Need ACTIVE friends on this site! Vegetarians you out there?

Hello! I've been on this site for a year off an on, but have fallen off the band wagon yet again and am now getting back on track. I yo-yo between starving and binge eating, and am just trying to lose weight like a normal person. Id love some friends with healthy eating habits to help keep me motivated! Also, I'd love vegan/vegetarian friends to share recipes and meal ideas.


  • badzoe
    badzoe Posts: 132 Member
    I'm looking to lose 25+ lbs and a vegetarian. Feel free to add me!
  • Pete620
    Pete620 Posts: 10
    I'm a vegetarian and could also use some good recipe ideas, I'll add you as a friend.
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    I'm not vegan, but I am VERY active. I train for 1.5-2 hours a day doing heavy strength training, and cardio on my road bike. You are welcome to add me.
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    i was a vegetarian for 7 years, but went back to meat when i got pregnant 2 years ago because my husband was nervous about the complications i was having. i am super active and looking for people to walk this journey, i started my friends list over, feel free to be on it!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Add me if you like.

    read/watch forks over knives then tell me whatyou think.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Well id lik to be a vegetarian, i mean i am trying but I cant sem to find a supstitute for chicken and i like eggs. lol if i can find more food!! Maybe you can teach me more ood choices? im beign serious here
  • I'm veggie and relatively active (working on becoming quite active). Not sure how much help I'll be in the recipe section because I get all my meal plans through my fresh 20 subscription. :)
  • JoanneLynn
    JoanneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    I'm adding my veggies/fruits and less meat to my meals. I would love more vegetarian recipes. I'm reading the book "Eat for Health" by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
  • kaypat09
    kaypat09 Posts: 130 Member
    Vegetarian here :)

  • I'm same age as you and have been a vegetarian for 6,5 years :) Slowly starting to lean more towards a vegan diet. Feel free to add me!
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I log every day and work out almost every day. I am also veggy and I will read my wall about everyday, responding to stuff that interests me. Feel free to add me :)

    My real name is Hannah
  • I'm a veggie. Have been on/off since 1977.

    I don't know how to "add" anyone . Just found this site a few days ago and LOVE that I don't have to count the calories etc. This site does it for me.

    One of my fave veg recipes: Under 200 calories of goodness

    1cup Strawberries sliced
    1 cup green grapes sliced
    1/4 c green onion
    1 cup 3 stalks celery chopped fine.

    Stir in a bowl, shake it up.
    Add tarragon if desired
    Let it sit in fridge overnight. The juices marinate and it is sooo good!
  • Add me if you wish. I'm a personal trainer and love inspiring people.
  • BlueLotusFlower
    BlueLotusFlower Posts: 40 Member
    Hey there. I am not a vegetarian yet, but I have eliminated all red meat, pork, and 75% of my dairy intake. Mostly thanks to a book called "skinny *****". I love yoga and meditating, feel free to add me as a friend! =)
  • sarahaldinger
    sarahaldinger Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me.
    I'm active daily and am vegetarian -- working toward vegan.
  • Hey! I'm a vegetarian, very active and have just lost 20kgs (with more on the way). Feel free to add me!
  • ScreenGem
    ScreenGem Posts: 52 Member
    Vegan -ish . I don't do the label cuz I added fish. Anyhow, add me if you like!
    All the best,
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I still eat chicken/fish, but most of my meals are veggie.
  • allie_rat
    allie_rat Posts: 49 Member
    I've been cutting down on meat for the last year and newly went totally veggie. I also try and avoid/reduce the amount of eggs and dairy I have the majority of the time. I only joined the site yesterday so I could do with some new friends if anyone in this thread would like to add me :smile:
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member

    Veggie for 10 years now, happy for new friends to share recipes/food ideas with. Recently got very into cooking and trying to be more adventurous wit my meals.

    5'8" female, 145.5lbs looking to lose around 13lbs :)

    I do strength training classes (body pump, kettlebell) and I'm halfway through c25k.
