i need serious friends!

I'm in my mid 20s with 2 kids.
My SW:249 CW:226 GW:160ish...
I cleared my friends list because everyone on it only talked about themselves like their account was a blog
and having a conversation was impossible. Which is fine, just not working for me...
I don't want 20+ friends. Just a handful that I can encourage, and that will encourage me.
I try to stick to a vegan/vegetarian diet, but don't always stick to it.
I'm just now starting to exercise again, because I went through a bit of depression and didn't feel like doing anything.
Tomorrow will be day 1 for Couch to 5k for me! I plan on running my first marathon in October.


  • imheavenbound
    I am serious about losing the weight and running 5K's as well!! Add me if you want! :)
  • kapoorpk
    kapoorpk Posts: 244 Member
    Congrats for resetting things to make them work. Good luck! Feel free to connect.