Kicking the Coca Cola habit - HELP



  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    Cold turkey :) as a kid it was all I drank, and I hated the taste of water. It made me feel nauseous to drink it!
    So when I was 13 I quit cold turkey. I got headaches for about a week and after that it was fine. I didn't drink tea/coffee back then so I didn't switch one caffeine addiction for another, either :)
    If you struggle to enjoy water I started by mixing honey and lemon into the water to make it sweet. Now I drink plain water all day long :) (although the honey & lemon juice water is great for a sore throat if you have a cold!)
    And after almost 7 years of no cola, if anyone offers me a sip now I gag at how horrid it tastes!
    Good luck :)
  • skinny_cigarettes
    swap to coke zero, and slowly limit the amount you have until one day you'll only grab one every couple of days :) worked for me and my mum
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    I gave up pop altogether beginning the 1st of this year... because I am getting married in September and I am really cutting back for it... But my suggestion for you if just cutting it out all together for an achievement or something to be proud of doesnt work for you then I would cut back the amount you drink each day and eventually you wont need it at all... Mind over Matter
  • wickedwendy6
    wickedwendy6 Posts: 117 Member
    Do some research into how bad it is for you, that might change your thinking - caffeine and sugar are both disgusting things to inflict on your body on a regular basis. And please don't take my suggestion lightly - I was always the person who said COKE IS IT! and could tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi just by smelling them! I couldn't understand why people would drink any other soft drink. Now I say COKE IS EVIL!!! I don't drink it AT ALL anymore - I have ONE soft drink a week, a fruit mineral water. So if I can do it then I reckon you can too. I wish you the best of luck and if you want to, friend request me and I can help you with it.

    The two books I read about sugar and caffeine are called Sweet Poison and Caffeine Blues - EXTREMELY eye-opening.
  • jj1973
    jj1973 Posts: 131 Member
    I don't buy coke for the house on my weekly shopping trips. Usually what happens is we go out to eat and I want one with the rich salty restaurant foods. The other times I cave are usually boring weekends when I decide I deserve a treat, so I run up to the local quick stop for a 2 liter.

    I also am weak when I hear a co-worker 'pop the top' of a coke can in the break room. Makes me want to RUN to the coke machine!!!

    But there are LOTS of good ideas here. I will be reading and re-reading them on my journey.

    Thanks everyone! Keep em coming.... :)
  • szuluaga0611
    what tea are you taking?
  • szuluaga0611
    You may try to start with changing to diet soda and then from there go to green tea. I've been drinking diet sodas for over 10 years, but when I started losing weight this time I started making green tea at home and only drinking diet soda when I ate out. About two weeks ago I committed to NO SODA of any kind. I'm not only drinking water and green tea, sweetened with Truvia. There are so many great health benefits that come from green tea, not to mention is speeds your metabolism. :) Good luck!
  • LorieLou91
    I just started the weight loss process and I totally understand! I love Coca-Cola (pop in general) and it takes a lot of will power not to order a coke whenever I go out to eat. I have started drinking lots of tea and Fuze Juice. The Fuze Juice Slenderize has a sweet taste, but is only 10-20 Calories depending on which flavor you choose. My favorite flavor is the Blueberry Raspberry. Mott's Light Apple Juice also tastes really good. Good luck! :)
  • priyasharma25
    for 2 weeks i have kept away from fizzy drinks such as coke/pepsi/dr pepper as much as i love them all! my new thing is sparking spring flavoured water--- and hey its working!!! loosin weight brilliantly (also due to diet loosing 2pounds a week)

    because i just am not prepared to give up that fizz so ive subsituted it!

    just try to find some that arent high in sugar- i live in the uk and ive found some decent ones!
  • jj1973
    jj1973 Posts: 131 Member
    I prefer Luzianne iced tea - it is just a black tea in a bag....has orange pekoe in it.