but I just told her, "in a few minutes." Eventually, those "few minutes" pushed out to 30 mins then an hour. Now, it's not an issue.

    ETA: my hubby works nights.
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    I have two boys 7 and 10 so they may be more self efficent then yours but I just make time.. I flat tell them mom is going to work out.. I am doing _____ whatever DVD it is and you can sit anf watch TV or play your game (video I know bad me) or workout with me. Sometimes i make the older one workout with me. Even if it is only thirty minutes I make time.. You have to not feel bad making time for yourself to get healthy... When they were younger I just kind of did it around them...

    Find something they like to do with you that is exercing... walking, biking
  • chiajanine
    my daughter is only 6 months... so i'm screwed!! and i work full time. get home after 6:30 pm, try to shovel food in my mouth, give her a bath, bottle, bed. the kid never sleeps! even at day care. only kid that's always awake.... needless to say after she DOES fall asleep i'm too tired to work out :( i can try in the am before work (my husband is already gone though, so i have baby) - but if she's up, i'm stuck fat and not working out again! i wish i had help for you!!
  • paleirishmother
    I have a 2yr old and a 7month old. I have to do what I can when I can. Usually this means at 1130pm, when the kids are in bed I try to get in 20minutes of exercise before I go to sleep.
  • 30ismyyear
    30ismyyear Posts: 145 Member
    Might be easier said than done but.....

    take him outside and chase him! Play tag! Race with him! Boys have sooooo much energy (I have 3, I know!) so it's really a win-win-win. You'll burn some calories, he'll burn some energy and you'll be spending good quality time with each other. And getting fresh air!!!! Another win!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I wake up at 3:45 in the morning to workout while my 2.5-year-old is still asleep. It sucks, but it's the only time I've got.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    hi there. i have a 2yr and 6yr old BOYS. i have a gym with daycare that they LOVE and sometimes i am "forced" to work out because they HAVE to go meet their friends. sometimes when i work out at home, they either join me, ignore me or make my life impossible. So, i yell in my very mean voice :explode: "GET OUT!!! IM EXERCISING!!!" :mad: " and then they run away laughin or jump on the bed but eventually do go away. i aso have a joggin stroller. the older takes his bike and i take the stroller..of course this usually means we have to stop by the park, stop for water breaks, stop to look at the water, stop to look at the bugs etc... or you can try waking up at 5-530am and workout and pray that they dont get up. but yup its HARD!!! good luck :wink:
  • nmn2
    nmn2 Posts: 123 Member
    This post is specifically for moms with small child(ren):

    How do you stay motivated between working, cooking, cleaning, fussing, chasing, bathing, feeding, reading, playing, coloring,etc... and still workout? Had it not been for the pole fitness class I went to, I would have no exercise to speak of this week. I have my son on a schedule to go to bed at 8pm. But in about 2 minutes, here comes the pitter patter of little feet headed my way. I've tried to workout while he is awake, but that's when he wants to play and I'm scared I won't see him run behind or in front of me and I'll accidently kick him or something (a few close calls). Morning are impossible because I'm exhausted from trying to get him into bed. I really am one of those people who feel it's hard to function without 7 or more hours of sleep. Do I just suck it up and kick him in the head while working out or what?? (Just kidding). Real advice from real moms please. Thanks!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I stayed home with my two boys. Yes, kids never give you down time, and that can be tough. But I think most of us can find a way. We had one car. i had to pick my wife up from work. I used to drive to pick her up, and then I got out of the car, she took over driving, and I ran home. It wasn't super great. It did not work every day. But, it allowed me to get exercise in, and to be home within half an hour of when everyone else did.
    You can work things out like this. You just have to be willing to compromise and take what you can get.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    I have a 2 year old and a 10 year old. I make my son ride his bike next to me while I still little bit in the jogging stroller. BAM! Also, when I work out to DVD's (RI 30 right now) I give her a 2lb weight and she "works out" with me. I LOVE it!!!:heart:
  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member
    I have a 4 & 6 years old. I workout from home, the older one usually watch tv in my bed (special treat when I do my exercise) the little often join me, I did kick him a couple of time but never really hard and he thinks it's funny. But I usually wait until they are in bed to exercise. They go down around 7pm. They are up at 6am so I need to put them down early enough. Someday it's hard to find the energy to do exercise after a full day of working, cooking, homework etc. but once I start I am usually good. Make sure you are eating enough to keep you going. Good luck, it's not easy but it get better with time, they understand it's mommy time and leave me alone.
  • terriph718
    terriph718 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a 5 and a 2 yr old, a night worker husband and i work fulltime.. I get up at 6am and work out while they are asleep. Recently they started waking up early too. I workout with them in the room . Sleep is a sacrifice for better health. and no workouts on the weekend. something to look forward to every week.
  • nmn2
    nmn2 Posts: 123 Member
    Just kick him! Kids are tougher than we think, lol! Just kidding, obviously! I know EXACTLY how you feel! I wish I had some awesome advice for you but I'm dealing with the exact same struggle except I stay home with my 2 and 3 year olds and am trying to run a small business from my home at the same time. I tried to a zumba dvd with the kids underfoot and I was so paranoid I was going to step on them i quit after maybe 15 minutes. Just keep doing the best you can that's all we can do!