Anyone out there??

Hi everyone,
Iam a 32 year old stay at home mom with a 2.5 year old and a 5 months old baby.
I gained about 23 kg throughout my pregnancy and I only lost about 12 of them.
My baby weighed 4.5 kg so i lost a lot just after her birth but later I only lost about 3 kgs.
Water mostly I suppose.
Iam still nursing my baby so I cant really go on a supertight diet , I guess?
If anyone has information about dieting, calorie intake and nursing please feel free to share :)

Id really like to lose all the weight I put on + the remaining kgs that stuck on me from pregnancy no.1.
So all in total I want to lose another 15-17 kgs.
My goal weight is about 58 kgs...

I try to work out 5 days per week and I try to eat healthy but its difficult because my appetite is HUUUUUUUUUUGE and I have a sweet tooth, for chocolate that is..

Anyone who is further down the lane and willing to give some support???
Or anyone else of course, feel free to share


  • carey1986
    carey1986 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey, I know your pain... I was nursing for 2 years with my now 30 month old... For me it was very hard loosing weight while nursing. I also had heard about the chemicals which can be transferred to your breast milk when your fat breaks down so I was a bit reluctant to diet. Now ive stopped nursing Ive noticed the weights dropping off and my appetite is much better then what it was. I will try and find a link to breastfeeding and dieting I have somewhere saved on here later on if you are interested. I know they say you burn 500 calories (ish) per day when your baby is nursing full time and not on solids...
  • elephant_in_the_room
    Hi bmi20SEwelcome here!
    I take it you are about 73-75 with a goal weight of 58? And still breast feeding a 5 month old child?
    Congratulations on both your kids.
    I was about the same weight while nursing my son. They say that during that time you shouldn't force losing weight. Some mothers naturally do, some don't. If your body doesn't do it, don't force it. The theory is that when your body sheds all its fat, then heavy metals and other bad chemicals that it had stored away in those fat cells start rummaging your body and will also go into the breastmilk. You don't want that to happen.
    Allegedly, you only need to eat about 300 calories over your normal allowance during breast feeding, but of course you should eat as healthy as possible, on behalf of yourself and the child. Make sure you get enough folic acid (though that's apparently more important during pregnancy).
    All the best!
  • bmi20SE
    bmi20SE Posts: 11 Member
    carey1983:thanks, congratulation for you baby and the succeeded nursing period, 2 yrs! Waw Iam not going to do that, Iam stretching myself with the planned 8-9 months (thats how long I nursed my first baby aswell)
    I just want to lose weight, Iam really unhappy with the way I look and feel...
    I heard that 0.5 kg per week is okey as a weight loss during nursing but not more than that?
    Thats what my midwife told me anyways...
    But my body doesnt seem to wanna shed the pounds/kgs..
    Not that Iam keeping my calorie intake low but I mean for 3 weeks I have been excercising and focusing on what I eat and have only lost about <1 kg.

    Iam pretty much at the same weight since my baby was 2 weeks....

    Baborka: hi thanks and congrats on your baby and the nursing period also since I know it may sometime be a struggle.
    Ye i know somewhat 300 calories give or take, I think my problem is that I actually dont eat enough food at all. After calculating/planning all my meals etc it only adds up to about 1200-1300 calories and I just head for biscuits chocolate etc through out the day, the worst time for me is the morning/noon when I just seem to be able to stuff myself full of everything without feeling full :( its just so frustrating!! Today my baby woke me up at 4.45 and finally gave up trying to get her to sleep by 8 oclock and of course I was starving so i just took 2 packs of biscuits and 2 mugs of coffe and ate them all in a heartbeat :(

    Yes Iam now at 75 kgs give or take few hgs. My scale is actually making me crazy, it has both lbs and kgs but they dont match if i turn the lbs to kgs ...Each kg is 2.2 lbs right?

    And Iam still taking my miultivitamin as I was taking during my pregnancy and some additional iron tablets now and then, but i wouldve taken them anyways even if i was not nursing....