African Mango Bush pills? Do they work?



  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    I don't see how it can't work. Of course it'll work. You should see if it's cheaper if you buy in bulk. I would definitely get the lifetime supply. Also, I don't suppose you live near dingos in the wild, do you? Because their urine contains enzymes that make you lose weight like crazy. I heard about it from the lady that sells my mom Avon. She is skinny now and she looks awesome. And the best part is you dont even have to ingest the dingo urine. All you have to do is mix it with lemon juice and dab it on like perfume. But it has to be fresh squeezed lemons, not the bottled stuff. Anyone who tells you different can not be trusted. Beware, there is lots of bad advice out there. Thank goodness for Dr. Oz!

    :cry: now u guys are just being mean

    im asking before i buy cuz im skeptical too
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    Find a better gym.

    but i love my gym!<3

    If the manager at the gym thinks a pill is leading to weight loss they really need to get into a new line of work.

    I mean i guess the manager is trying to push them because they sell them at the gym. my gym sells a whole bunch of other crap that is way more expensive (like the latest trend: green coffee beans, and things like weight loss shakes, brazillian body pills something, etc) that she personally told me she tried and doesn't work so not to buy them. However this one thing she was really adamant about lol She swears that this product personally helped her to lose like 50lbs along with a modified diet and alot of exersize.

    IDK i never was one to fall for things like this... but i guess i'm just really eager to lose this weight as fast as possible. aren't we all though? lol *sigh*
    NO. I want to lose weight as slowly as I did in the past 50 lbs in 6 months because I kept it off for years and it was still no less of a "surprise" to everyone. We dont' see people as often as we think. It will still be impressive no matter how long it takes to do it the natural and healthy and not to mention cheaper and less ridiculous way.

    Please promise me you will stay away from her mangoes and her bush and her pills and her african too. Please!

    I dont care about seeing people i care about my joint paint from my weight gain :( my knees hurt

    fine i'll just buy real mangoes from the supermarket.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...but i guess i'm just really eager to lose this weight as fast as possible. aren't we all though? ...

    No. Some people like to take it slow and steady, which makes a healthy lifestyle change more sustainable over the long term. Quick fixes don't last. :flowerforyou:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You have just joined this website in January. READ READ READ everything on here as much as you can so you learn what works and what doesn't and how to go about it the healthiest way.

    What I've found that works is eating at a moderate deficit from your TDEE(not a huge one) so you don't end up yo-yo dieting), drinking lots of water, eat lots of protein and some healthy fats, lots of fibre then some carbs last in line of importance and get some sort of exercise if you can.
  • nogoldilocs
    nogoldilocs Posts: 87 Member

    I mean i guess the manager is trying to push them because they sell them at the gym.

    **slaps forehead***
    No, literally, I read this line and slapped my forehead. Am I the only one?

    Save your money. Look away from the gym products for sale. Back away from the counter. Put your money back into that place where you keep your money. You do not need to take pills to lose weight. It will not be permanent, even if by some miracle those pills were legit.

    Do you want to lose weight quickly or permanently?

    both dammit! lol

    I hear you and I feel your pain. But let's take a trip into the future: December 31, 2013. You have logged into MFP daily. You are tracking what you eat and exercising some and getting motivation from friends real and virtual. And you've lost 1 lb per week, just 1 lb per week by doing all those things you know you are supposed to do; not by starving yourself, or buying bogus pills or falling for some gimmick from someone trying to sell you something.

    And guess what? At the end of this year, just by doing what I described you could be 50 lbs lighter. Maybe it's not quick and it's certainly not as exciting as the prospect of miracle weight loss with African bush whatchamacallits, but if you look at the success stories on this site and the people who are maintaining their weight, most did it by tracking what they eat and exercising some. And you keep seeing that story over and over again because it works.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    OMG if you ever eaten a mango in Africa its like heaven. I'm talking pure mango blissed sunkissed and turned into the most delicious flavor. MMMM I miss the food there.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    i know i know im just tierd of being fat! ugh...
    Don't waste your time with worthless weight loss scams. Do the things that are simple and proven effective:

    Taking bogus "magic pills" isn't going to make the weight come off any faster. If you read the labels on any of that garbage, it will always say something like "most effective when used with a sensible diet and exercise program". That's because the diet and exercise program is what does the work - not the "magic pill".

    The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar empire that preys upon the desperation of people who are "just tired of being fat". Walk into any store and look at the huge number of weight loss "aids" stacked on the shelves next to each other. Don't you think that if one of them really worked, that everybody would know about it by now?

    Go read the threads in the "Success Stories" forum and see how many people credit their weight loss to some diet pill. Compare to how many credit it to doing things the right way. Weight loss is simple, but it isn't easy.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Find a better gym.

    but i love my gym!<3

    If the manager at the gym thinks a pill is leading to weight loss they really need to get into a new line of work.

