what was your most effective method to loosing weight

i want to know what made you really see results in you weight loss journey. :smile:


  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    In the past, it was cutting calories. I've even been on a 480-calorie per day diet! Never again!
  • darbobo
    darbobo Posts: 53
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 275 Member
    The most effective thing I did to lose weight was to consume less calories.

    The end.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Log my food on MFP. Knowledge is power.
  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    I previously lost the most weight running Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. The lifting weights every other day. Stayed on a low fat, low carb diet. Relaxed and ate whatever i wanted on Sundays...Hope it will work that way agsin.
  • betsz1
    betsz1 Posts: 81 Member
    Taking the time to really get to know myself and what makes me tick. Making my own weight loss plan that fits me...not me fitting someone elses plan. Learning how to fit anything and everything into my plan...apparently I don't like being deprived. :tongue:
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    cut out soda and only drink diet iced tea or coffee, Billy Blanks AB Bootcamp video when keep up with it diligently
  • lapocaloca
    lapocaloca Posts: 1 Member
    Mixing strength training with cardio. Jillian Michael's videos work! I started eating healthier (natural, cage-free, grass-fed, somewhat clean) and results are faster when you eat things that have few ingredients. I don't like dieting. I just try to eat smaller portions.
    Things that have held me back from meeting my goals are sugary things and beer. It's been very difficult for me to let go of sweets, and I like to have 2 or 3 beers on Saturday nights. I'm working on making alternatives like experimenting with cocoa powder, almond butter, or yogurt smoothies.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Logging food.
    Skipping fast food.
    Skipping Starbucks.
    Weighing food with a digital scale.
    More veggies.
    More organic snacks.
  • Atkins, the usual things - and getting enough sleep!!!
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Eat clean and exercise lots! Do strength training and build some muscle. You will do fine!
  • twentytwelve12
    twentytwelve12 Posts: 245 Member
    cutting calories back and lots of exercise
  • sahmom24
    sahmom24 Posts: 8 Member
    1. I am eating as healthy (clean) as possible, and
    2. Diligently logging in my food and exercise on MFP app, and thus being accountable!
  • Jax_30
    Jax_30 Posts: 22 Member
    Less sugar, fats, more exercise..... = less lbs!
  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    cutting down on portions..really it's less food..you can exercise all day but if you eat like a pig you will not see the results! I do love to exercise though..and that does help:)
  • The Most effective thing i did to lose weight was to eat about 70% of what i would normally eat and cut out processed sugar foods as well as fried or oily foods.
  • Brewster1215
    Brewster1215 Posts: 247 Member
    Getting the flu for a week
  • wallweber
    wallweber Posts: 5 Member
    journal, journal, journal
  • rmkeech1
    rmkeech1 Posts: 12 Member
    Cut out soda, keep track of calories and make smart eating choices (but allow for cheating now and then), and get exercise almost every day.