Oppinions please

Can anyone please look at my food diary for the last 3 or 4 days includeing today and tell me if I am on the right track please, if so then great, If not then what can do to tweak it in the right direction, I only put the last 3 or 4 days becuase I know the 2 days before that are bad because of pizza and starting out.


  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    Ok feedback all just to help you reach your goals.

    1) go in and add more items to follow. You need to follow your sodium count as this is a major one to watch. You can monitor up to 6 nutrients at once.

    2) you are not logging your sugar or milk if you are adding it to your coffee... Nore to your cereal unless you eat your cereal dry

    3) you are not eating enough calories throughout the day. This is a recipe for failure in many regards - you could lose weight but once you resume 'normal' eating you will gain all the weight back. - you may not see any weight loss because you are depriving your body of its much needed nutrients. Your body will hold on to the fat your body has as a means of protection its called starvation mode. - You are going to feel deprived and this will set you up for binges. - You will feel grumpy and tired and have no energy to workout properly.

    I suggest adding more whole foods to fill your daily allowed calories.

    Check out my food diary, and then go to my blog to see how all the ingredients come together for a meal.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Please tell me that you're not seriously eating 600-700 calories a day? If you really ate 637 calories yesterday and then worked 732 calories off...you're NEGATIVE -95 calories for the day. And where are your fruits and veggies? Losing weight means being healthy: eating a balanced diet and getting in enough food to fuel your body. 1200 NET calories is the minimum you should be getting in each day. That means yesterday you should have eaten 1932 calories total.

    Track your sodium. Frozen/prepacked food are loaded with sodium. Not good for your body at all and also cause you to bloat and your body to retain water.

    Track it all. Every.single.thing.that.goes.into.your.body.
  • Killeen_bride2be
    The salads have the iceburg letuce mix which has carrots in it and I add cucumbers and I dont add anything to my coffee. Since milk makes me sick in high amounts I ad literally a splash to my cereal and am not sure how to track it.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Lettuce is good (although spinach is more nutritious) but one cup of lettuce is only 1 serving of fruits/veggies. You need 5-7 and the tiny pieces of carrots in the lettuce mix don't count as a serving.

    It really comes down to basics. Losing weight is good, but losing it the healthy, smart way is better. USDA's website has an interactive guide to what you should be getting, it's a good place to start: http://www.mypyramid.gov/pyramid/index.html
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    woah, you need to eat some more. 600cals/day is not healthy at all.
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    if you don't know how to count your milk, measure it out... get out some measureing cups and spoons.

    also if you don't like spinach at least transition to romaine lettuce. Iceburg is virtually useless, romaine becuase it is a dark green has more nutrients to fuel your body.

    You need to start to look at food as fuel instead of depriving yourself only eating 600 calories a day is like driving in your car with the gas light on and driving on fumes. you're going to run out of gas. This will leave you feeling defeated and that isn't what you want. you want to see results and be proud of yourself.

    its a strange concept but you need to eat more to lose weight.