Breakfast is the most important meal??



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I'm starving in the morning. If I don't eat breakfast then I'll be starving come lunch time and I will make unhealthy choices. Breakfast keeps me full and satisfied until lunch time.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    What do you guys eat for breakfast? I see so many posts about breakfast and trying to keep it lo-cal and i just wonder why? It's called break-fast for a reason. It's the meal that jump starts your metabolism for the day, so why would you short change your body nutritionally by skimping?

    I've lost 20lbs in 4 months (3 before joining MFP) and I rarely RARELY eat breakfast that consists of less than 400-500 calories. I exercise and I RARELY eat less than 1800 calories a day. I'm 5'9" so it's not like I'm super tall. I've gone from roughly 27-30% fat to 20-22% fat. I make sure I eat a varied diet that includes carbs, protein, fat, etc. No food is off limits but I do tend to stay away from processed things.

    So I guess I'm just wondering why so many folks here seem to cheat themselves with their breakfasts?

    I dunno, everyone has different things that work for them. One size does not fit all. My preferences for eating are different from yours and different from the post above and below me?

    Also, it does not "jump start" your metabolism. Yet one more dietary fallacy that refuses to die.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Well . . .eating in general "boosts your metabolism" so whether your "breakfast" is at 6am or 6pm really is of no importance.

    If you're hungry for breakfast when you wake up by all means eat it.

    Just don't feel like you're doing your body some great disservice if you decide to wait until you're actually hungry to break your fast.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Your post comes across as pretty judgmental.

    My breakfast is usually my lunch. I generally don't eat until around noon (only on a rare occasion do I.) Why? Because I'm not hungry. Why would I eat when I'm not hungry when that's one of the reasons I'm overweight? Coffee in the morning, then the gym, then "breakfast" (lunch.) Two meals plus snacks works for me and breakfast does not.
  • di1428
    di1428 Posts: 165 Member
    What do you guys eat for breakfast? I see so many posts about breakfast and trying to keep it lo-cal and i just wonder why? It's called break-fast for a reason. It's the meal that jump starts your metabolism for the day, so why would you short change your body nutritionally by skimping?

    I've lost 20lbs in 4 months (3 before joining MFP) and I rarely RARELY eat breakfast that consists of less than 400-500 calories. I exercise and I RARELY eat less than 1800 calories a day. I'm 5'9" so it's not like I'm super tall. I've gone from roughly 27-30% fat to 20-22% fat. I make sure I eat a varied diet that includes carbs, protein, fat, etc. No food is off limits but I do tend to stay away from processed things.

    So I guess I'm just wondering why so many folks here seem to cheat themselves with their breakfasts?

    this is something i am working on..........i hardly ever eat breakfast and know i need to .
    the main answer to your question would be, for me is i am not hungry in morning..and why eat if im not hungry?
    this is/was my method of thinking but after losing weight and now at a standstill, trying to change things up..
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    And I guess I meant to direct this post towards those trying to lose weight. If you're not concerned where your metabolism is at then I suppose this doesn't apply.

    meal timing does not affect your metabolism significantly.

    in fact, saving my calories for later in the day has allowed me to be successful in losing weight, I am very happy to have more snacks at night,,,in front of the makes me satisfied, where i used to stress about eating later.

    and i am losing weight

    I know I have done this before, as well. Sort of save my calories for evenings, because I was so used to dinner being the biggest meal of the day, because that's basically our culture, as Americans. Some other cultures feel bf or lunch should be the biggest meal. I can say though, while you are losing weight, you could possibly be losing more weight. When you don't eat breakfast, your body thinks it is starving, after all you've hopefully just gone atleast 8 hours, without eating. If you try and get used to eating at certain times, your body will know when it's going to eat again, and so it won't try to hold on to calories, until it gets more. To increase metabolism, we should eat every 2-3 hours, and breakfast should be eaten within 1-2 hours after waking up. Of course it is your choice, and I'm not bashing your decision. Just saying you could be eating more calories if your metabolism could get a boost! :smile:
  • tonyrocks922
    tonyrocks922 Posts: 172 Member
    BMR is affected by the morning meal.

    Why do you come on here and post outright incorrect things as fact?
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I have found that if I wait a couple of hours after I get up to eat (meaning,most days, I only have some coffee until I get to work, then I eat something smallish, like oatmeal and a banana, there), I tend to eat/snack WAY less throughout the day. But that's just me, everyone is different...
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    When you don't eat breakfast, your body thinks it is starving, after all you've hopefully just gone atleast 8 hours, without eating. If you try and get used to eating at certain times, your body will know when it's going to eat again, and so it won't try to hold on to calories, until it gets more. To increase metabolism, we should eat every 2-3 hours, and breakfast should be eaten within 1-2 hours after waking up. Of course it is your choice, and I'm not bashing your decision. Just saying you could be eating more calories if your metabolism could get a boost! :smile:

    This is all complete myth and nonsense with no basis in fact. Your body does not think it's starving after sleeping for 8 hours. It take roughly 72 hours without food for adaptive thermogenesis to happen. Eating every 2 to 3 hours does nothing to your metabolism. If your are refering to Thermic Effect of Food it is the same no matter how often you eat given that calories and macronutrients are help constant. Please stop with this stuff and read the link to the studies that was posted earlier in this thread. There is nothing you can do with meal timing that has any effect on metabolism!!!
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    I like getting my breakfast in or around 400-500 calories. It sets me up for a good day emotionally and physically, especially as my apatite has been waning as the day goes on lately.
    If I don't get such a breakfast then it tends to screw me up a bit...such as today. Whoops.
  • veganashley
    veganashley Posts: 70 Member
    Well, for me, breakfast actually is the most important meal of the day. If I don't start with a healthy and filling breakfast, I'm hungry all day long. It makes a big difference for me. I assume this is because I tend not to anything eat after dinner, so I'm really hungry by morning. And I almost always have a snack between breakfast and lunch. Eating more of my calories earlier in the day just keeps me more satisfied.