Just signed up for my first 5K nervous and excited

Started C25K about 2 months ago. Now have been running 3miles 3 times a week for 3weeks now. I just signed up for my first race in 1 week. Very excited but I am so nervous at the same time.


  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    You will love it. The feeling of crossing the finish line for the first time is amazing!

    I did my first 5k at week 4 and my second at week 8. I am getting ready to sign up for a 10k in March! ~phew~

    Good luck!!

    (Are you in the C25k group? It is a wonderful & supportive group.)
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    You'll do great! You can already run 3 miles, so on race day your adrenaline will be amped and you'll find those 3 miles even easier. Congratulations!
  • wvgirlnfl
    You will do great! Good luck!
  • india0728
    Congrats! There really is no greater feeling than running across that finish line. I can't wait to run another 10k this year. Good luck to you.
  • runningonmargaritas
    Awesome! It's such a great feeling to cross that finish line for the first time! Good Luck!
  • lazykerry
    lazykerry Posts: 31 Member
    Organized races are so much fun! I was really afraid to do a race because I always feel like people are watching/judging/laughing at me when I'm exercising in public (I'm sure some of you can relate?!) But it's so nice to have strangers cheering me on whether I'm running, jogging, walking, or crawwwwwling toward the finish line :)