Latest NSV - a huge one for me!! What was yours latest one?

mrsknash Posts: 51 Member
I finally stopped talking about starting C25K and actually downloaded the podcast, got off my *kitten* and did my first "run". In the pitch black, after a long day, in -2c temperatures with 90% humidity - which, in case you don't know means that the cold gets right to the bone and feels ten times colder!!

I felt like I was going to throw up by the time I got back to my house, but I did it to the letter, not a single cheat or slacking moment.

However, remind me not to have cucumber anytime before I go out next time!!!

I'm so proud of myself.

What was your latest NSV?


  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    That is way awesome! Well done! My latest NSV has just been making it to the gym consistently, 4-5x a week for the past 3 weeks. I'm really loving it. I used to exercise at my university gym and then couldn't go there anymore after I graduated. I finally took the plunge and got a membership at the YMCA last month and I LOVE IT! I love it so much more than my uni gym. Now, I really enjoy waking up early to go. It's so friendly and inviting. I can't stress this enough to everyone out there- if you don't like your gym, find another one that you really love!! It makes SUCH a huge difference!!!
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