Cravings (Week 2)

Hi Guys

So I am going on Week 2 of a diet where I am trying to stay under calorie and I am trying to avoid foods that mess with my head and make me feel like I failed and should just give up (ex Pizza, Fried Chicken, etc) at least for month one. I know eventually I might want to have these food again but I know right now they are no good!

I am learning how to say no! Especially when offered some of my favorites!

I just want to know how others deal with temptation what do people do to fight cravings?

HELP, I am especially craving like something fatty and greasy!


  • TJ26
    TJ26 Posts: 35
    To be honest I don't say no to those things I just eat them in extreme moderation. If it will throw you off the wagon maybe don't but I think you are more likely to stick to your new way of eating healthy if you dont say no to everything. If you eat a small portion of something you know is not good for you, kick your own butt at the gym a little harder tomorrow or eat extra, extra healthy for 3 days after. Reward yourself once in a while and just try to be healthy 98% of the time. Cheers :)
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    I'm not sure if I can be of much help. But maybe if you use some psychology. In your mind, you know that if you eat too much of that stuff, you will have to account for it in your food tracking. I agree with the previous poster, maybe you can eat just a little bit and that way you;ll stay under your calorie count. Just aim to stay under that calorie count. If you go over, get an extra walk or jog in to make up for it. I know it is hard as I also like the fatty fried foods, all that bad stuff, but this site has helped me tremendously, because even when I think I'm being "good", once I log those foods in, I can really see how much calories I ate. For example, I had a Chili's guiltless dinner on Saturday. I thought I was behaving. When I logged the food in, I had to exercise some that night so that I was below my calorie count. Like I said, the tracking has really helped me. Hang in there!, We're all going through some of the same things.