Brides-to-Be Challenge Post #2

PoisonSugar Posts: 51
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Ok, ladies! It's been a while! It wasn't too terribly organized the first go-'round, so let's all keep on top of this and keep each other accountable and motivated!!

Sunday night- Weekly weigh-in....
Start Wt: 205#
Current Wt: 197# (MET MY SHORT TERM GOAL!!)
May 2 Goal: 192#

If you'd like to join, your more than welcome!! Good luck ladies!!


  • cgriffin8
    cgriffin8 Posts: 18
    I would like to wedding is Oct. 23rd!!!

    CW-197 (4/25/10)
    May 2nd goal-195
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    So we're abandoning your initial post? I had tried to get people a little reorganized on that thread, and tried to do a weigh-in on Saturday. Though several people expressed interest, only two people (including myself) ended up following through (or at least only two of us ended up posting it). Glad to see you two are also interested in getting (back) on the bride-to-be accountability wagon.

    I'll just repost my weigh-in results from Saturday:

    SW 204
    CW 189.5
    GW 136

    It's worth saying again that the most important part of those results is the fact that they mean I hit my first mini goal of reaching 190 before May 1st, the day my fiance moves to be with me!

    A few details about me:

    My wedding day is January 2, 2011 (a new years wedding) at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. My fiance and I have been together nearly 7 years, so it's been a long time coming! :tongue: I'll be wearing an Alfred Angelo gown that I got about a month after we got engaged, 2 years ago! Can you say taking it S...L...O...W...?! :laugh:

    What about you gals? Location? How long have you been together? What will you be wearing? I just love weddings!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I didn't get a chance to weigh in this weekend. I was away from my scale! So I'll just put the number from May 1 as my weight. I've been taking measurements and BF% on the first of each month anyway, so this will make it a little easier.

    Stephanie - That's awesome that you reached your goal before time! And a wedding in Disney sounds like a lot of fun!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    I'll join in again.. I too had fallen of the Brides to be challenge :0

    SW 145
    CW 138
    GW 125 by 7/30/10 (my birthday)
  • cgriffin8
    cgriffin8 Posts: 18
    What about you gals? Location? How long have you been together? What will you be wearing? I just love weddings!

    A Disney wedding that will be a blast!!!

    My wedding will be in Lake Geneva, fiance have been together for 5 years this June (we are high school sweethearts).......and I will be wearing a Maggie Sottero dress that I love it sooo much!!!
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    I forget to go back to the message boards and check in. But I have been sticking with my goals, eating well, exercising.
  • It's nice to hear you ladies are doing well! Congrats on meeting your short term goal! Let's weigh in on Sunday mornings. If you lose inches, I'd like to hear that, too!

    I'm getting married in a Michigan State Park by Lake Michigan on August 7, 2010. I'm wearing a Maggie Sottero and a Demetrios gown (gotta love indecisiveness). We're honeymooning in Jamaica - Not only have a dress but a bathing suit to look good in! It's coming up fast...
  • EmmyBee
    EmmyBee Posts: 54 Member
    Hi again to everyone!

    I weighed in on Saturday but forgot to post, so here are my numbers:

    SW: 175
    CW: 160
    GW: 130

    Stephanie: Your wedding sounds like it will be so much fun, Disney!!!!

    What about you gals? Location? How long have you been together? What will you be wearing? I just love weddings!

    We are getting married on October 8, 2011 at my parents home outside of Baltimore, MD. I'm so excited, it's beautiful there. We will have the ceremony is a sycamore grove overlooking a small lake. My fiancee and I have been together for 2 years, it will be over 3 by the time our wedding date rolls around! I have been dress shopping but haven't found the one yet! I'd love to see pictures of everyone's gowns!
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    Hey Brides!! I met a Groom-to-Be who needs some motivation during his journey, any objections to his joining our group? I know we're technically a Brides-to-Be group but as there is no "Grooms-to-Be" group, I thought we might find it in our to-be-wed hearts to welcome him to our little niche of MFP. What do you say?? If people feel uncomfortable or have reservations for any reason, please speak up.
  • cgriffin8
    cgriffin8 Posts: 18
    I have no objections to haing a groom-to-be join this group!!

