Deficit... help

Ok, so i`m new to this whole weight loss fitness thing, and I dont totally understand the calorie deficit, anyone care to explain lol


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    A calorie deficit just means that you burn more calories than you consume. MFP has already calculated your goal with a deficit, so all you have to do (assuming you set it up correctly) is to eat as close to your calorie goal as possible.

    If you find that your goal isn't working for you (especially if MFP set you up with 1200, which is the bare minimum) then you can adjust later.
  • pamays
    pamays Posts: 20

    Calories Remaining

    Goal 1230

    Food 1040

    Exercise -687

    = Net 353

    the above it for today... so I should eat the 877 that is left or the net of 353
    sorry to ask the same question I am new and need all the help I can get
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    Calories Remaining

    Goal 1230

    Food 1040

    Exercise -687

    = Net 353

    the above it for today... so I should eat the 877 that is left or the net of 353
    sorry to ask the same question I am new and need all the help I can get

    You eat the 877 remaining. MFP has calculated your goal to have a deficit already, so if you exercise you eat more calories. If your deficit is too big you get problems, so that's why it's recommended that you eat them back, especially if your goal is 1200 (which, as I said, is the bare minimum).

    ETA: Net = 353 means that since you exercised, you *really* only got 353 net calories. That's not nearly enough.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    caloric deficit = burning more calories than consuming through basic bodily functions, daily activity, extra activities such as exercise.

    caloric surplus = eating more calories than burning.

    defecit should be small in order to not cause metabolic damage and have sustained weight loss... so track calories for like a week and figure out how much you need to eat to maintain ur body weight, then subtract 200 calories from there to start out.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member

    Calories Remaining

    Goal 1230

    Food 1040

    Exercise -687

    = Net 353

    the above it for today... so I should eat the 877 that is left or the net of 353
    sorry to ask the same question I am new and need all the help I can get

    Yes, you eat them back... see the other thread you posted this on.
  • pamays
    pamays Posts: 20
    I still dont get it... sorry... why workout if you have to eat it all back...what I have been doing is eating the 1234 and if I wanted something else I would eat some of the workout... I really ont think I can hold the extra calories.. I am never hungry thanks so much for all the help
  • erinsundberg
    erinsundberg Posts: 26 Member
    Just found this online, breaks it down into really simple terms, totally get it now!
  • brooks124u
    brooks124u Posts: 34 Member
    If you dont eat the calories your body could go into starvation mode and your metabolism would slow down alot.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I still dont get it... sorry... why workout if you have to eat it all back...what I have been doing is eating the 1234 and if I wanted something else I would eat some of the workout... I really ont think I can hold the extra calories.. I am never hungry thanks so much for all the help

    Because if you don't net enough calories your body isn't getting the fuel it needs. Most people stall out using that approach. Smaller deficits are better for long term success. You exercise for health.

    If you're having trouble eating enough calories then eat more calorie dense foods. Nuts, avocados, full fat dairy, etc will help get you up to your goal.

    Do a search for "exercise calories" and you'll find tons more information.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I still dont get it... sorry... why workout if you have to eat it all back...what I have been doing is eating the 1234 and if I wanted something else I would eat some of the workout... I really ont think I can hold the extra calories.. I am never hungry thanks so much for all the help

    MFP already figures your calories to lose a specific amount per week. Your workouts are on top of that deficit. Since MFP does it this way, you should eat your exercise calories back to be sure you are getting the correct calories and nutrition to be healthy.

    Most people should be eating above 1234 anyway even to lose weight.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I still dont get it... sorry... why workout if you have to eat it all back...what I have been doing is eating the 1234 and if I wanted something else I would eat some of the workout... I really ont think I can hold the extra calories.. I am never hungry thanks so much for all the help

    Because if you don't net enough calories your body isn't getting the fuel it needs. Most people stall out using that approach. Smaller deficits are better for long term success. You exercise for health.

    If you're having trouble eating enough calories then eat more calorie dense foods. Nuts, avocados, full fat dairy, etc will help get you up to your goal.

    Do a search for "exercise calories" and you'll find tons more information.

    ^^ This! And if you don't eat enough calories you run the risk of losing muscle mass which in turn will lower your metabolism.

    Eating exercise calories back is built into the system. MFP has already taken a deficit into consideration (sometimes already too large) with how you set up your profile. Most people will select a weekly weight loss goal far too large for how much they need to lose. So not eating exercise calories back makes the deficit even larger... which isn't a good thing.

    If you don't want to eat your exercise calories back go to a website like and figure out your TDEE (this will include your exercise) and than take a cut off of that to get how many calories you should be eating in a day. Some people can't understand eating calories back and go with this way.

    Diet is the main part of weight loss. Exercise is to change the shape of your body as well as retain your muscles. Eating too little and exercising can cause you to lose muscle (and don't forget, your heart is a muscle).