Looking for pregnancy pals!


I'm expecting my first baby and trying to stay motivated to keep active and eat healthily throughout my pregnancy.

If anyone is in the same boat or has had a healthy pregnancy and can share their tips... would be great to hear from you!

Kel x


  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I had an unhealthy pregnancy, I gained like 30 lbs during my girlfriends haha. Tell your man to avoid overeating ahh! Or sympathy eating!
  • MAT221
    MAT221 Posts: 5
    I am in the same boat!! I have gained about 20 pounds since I got married (2 years ago). I was in the middle of working to get that weight off when I found out I was pregnant. I know it is inevitable to gain weight, I just want to do it the healthy way! Any ideas of what is a healthy amount of calories to consume? I am tracking my foods for nutrition purpoposes (vitamins, etc), and would like to make sure I am not going crazy with the calories!
  • I had noticed he was getting a bit rounder! haha

    I think you pretty much stick to the same amount of calories (2000) and then add on 200-300 during the 2nd/3rd trimester. I was really ill during the first trimester but I have still managed to put on a stone so far. Trying to keep active with a pregnancy work out and pilates but feel huge at the moment. Some days I struggle to eat and am under my calorie goal and then over days I am really hungry and go well over so I guess it is all balancing out...

    I'm the same as you trying to make sure I get all my vitamins and the right amount of everything!

  • MAT221
    MAT221 Posts: 5
    What kind of workouts are you doing??
  • Oh I will certainly add you!!! Although I'm not pregnant, my goal is to lose 35lbs to get pregnant. I wish you lots of luck!
  • Good for you! I wish I had stayed healthier during my pregnancy because now (3 months postpartum) I have a LOT of work to do!! Here's to your happy and healthy pregnancy!!
  • I am almost 27 weeks, starting my third trimester. I joined mfp to track what I'm eating because even though I have hardly gained weight so far I hear you gain the most in the third trimester and I need to eat more fruits and veggies. It's SO hard when you are pregnant you have so many food aversions. Veggies are repulsive! I am probably just going to continue gym visits for one more month and stick to yoga stretches and walking the last couple months.
  • sgeorge731
    sgeorge731 Posts: 20 Member
    This is exactly what I was looking for! I'm 14 weeks, due July 9th and I have GOT to get better at working out! I had lost 10 pounds the month I got pregnant and I've only gained 3 so far so I'm doing ok but I'm planning an all natural birth so I need to keep my body strong. I've done ok working out so far but it's been like 2 times one week then a week off then 1 or 2 times the next week, etc. I have to make it a regular part of my life or I'm not going to be very happy with myself : ) I also want to avoid what I call "pregnancy arms" I feel like every pregnant person I know gets flabby arms and i want to avoid that (so vain, I know!) I'd love to keep each other accountable!
  • whatsasize8
    whatsasize8 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi! I'm 35 and I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant with my 3rd. I go to the doc on Tues to find out how far along I am (no clue on my end!) and plan to continue exercising and eating healthily. Would love to buddy up with like-minded girls. :)

    I had scheduled a series of Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme workouts this week, but now am not sure if I want to go on with the HIIT workouts. I tried to do Burn Circuit 1 today, but pooped out - 1st trimester stinks for energy! So I opted for a walk on the TM instead (20 min clocked so far). What kind of workouts are you planning to do?
  • belle10317
    belle10317 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 7w3d with baby #3. I work out almost everyday at the YMCA doing either Turbo Kick or Latin Hip Hop. I also really enjoy weight lifting, but have had to cut down on that now that I am pregnant. I am tracking my calories on MFP so I don't gain more weight than I need. I was not healthy with baby 1 and 2 and gained WAY to much weight. I worked my *kitten* off to lose it all and don't want to have to do all that incredibly hard work again. I would love to stay under 35lb this time. So far I have managed to not gain weight (well I flucuate between 128-130 everyday, depending on my water and sodium from the day before).
  • Hi everyone! I'm currently 25 weeks 2 days with my first pregnancy and so far it's been mostly positive experience for me =) In the up until 22 weeks I've been doing Zumba, but now it's getting a bit too bouncy for my growing belly.... So I keep on doing yoga (prenatal class plus some at home), and in the last couple of weeks added a bit of eliptical (my back doesn't hurt afterwards as much as with regular walking). So far I've gained roughly 12 lbs, and overeating doesn't seem to be a problem for me. I decided to get back to logging on mfp, because writing down what I eat may actually force me to eat more veggies (at least I hope so)!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    hello everyone and congrats to those who are currently pregnant im actually due in april 2013 and currently 27 weeks i didnt start gaining weight until my 6th month came outta no where i also have a thyroid condition which the dooctors are still trying to get under control i have been worried cause i gained 17 lbs already and it all hit the middle of the second trimester i was doing zumba and some exercises from yourube but now just walk on the treadmill since my baby bump is formed with an active baby lol however i was wondering if anyone had certain meal plans they follow i have been eating veggies drinking water but not getting grains so its everywhere pretty much my doctor was on my case about my weight up until my last vsit snce he remembered that my thyroid also causes weight gain i am struggling tho and want advice if anyone has any suggestions im all ears.

  • hi! i am looking for pregnancy pals also! i am almost 6months with my 3rd (4th baby). ive gained 5lbs so far and want to keep it at a slow steady gain. id like to gain less than 30lbs this time as i am starting 20lbs higher than i wanted to be. my daughter and my twins i gained 30lbs, most of it water weight. hoping to stay more active this time and reduce that water retention. add me if you like :)
  • lolabadola
    lolabadola Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm 23 weeks pregnant, due on May 15. Congrats on your baby! What are you having? We're having a boy and already have a 3 1/2 year old daughter. I just got back on here because I want to at least try to keep things under control for the next few months, if possible. I gained 50 lbs. with my daughter and was able to lose it all and look better than before, but, like you, I'd really like to avoid that much weight gain this time around, since it's not easy to take off again! Anyway, I'm around if you ever want to chat. So nice to meet you...
  • klhp
    klhp Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm currently 24 weeks pregnant with my second. I had preeclampsia in my first pregnancy and my daughter passed away shortly after being born. Because of that, the doctor has recommended that I not exercise at all, and restrict my daily activities. I am confused about how many calories I should be eating with a very sedentary lifestyle, though. Anyone have any ideas?

    Congratulations to all the soon-to-be mums!
  • Mybetterme
    Mybetterme Posts: 80 Member
    I am 10 weeks pregnant due in August. Already gained 9 lbs. ugg. At my high weight to start now gaining a lot ugg. I need friends pregnant too. I am trying to maintain and/or slow weight gain a lot. I do have hypothyroid that is being monitored but getting worse in pregnancy.
  • hi all! i am definitely looking for some pregnancy pals as well! i am pregnant with my second and due on march 21st. i gained a ton of weight with my first (56lbs to be exact :noway: ) and then took off a good portion of it right away...but then hit a major plateau and got super frustrated. welllll...i think that was just my body's way of saying "hey, slow down, you're pregnant again!!!!" ... so our boys will be 13 months apart which i am super happy about (we always wanted to have children close in age) ... but i did not get all of my pregnancy weight off from my first. although i have done a much better job of not gaining as much weight with this one, i am pretty much on track to get back up to my delivery weight that i was with my first.

    so at this point, i have two months to go...and i am just looking to stay healthy and active until our little guy comes. then i hope to get back into a good workout groove to loose all of the weight and get back to my goal.

    please feel free to add me as well (i know i have sent out a couple of requests already!) and best of luck to everyone and congrats to all of the expecting mommas!!!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Im officially 7 months today and have gained 22 lbs so far which sucks still have 3 months to go the weight gain didnt start until my second trimester i been walking on treadmill throughout the day i do 5-0 mins every hour until i reach a full hour but i think ima just start doing the whole hour breaking it up seemed easier.
  • mscutensassy
    mscutensassy Posts: 2 Member
    I'm due March 23rd and was hoping to find others coping with the weight gain. Would love to keep in touch, compare notes, and see how things progress with you.