I am on candida's diet and looking for others likewise.

I started the candida albicans diet about 8 weeks ago and I am currently on the Stage 2 strict diet. It's been working really well and I have noticed I no longer have muscle fatigue, joint and back aches, headaches, sleepless nights since I have been on this diet. Not to mention I have lost 9.2kgs since. I was wondering if there were others on MFP doing the same diet who would like a friend to support and bounce recipes and ideas off. Would love to hear from you.


  • tawny9753
    tawny9753 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not on it yet, but a friend, her fiance and I are all starting September first. I'm hesitant but am being dragged along. I'm resistant to not eating any sugar even though I know it is bad for you. I like cream in my coffee and I like ice cream. I get bored easily so you bet I'll be coming up with some recipes!
  • scotthegeek
    for a second I thought it was the Canadian diet LOL
  • makeoverpm
    makeoverpm Posts: 117 Member
    Hi I tried this for two weeks and it did help fight fatigue, I want to cut bacl on the yeasts and sugar too, so please feel freeto add me as a friend.
  • makeoverpm
    makeoverpm Posts: 117 Member
    oh by the way check out my quinoa and feta salad, really easy to make and yummy. I use sheeps feta.
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    I'm afraid to ask what a Candida diet is. I'm a Infectious disease epidemiologist and work with Candida all time and can't even imagine a "Candida diet."

    Something sounds a little off to me.
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    Oh thank you google!! Trying to get rid of Candida overgrowth... I had visions of some strange fad diet where all you eat is yeast! Rule #1 in Infectious Disease... don't like the culture plates. :-)

    Carry on :-)
  • AliMariesDad
    I'm afraid to ask what a Candida diet is. I'm a Infectious disease epidemiologist and work with Candida all time and can't even imagine a "Candida diet."

    Something sounds a little off to me.

    It is a diet designed to help get the amount of Candida in your intestinal tract under control. No fruits, no sugars, no grains (except wild or brown rice). Kind of, roughly, an Atkins diet on steroids. It's meant to be very short term - no more than 6 weeks or so, depending on the diet. Weight loss is secondary, and typically doesn't last.
  • AliMariesDad
    Good luck! This diet is soooooooo easy to cheat on. Make sure you have a lot of support. And having others on the diet with you sure helps as well.
  • lindag321
    I go to a Chinese Herbalist. I am feeling so much better after taking his formulas and I think I am ready for the candida diet he gave me. I have been counting calories for 6 days and loving the MFP community and all the support...and now to find someone doing the Candida Cleanse. I do not see how anyone could do that on their own:huh: So glad to find this topic.
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    i started this diet again on jan 4th. i have lost 8 pounds but can really tell that ive lost more inches.
    make sure that you are also taking supplements to help kill off the candida. garlic, caprylic acid, oregano oil, and pau d'arco tea. you can find all of those from this http://www.amazon.com/Now-Foods-Candida-Veg-capsules-180-Count/dp/B000E7R3FY which i take religiously.

    i have found some great websites with recipes and food lists of what TO have and what to avoid. of course, the "avoid list" is the one with all the good stuff on it. isn't it always?
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    I've been on the anti-candida diet since last August, and supplements too. I just experimented with a new medication called Lufenuron, and I have to say that the results are pretty great. It seemed to good to be true, but the science is sound. It began as an anti-flea medication for pets and disrupts the development of the chitin exoskeleton in insects, and does the same thing for yeasts. There is nothing chitin in humans, so there are no side effects. You can only get it online from Europe, and its not FDA approved in the US, but it is approved for all mammals and is dosed by weight. I know this sounds crazy, but if you are on the fence about trying this, I would say "do it". I've had a lot of die-off symptoms, and I am now feeling so much better. 3 days of medication, and I am feeling a much bigger effect than the diet and supplements. Regardless, good luck everybody on getting rid of your candida.
  • Scrimples
    I had a recent test to find out if I have candida or sibo. I get the results back the week after next and I'm not looking forward to it. That diet doesn't look pleasant for long term at all. On the other hand if it comes back positive and I change my diet and finally get my life back and get to stop testing for things like tumors and other nasty hormonal disorders and genetic abnormalities I'll take it.

    I didn't know much about the candida overgrowth until my doctor brought it up and had me test for it. At that point I started information gathering. I personally would not choose to do the candida diet unless it was necessary for my health. If I do end up having to follow it I'll be happy to be friends.

    I'm really scared about it. I've learned that the longer you have had it the harder it is to get rid of and the longer treatment is likely to be necessary. If it turns out to be candida overgrowth for me it started over a decade ago. After reading of extreme cases taking years of carefully watching diet and treatment I was really disheartened. Killing yeast and/or fungus overgrowth can be very difficult as what reliably will kill both also will usually be toxic to humans. I'm limited due to allergies/intolerance to some big things like gluten, dairy, and eggs so adding another huge necessary dietary restriction like what is necessary to end candida overgrowth just makes me sad.
  • dustycaravan
    dustycaravan Posts: 32 Member
    DOIN' it starting today!