im failing.

I was doing so well. Dropped 27 pounds in 6 months, doing it the healthy way. Have about 3-5 pounds left. Then kablam.

I have been so hungry and am eating my calorie limit (1200) every day, and walking 2-4 miles every day. I also must confess that I have gone over on my calories rather epic-ally about 3 times in the past 2.5 weeks though....

Now I cant seem to move the scale. I think I also have sodium overload going on too.....

I am so close.

I have tried to add an areobic program into my routine, and do it a couple times a week if I have time. I work as a veterinary technician so my days can be anywhere from 8-14 hours long (usually about 12) so some days I just dont have time. But I am on my feet alot...

I dont know?!?!

Any suggestions to help get back on track? Fiber? More water?


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm making a bit of guess here, because I can't see your food diary.

    But, I don't think you're eating enough. You don't say if you're eating your exercise calories. Also, you don't define what "epically" going over your calories means. (for me, that would mean 1000 calories over....for some, closer to 100-200) The strong desire to eat more may be your body telling you that it's actually hungry, rather than you are "failing."

    If you have about 3-5 pounds to lose, you need to eat more. Your body doesn't want to release the last few (maybe extra to your vanity, but probably not to your body) pounds. If you're a vet tech, you're probably pretty active, which is another reason that 1200 calories a day is too low.

    Also, you may want to re-examine your goal. Maybe aiming for a waist measurement is better than aiming for a number on the scale.

    Try upping both your calories and the intensity of your workouts.
  • TonyaR
    TonyaR Posts: 78 Member
    I had sodium overload last week, and I drank lots and lots of water, took almost a week but my weight finally dropped! All I can suggest is lots and lots of water if you think it is sodium overload related! It works! Thank God! And don't quit, get back on the wagon so to speak, you CAN do it!!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I agree with Vivakay on the advice to eat more and up the intensity of the workouts. In my opinion, 1200 is probably too low for trying to shed those last few pounds. Our bodies REALLY don't want to get rid of our last bits of fat because that is there in case of a famine. So, if you are not feeding it enough, it is going to fear that you are in danger of starving. I would say up it to 1400. You don't say if you are doing weight training in addition to your cardio. If not, I would recommend doing that as well. When we get down to the last few pounds, our bodies would rather consume our lean muscle than our fat (as ridiculous as that seems) so it is important to be maintaining it with weight training exercises.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Add weight training to your workout. Nothing too intense, adding a resistance routine can help to boost your calorie burn infinitely both in and out of the gym.
  • KateDonnelly
    I agree with everyone that perhaps you are too calorie restricted. My doctor told me to up mine from 1300 to eighteen since I am within ten pounds of my goal weight. He said working out and making long term healthy choices is what will shave those last ten pounds off and he said not to worry about the numbers so much as watching portion size and making healthy choices. He also said not to worry about the intensity and duration of my workouts so much as just increasing my activity level so that I am moderately active four to six times a week. I am going to aim for the midway mark in all that. I feel like I make a lot of progress doing it the MFP way but what my doctor said has helped me FEEL better about what I am doing which makes me stick with it in the long run! Good luck and keep on keeping on!
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    How much water are you drinking? Try pounding the water everyday.. Are you watching your sodium intake? If you're consuming a lot of sodium your body will hold on to the water. By drinking more water if flushes sodium and keeps you clean and clear.

    Also, how much fiber do you eat a day? Try to get 25-40 grams of fiber a day. I take a powder called psyllium husk powder, it's 8 grams of fiber per serving and I take twice daily.. When I first started taking it, I dropped 3 pounds in my colon within a couple of days. I love this stuff. It's heart healthy and amazing for regularity.. Maybe your colon could use a "clean out"...

    Those are a couple of my suggestions. Good luck and just keep being good!
  • jadenfox
    jadenfox Posts: 43 Member
    thanks guys.

    To clear up some stuff: My epic fail was eating almost 1500 calories over my limit. As for my excercize cals, most times, I do eat them. Sometimes I am too exhausted to eat and its way past bed time when I am done with my stuff to eat. I am pretty active most days at work- its literally wresting time some days.
  • ycastillo
    ycastillo Posts: 4
    Should consider doing the Shakeology 3 day cleanse, IT WORLS!!!

    The Shake Cleanse is meant to jump start you in your fitness, break a plateau or shed a few pounds fast & effectively in a healthy way.

    The basics are as follows

    3 SHAKEOLOGY Shakes a day
    2 Cups of Green Tea a Day
    1 piece of fruit a day
    ! salad for dinner
    Only white grilled protein in salad


    Only Low Fat Dressings.

    You can put your 2 snacks before/after any of the MAJOR MEALS-Breakfast Lunch & Dinner

    The fruit was optional, and I actually discouraged it some of you will need the calories where others would not. Power workout participants(Super Conditioned- not the weight challenged) are recommended the greater calories.
    *** For maximum results NO additives.

    I also said NO DIARY products at all for maximum results, no almond soy or rice milk,

    Dinner salad was only WHITE GRILLED PROTEIN. Poultry or fish.

    REPEAT all 3 Days

    1 cup of green tea
    I used Triple Leaf Detox Tea

    Shakeology 140 calories
    1 scoop
    ½ cup of fruit (60-90 calories)-optional
    add ice
    8-10 oz of water

    SNACK (85 calories)
    1 piece of fruit
    - Apple, pear, orange, banana mango, etc

    Shakeology (140 calories)
    1 scoop
    Add ice
    10 oz of water

    1 cup of green tea
    I used Triple Leaf Detox Tea

    (either snack here or after dinner one or the other)
    Shakeology (140 calories)
    1 scoop
    Add ice
    8-10 oz of water

    Salad Grilled white fish or poultry (340 calories)

    (either snack here or after dinner one or the other)
    Shakeology (140 calories)
    1 scoop
    Add ice
    8-10 oz of water

    You can learn more about Shakeology and order from my website: