Please allow me to introduce myself....

I just couldn't resist the title. Anyway I've been on MFP for quite awhile and never really got anywhere until recently when my fiance decided he wants to get the gastric sleeve procedure done to help him lose weight. I don't want to go down that path. I want to be a good example for my kiddo and show her how to lose and maintain weight properly without surgical intervention.

I quit smoking in November of 2006 and since then I have gained 80 lbs. Instead of smoking I ate lots and lots of junk food.

Last year in the Spring I broke my fibula up high near the knee stepping off the ice from a hockey game. I ended up having my leg immobilized for 6 weeks and lost most movement in my knee and ankle. After months of physical therapy I'm back to playing ice hockey, casually skating once a week and walking my kiddo to and from school every day. In late June I got diagnosed with a DVT (technically 2 clots) right above where the immobilization was (behind the knee) from the broken leg and placed on coumadin/warfarin. As some folks might know when you taking anti-coagulant therapy there are foods that you either should eat the exact same amount everyday or avoid altogether due to the amount of vitamin K in them. Some of those foods are my favorites like spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and kale. My doctor said to keep my diet consistent and I did - consistently crappy.

I'm happy to report the clots are gone and I just took my last dose of coumadin on the 22nd. I've been making an effort to lose since the end of October and I'm pleased to say I've lost 29lbs so far. I still need to lose another 100lbs + to be close to an acceptable weight for me and my doctor to be comfortable with, but ultimately 120lbs more to be my "target" weight. Still overweight, but nowhere near obese.

In the past I lost weight following a low-carb diet after my kiddo was born I dropped 70 lbs very quickly so I know my body is pretty responsive to carb restriction. Currently I've been doing calorie counting instead of counting my nutrients due to my diet restrictions from the coumadin, but I've considered switching things up a bit after I see my doctor on Februar 1st.

Any thoughts or merits on a low-carb eating plan vs a calorie restriced eating plan?


  • IntentionaLiving
    hi ya! i've recently discovered that carbs a huge contributor to my weight issues. i've lost lots of weight adhering to a paleo diet format and it has worked wonders! i was first turned on to the many benefits of a paleo diet when my former roommate was diagnosed with MS. here's a clip of a scientist discussing her insights: . there's also lots of great cookbooks and such centered around the paleo way. right now i'm adhering to a 36 day paleo cleanse/elimination diet and its going pretty good. feel free to add me to friends if you think we could support each other :)
  • trakers
    trakers Posts: 4 Member
    Is a Paleo diet kind of expensive to adhere to?
  • lhalket
    lhalket Posts: 75 Member
    Is a Paleo diet kind of expensive to adhere to?

    It can be - but you can also be creative.

    Another low carb option is the Scarsdale Diet (it's an old diet from the late 70's). My doctor studied nutrition at Harvard and told me that every diet that has come along since then is patterned in some way after the Scarsdale. A couple of years ago I lost 30 lbs. on it - but then got lazy and gained 20 back. So now back on a modified version as trying to eat very healthy all the way around.

    You can google scarsdale - the best site I've found is the site - it has the menus, shopping lists, etc.

    I'm always looking for new friends, so anyone feel free to add me. :)
  • IntentionaLiving
    expense is a big deal in the grocery stores nowadays, the prices are skyrocketing. i look at the grocery store flyers before shopping and do the best i can with buying as much organic food within my budget. my mindset has changed quite a bit... i feel like the money i spend at the grocery store and the time i put into prepping and cooking my food is a complete investment into me and spoiling myself with good health is what i want most in the world right now.