    With that being said, I am having a very bad week and I know that this weekend will be even more impossible to stick with my new healthy habits. On Friday we have a taste testing for a reception, Saturday I have to go to Sam's Club (my fav!) and then to a special dinner for my future in-laws at an Italian restruant (carbs, carbs, carbs)......and lastly I will be going to tailgaiting all Sunday where the burgers, chips, beer, and soda are EVERYWHERE! I don't know how I am going to make it through this weekend and not gain back all weight I have lost in the past couple of weeks!! I am really down and depressed about this......please does anyone have some helpful suggestions or experiences like this?
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    First off, YOU CAN DO IT! :bigsmile: You're in this for the long haul, so this weekend won't make you or break you, just keep that in mind. The only thing that can make you (or break you) is your ATTITUTDE! Ok, so, your taste test for your reception will be a breeze. They will probably be bringing out little sample size bites, so just make that your meal for lunch or dinner (whenever you happen to be eating it) and do your best to track it. Sam's Club shopping is a toughy, I love that place too. But go there full, that always helps, so your eyes won't be bigger than your stomach. As for the dinner with your in-laws, keep your hands out of the bread basket!! Allow yourself one piece then instruct your honey (in advance) to take it away from you and put it on the other side of the table out of arm's reach. Also, maybe you can plan with him to split a meal, that always helps me to get something I really love, but get a much smaller portion size so it's a good calorie count. See if your beau will be accomodating for you. ;) If not do it for yourself, and just box of the second half of your meal as soon as it comes to the table. Forego the salad to save on calories (they are usually packed with calories, esp if it's a caesar as is often served at an italian restaurant), if you have to have it go for tossed with lo cal dressing. For tailgaiting bring your own beer, I love MGD 64, only 64 calories per bottle! I don't know how you feel about doing hot dogs instead of hamburgers, but you can do fat free hot dogs for 50 calories and I think the taste is comparable when grilled (dog plus a regular bun is 150 calories). Alternately, you can bring a pack of boca burgers (though I have never attempted to grill those, so I cannot vouch for the taste of that). I love my chips, I like the Lays light over the Baked varieties, but Baked are good, too. In all of this I highly recommend bringing some fruits and veggies with you in your purse to snack on during your activities. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :flowerforyou: I have so much faith in you. You can make this work this weekend! Check back in on Monday and tell me about all your success!
  • electricgypsy
    electricgypsy Posts: 32 Member
    i'm a bride to be too!!! :happy: i'm getting married on jan 15th 2011, in a country hotel. i have a red ball gown type dress with a small train which i found in a sample sale. the dress just about fits now so my goal is to keep it fitting :ohwell:
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yay fellow January 2011 bride! And, fellow student of psychology! (I'm getting my PhD in Clinical Psychology right now. Any thoughts on the direction you'll take following graduation?)

    Kudos to you pulling off a red ball gown! :drinker: I have to admit seeing them pictured in the magazines and considering them for a split second, but then admitting to myself there was NO way I thought I could pull that off. :wink:

  • electricgypsy
    electricgypsy Posts: 32 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yay fellow January 2011 bride! And, fellow student of psychology! (I'm getting my PhD in Clinical Psychology right now. Any thoughts on the direction you'll take following graduation?)

    Kudos to you pulling off a red ball gown! :drinker: I have to admit seeing them pictured in the magazines and considering them for a split second, but then admitting to myself there was NO way I thought I could pull that off. :wink:


    i dont think a white dress and an english january are happy playmates! :)
    i want a research career in cogntive neuroscience at the minute and clinical is my second choice. the nice thing with psychology is there isn't much that isn't interesting.a lot depends on what postgrad is available when i come to apply.
  • cgriffin8
    cgriffin8 Posts: 18
    I think we were suppose to weigh in last night so my weight was 197.......meaning I didn't lose anything this past week. Which considering all the crappy foods I ate and am surprised I didn't gain anything! So my goal for next Sunday will be 195 lbs.
  • I defiantly want to join this group, I am a bride-2be too hence the name lol. I weighed in Saturday but will start weighing in Sunday for this. My goal is too loose between 25-35 lbs before July 30th if possible because I want to look better in my wedding dress and my bikini.

    SW: 165
    CW: 164
    GW: 130

    My wedding is not really traditional at all because we have both been married before and really dont want to spend that much money and just save it all for a cruise and a down payment on a house so we are having our ceremony at the JP and then having a backyard BBQ for everyone, we will still be having our 3 tier wedding cake that we are making ourselves and I am going to decorate everything. I was able to save alot of money when we were out consignment shopping and I found my dress for $5.00 it was unlike anything I thought I would ever want but the second I tried it on, I knew it was mine.(didn't have that feeling in my $1,000 gown I wore the first time). I am just wanting to feel as beautiful as a bride is supposed to feel and for me that means loosing the weight
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    OH! Can I join??? My wedding is September 25th! I would like to lose about ten pounds!
  • marybethbeech
    marybethbeech Posts: 181
    My wedding is August 7th and I would like to lose about 20 lbs. I know it's an aggressive goal but I'm really committed to getting there. If I can't, I guess I'd be happy with 15 lbs lol
  • marybethbeech
    marybethbeech Posts: 181
    We're also doing a destination wedding (Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica) so there's the added pressure from that. It's going to be a whole week of bathing suits and tiny shorts. I would like to be able to get through it without feeling self concious about my weight.
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    I WEIGHED IN AT 139 THIS AM... BUT BLOTTED AS HELL...LOL :grumble: :angry: :mad: :frown: :sad: :yawn:
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm sorry I missed posting my weigh-in on Sunday, but I did weigh in.