    I mean i guess the manager is trying to push them because they sell them at the gym. my gym sells a whole bunch of other crap that is way more expensive (like the latest trend: green coffee beans, and things like weight loss shakes, brazillian body pills something, etc) that she personally told me she tried and doesn't work so not to buy them. However this one thing she was really adamant about lol She swears that this product personally helped her to lose like 50lbs along with a modified diet and alot of exersize.

    IDK i never was one to fall for things like this... but i guess i'm just really eager to lose this weight as fast as possible. aren't we all though? lol *sigh*
    NO. I want to lose weight as slowly as I did in the past 50 lbs in 6 months because I kept it off for years and it was still no less of a "surprise" to everyone. We dont' see people as often as we think. It will still be impressive no matter how long it takes to do it the natural and healthy and not to mention cheaper and less ridiculous way.

    Please promise me you will stay away from her mangoes and her bush and her pills and her african too. Please!

    I dont care about seeing people i care about my joint paint from my weight gain :( my knees hurt

    fine i'll just buy real mangoes from the supermarket.

    OH i see. Okay then I think maybe if you get any pills or anything medicinal or herbal at all it should be for your joints pain. or even a brace or rub or something. There are a couple of things I have used in the past but I'm not comfortable discussing them here and I have no connection to the seller of them other than we have been buying all their products for years. Go do research find things that help your knees while you be patient with your weight loss. Feel free to friend me and I'll tell you my story and you can see what I'm up to now.

    Don't let pain drive you into desperation of weird quick fixes. I KNOW it's hard but you are harder. You can do it. Resist all things wacky and fly straight and YOU will be able to say I ALONE fixed all my problems, not some magical pill or gym manager getting the credit for YOUR hard work and discipline. You can do it, I beleive in you because I have been you!:flowerforyou:
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    sounds like a pile of African Mango Bull****.

    lmfao !

    I thought this was going to be a joke thread...

    damn do i really sound that stupid? =(

    I wasn't implying that you were stupid. A lot of threads like this pop up, usually asking about the validity of some "magic" ingredient to aid weight loss. I hadn't heard of African Mango Bush pills and assumed someone had made it up to poke fun at the green coffee bean/raspberry ketones phenomena.

    When I was younger I was game for fat burners and other pills that I thought would speed up my weight loss. Like you said, we all want to get there as fast a possible. I realize now that pills are stupid.

    I hope you do it the healthy way, too. You will reach your goal, put solid effort into it and enjoy the accomplishment of doing it on your own - no magic required :smile:
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
  • Farah_akbar
    Farah_akbar Posts: 1,692 Member
    I know it sounds like a scam guys, that's why i'm asking if it actually helped any members on here.

    I'm looking for people who have actually given this product a try to come in here and comment.

    Like hello if you read my comment above I have bought two month worth two bottles I spend New Zealand dollars $120 I done it for 2 month nothing happened I didn't lose jack but if u wana spend money then good luck
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    damn do i really sound that stupid? =(

    No, you don't sound stupid. But, here is how it probably works:

    "You should really try these African Mango Bush pills."
    "What about the other stuff you guys are selling?"
    "Well, we have to carry that stuff. But, these pills actually work."

    I.E., we make more money pushing this new stuff than the other things we have that do nothing as well.

    You want to take a daily, calcium and fish oil? Go for it. But, a pill that magically makes your body do crazy weight loss? Sounds crazy, right? It is. Save your cash.

    Again, you aren't stupid or crazy. You just got hit by someone trying to sell you something when you were vulnerable. Disregard it.
  • Farah_akbar
    Farah_akbar Posts: 1,692 Member
    Can some please tell me how I can post a picture up so I CAN sHOW HER THE BOtTLES CAN REALLY WE gIVING ADIVCE BUT ThEN SHE STILlING going about if any one has tired it
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    sounds like a pile of African Mango Bull****.

    lmfao !

    I thought this was going to be a joke thread...

    damn do i really sound that stupid? =(

    I wasn't implying that you were stupid. A lot of threads like this pop up, usually asking about the validity of some "magic" ingredient to aid weight loss. I hadn't heard of African Mango Bush pills and assumed someone had made it up to poke fun at the green coffee bean/raspberry ketones phenomena.

    When I was younger I was game for fat burners and other pills that I thought would speed up my weight loss. Like you said, we all want to get there as fast a possible. I realize now that pills are stupid.

