what am i doing wrong

Ecourter22509 Posts: 25
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
i am working out everyday and eating just around the normally calorie intake i should be getting, give or take 40 under usually somtimes over but i dont feel like thats really enough to effect me. how ever i am not loseing anything!!!!!!! some day i will wake up and weight in and i will be down 4 or 5 pounds then the next day am right back up please people help me whats worng!!!!!!!
give me some advice on how to kick start into high gear. im starting to give up!!!!!



  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    You say you're working out every day and eating your "normal calorie intake". If, by normal, you mean what MFP has set you at and you're not eating the calories your burn from working out, it could be that you're not eating enough. Everyone varies on this and has different things that seem to work for them. For me, I always eat most of my exercise calories back and have been steadily losing. If I come to a point where I quit, then I will probably start eating only half of my exercise calories back.

    Also, for me, I seem to have gone through a change over the last month. When I started, I was losing consistently every week. Then one week in April, I didn't lose. Kept on doing the same thing, and lost the next week. Week after that, same thing, no loss. This week, big loss. Hope that helps.
  • Tamiash
    Tamiash Posts: 106 Member
    Are you eating your exercise pts? I have myself set up to hit my allotted 1200 and I don't eat my exercise pts, but when I do go over once in awhile i don't worry about it.

    Also, you can post your diet so we can see what you’re eating. Maybe that could be it.

    Did you take your measurements? Maybe you are taking off inches instead of lbs.

    I only record my weight once a week, Mondays. I do Mondays because in my mind it makes me accountable for the weekend, choices I put in my mouth!!!

    The good news is.....if you’re doing the exercise and eating healthy it will come off....Hang in there. Be sure to record everything that goes in your mouth. Good luck! You can do it....hang in there!!!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Are you watching your sodium? I have it set on MFP so I can see if it affects me. I'm up 4 pounds today from a weekend of eating highly salty foods but I know it will be back down in a couple of days.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    It could be alot of factors, you probably arent eating enough calories..what is your alloted calorie intake requiremen?

    How often do you eat?

    Do you eat 3 meals a day along with snacks in between those three meals?

    Are you getting enough fruits and veggitables in your diet?

    Are you trying to consume atleast eight 8oz of water each day? Which if you are working out, should be more.

    One of my MFP friends wasnt eating enough calories and wasnt loosing, the minute she upted her calories she started loosing weight, so you may need to tweek your calories a bit.

  • milesje
    milesje Posts: 40 Member
    I NEED HELP!!!!
    i am working out everyday and eating just around the normally calorie intake i should be getting, give or take 40 under usually somtimes over but i dont feel like thats really enough to effect me. how ever i am not loseing anything!!!!!!! some day i will wake up and weight in and i will be down 4 or 5 pounds then the next day am right back up please people help me whats worng!!!!!!!
    give me some advice on how to kick start into high gear. im starting to give up!!!!!


    What kind of "working out" are you doing? Cardio, resistance, running, walking, ..... What is your diet like? 1200 cal, 1500 cal,.... Do you eat your excersie cals? Most people should start by eating the extra calories earned by working out, then if that is not working for you try cutting back and only eating a part of the extra calories earned.
  • If you are not losing one week and than having a big lose the next, thats great! But you may need to up your calorie intake. As we become more active our bodies will start to abjust to what we are doing, so we need to increase our calorie intake and mix up our exercising routine a litte.
  • mlbazemore
    mlbazemore Posts: 252 Member
    Resistance training is just as important as cardio if not more. However, keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat so, depending on how much your exercising, you could be gaining lots of muscle....which will help burn the fat and is a good thing. People pay way too much attention to the scales...I'm one of them...but I do know that the inches lost is just as important. Get yourself a body measuring tape (if you don't already have one), they are very inexpensive, you may be surprised what you find out! Most importantly don't give up, you can do it! We all can!
  • Shannon4J
    Shannon4J Posts: 28 Member
    What is your "Daily Normal Activities" set to under "Goals"?? Make sure it is truly your every day activity level. I always keep mine at "Sedentary", since I spend a majority of time behind the computer.

    Also, you have to keep the Big Picture in mind, it's not day to day or even week to week weight, it's habits and a gradual loss that will get you there and keep you there. :D

    Keep at it!! You can do it!! :D
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I'd pay attention to WHAT you're eating. even If you're at or under your calories, high carbs, sugar, and sodium make it harder to lose fat and you'll be retaining water. You can choose which macro-nutrients you want to monitor under your settings. It will also take a while for your body to adjust to your new life style before you start losing so don't freak out - it may take up to six weeks but remember you'll be HEALTHIER because of it. :happy: Keep it up!
  • Thank you everyone for your answere and support!
    i eat my 1210 cals and then usaully my excerise cals too, i feel like i eat to much though
    idk maybe im just not wokring hard enough!!!! i will take into consideration what you all have said.
    any other advice i will take thank you everyone!
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