How do you count P90X workouts?

auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I don't have a problem counting the cardio days but days like arms and chest I really can't find the time to sit here and log exaclty how many I did. I've been entering it as calesthetics for 50 minutes.
I enter the Ab ripper separately.
Just wondering how others do it!


  • Tarheels6
    Tarheels6 Posts: 3
    I put it under strength training and said there is around 24 sets with 480 reps and then pick one weight that your using. of course then it changes for the other workouts like the legs, back, and abs. although im not worried about the calorie burn totals on here for it. I know im burning a lot doing p90x.
  • Tarheels6
    Tarheels6 Posts: 3
    What day are you on?
  • ericl
    ericl Posts: 2
    I wear a heart rate monitor while doing p90x (or any other exercise), and just log my total calories burned- it's a lot easier than trying to keep up with how many reps i did with how much weight. Even while lifting at the gym, i just log's easier for me to keep up with! good luck! -eric
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I agree with Eric-- I just wear my garmin forerunner 405cx and enter P90X "workout" and then minutes and calories burned. I do not eat back these calories unless i have exercise calories over 1000 (on days I run or spin in addition to p90x). Hope this helps. I'm starting week 4 tomorrow of my first round of p90x and i LOVE it (down almost 9 lbs and am already seeing a huge difference in tone!)
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    I'm on the second week of the second phase and have not seen results like that. I have started looking at my sugar intake and think that may be my issue. I've never had such a hard time losing weight. I try not to eat my exercise calories as well. I do usually eat them on the weekends because of events we go to but I don't go over my exercise calories and my normal count.
    I just don't understand why I haven't seen the results. I know I have more muscle tone but even my measurements have very little change...I'm hanging in there though!!!
  • Tarheels6
    Tarheels6 Posts: 3
    Women sometimes have a harder time losing weight at first with P90X, I do not know why but i have heard alot of women say this. I saw Tony talk about this before on as well. Stick with it and you will see results. I have noticed alot of change in my body but not in weight (which i am not worried about). This is why they say in P90X to throw out the scales.
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