    LW 189.5
    CW 188.5
  • marybethbeech
    marybethbeech Posts: 181
    What kind of food are you guys serving at your reception? Any concerns about having healthy options, or are you just going to forget about it for the night and pick the diet up again after the wedding/honeymoon festivities?

    We're serving a green salad, your choice of griled mahi mahi or steak, Maui rice with onions cocunut milk and pineapple, roasted potato salad, pineapple coleslaw, Hawaiian sweet bread, and your choice of mini coconut cakes or haupia.

    I'm going to have the fish entree, but I'm still worried about wedding cake and alcohol. I know I'll probably end up only eating one piece of cake, but I'm also going to wind up drinking champagne all night. Hopefully I'll be at or near my goal weight so I can let loose and not worry about what's going in my mouth.
  • EmmyBee
    EmmyBee Posts: 54 Member
    Great question. I'm interested in hearing other responses. I personally think that this is YOUR WEDDING DAY and you should enjoy it! If you don't partake in eating your wedding cake, how will you feel afterward? It's part of the celebration! It sounds like you have a great, healthy menu, and you've already decided which option you will have.
  • marybethbeech
    marybethbeech Posts: 181
    I totally agree that you should be able to let loose and really enjoy the food at your reception, but I know that If I'm not a weight where I feel comfortable I won't be able to. I'm really hoping that I can get to a weight where I feel comfortable and pretty before the big day.

    I think I'm well on the way. Today was the first day in a long time where I got dressed, looked in the mirror, and felt like I would be attractive to any man, not just my fiance. :)
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    I think I'm going to do something similar to what you're planning, marybeth. My menu will have healthy options, but I will definitely be partaking in the champagne toast and having a piece of cake. It is my wedding after all! Let loose, have fun, hop back on the wagon the next day. Do your best during the honeymoon, then buckledown hardcore when you get home. :smile:
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122

    GW 125
  • marybethbeech
    marybethbeech Posts: 181
    CW 162

    GW 135 (Although I'd be happy with 140-145, truth be told)

    I lost a little over a pound last week. I was hoping to see a bigger loss but anything is better than nothing, right?
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I had a BAD eating weekend! I went to my parents for Mother's Day and to do some wedding planning. Weekends at home are never very good any way but add cake testing to it pretty much a disaster! I'm going to skip weighing in this week, get my calories in control, work out hard this week, and weigh in next week!
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    So I weighed in today, even though I'm not sure it "counts" given that I've been sick for the past two weeks and just laying around on the couch. But hey, I'll take it! It's been super hard trying to stick with eating ok, stupid as that sounds. I'm not soup sick, I'm pain sick, so maybe that helps to explain. All I want to do is comfort-eat to soothe my wearied senses. Oh well, the scale has encouraged me to press on. Have to look beautiful in that wedding dress! :heart:

    LW 188.5 (2 wks ago)
    CW 185.5 Loss 3lbs :happy:

    Poison - I love the dress pic!

    K Jensen - Good for you for skipping last week's weigh in. Hope you're back this week with a vengence. Don't think of it as a "bad" weekend, you just indulged a bit. When it happens just try to track everything you eat, that way you're holding yourself accountable at the same time, recognizing what is happening, but still allowing yourself the flexibility to say, 'yes I am doing this. I know I am doing this, and I'm still going to do it.'

    MaryBeth - Yes, anything is better than nothing! A healthy, sustainable average is 1 lb per week, so if you lost over 1 lb two weeks ago, less than 1 lb last week (or even no weight loss) would be normal. Don't be shocked if you lose nothing several weeks in a row, only to lose three lbs in one week. It happens all the time, our bodies just aren't used to this stuff, so they plateau, then catch up with us later.

    MFT - Don't be discouraged, you're doing great! Remember, scales don't just measure fat, they measure everything (water, last night's big meal that hasn't quite digested yet, muscle, everything). Make sure you're getting enough water to flush stuff out, and enough fiber. But when you gain, try to remind yourself that it's not necessarily fat that the scale is picking up on. Oh, and take your measurements, too. That's a great way to see your real progress. :wink:
  • cgriffin8
    cgriffin8 Posts: 18
    well another bad week....i gained 2 pounds, so i am back up to 199!! :frown: but i am determined to try my best this week, my original goal was to be in the 180's by Memorial Day....but i think that is a little too much , 10lbs in 2 weeks.............but heres to trying:drinker: !!!
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