    I hope you do it the healthy way, too. You will reach your goal, put solid effort into it and enjoy the accomplishment of doing it on your own - no magic required :smile:
    I agree you don't sound stupid at all. what's stupid, is those pills, the companies that make them, and the sellers who push them. I got caught up in the ephedra bs back in the day. One day I ended up in Santa Barbara because I was in a bad mood over my pain and thought I'm just gonna take care of all my own problems today starting with getting my own place and I had lots of energy that particular day. Well several hours, mall stops, makeovers, and freeways, and open houses later I found myself on a pay phone getting my mother's credit card number down to find a hotel for the night because I was insanely tired, it was dark out, I was in an unknown town and with zero cash!?!?! my mom was mortified how i'd gotten so far she'd thought i was laid up in bed with pain as per usual.

    Upon return a few weeks later a dr. told me they found amphetamines in my system and why hadn't I been honest about being a "recreational" user. WTF!?!? I was floored AND offended. After popping in and out of the office a few times and asking me some pointed but confusing questions he concluded that my cold and my desire for weight loss had collided in the form of cold medicines combined with diet pills showing up as drugs in my system and were responsible for that weird "road trip". Literally I was tripping!

    I tell you this here out loud because I want everyone to be wary of everything wacky, too good to be true, that makes you feel funny, that does the impossible, that someone has to pressure or trick you into, that is too faddish, or that just makes your gut instincts pop up. It took my friend months to convince me to use these and me YEARS to convince her NOT too after my trip. She was hot, I was fat, how could I know better? Well I'm the one who is now happy married with kids and a normal life. I don't even know where she is now only that last time I checked she was drinking too much with a new relationship and spending time in hot tubs with her new BF his EX GF and his father in law. Weirdo soup if you ask me. Don't drink the kool aid!:noway:
  • Farah_akbar
    Farah_akbar Posts: 1,692 Member
    damn do i really sound that stupid? =(

    No, you don't sound stupid. But, here is how it probably works:

    "You should really try these African Mango Bush pills."
    "What about the other stuff you guys are selling?"
    "Well, we have to carry that stuff. But, these pills actually work."

    I.E., we make more money pushing this new stuff than the other things we have that do nothing as well.

    You want to take a daily, calcium and fish oil? Go for it. But, a pill that magically makes your body do crazy weight loss? Sounds crazy, right? It is. Save your cash.

    Again, you aren't stupid or crazy. You just got hit by someone trying to sell you something when you were vulnerable. Disregard it.

    Your right cause they told me its better with raspberry ketones but no the bull ****s
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    sounds like a pile of African Mango Bull****.

    lmfao !

    I thought this was going to be a joke thread...

    damn do i really sound that stupid? =(

    I wasn't implying that you were stupid. A lot of threads like this pop up, usually asking about the validity of some "magic" ingredient to aid weight loss. I hadn't heard of African Mango Bush pills and assumed someone had made it up to poke fun at the green coffee bean/raspberry ketones phenomena.

    When I was younger I was game for fat burners and other pills that I thought would speed up my weight loss. Like you said, we all want to get there as fast a possible. I realize now that pills are stupid.

    I hope you do it the healthy way, too. You will reach your goal, put solid effort into it and enjoy the accomplishment of doing it on your own - no magic required :smile:

    I already lost 5 pounds in one week without *magic pills* all i did was go to the gym everyday for 2 hours and eat veggies and fruits. im just scared of the point where i will stop losing n be at a standstill
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member

    I mean i guess the manager is trying to push them because they sell them at the gym.

    **slaps forehead***
    No, literally, I read this line and slapped my forehead. Am I the only one?

    Save your money. Look away from the gym products for sale. Back away from the counter. Put your money back into that place where you keep your money. You do not need to take pills to lose weight. It will not be permanent, even if by some miracle those pills were legit.

    Do you want to lose weight quickly or permanently?

    both dammit! lol

    I hear you and I feel your pain. But let's take a trip into the future: December 31, 2013. You have logged into MFP daily. You are tracking what you eat and exercising some and getting motivation from friends real and virtual. And you've lost 1 lb per week, just 1 lb per week by doing all those things you know you are supposed to do; not by starving yourself, or buying bogus pills or falling for some gimmick from someone trying to sell you something.

    And guess what? At the end of this year, just by doing what I described you could be 50 lbs lighter. Maybe it's not quick and it's certainly not as exciting as the prospect of miracle weight loss with African bush whatchamacallits, but if you look at the success stories on this site and the people who are maintaining their weight, most did it by tracking what they eat and exercising some. And you keep seeing that story over and over again because it works.

    ok i will try. to my gyms credit they did give me this site :)
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    I know it sounds like a scam guys, that's why i'm asking if it actually helped any members on here.

    I'm looking for people who have actually given this product a try to come in here and comment.

    Like hello if you read my comment above I have bought two month worth two bottles I spend New Zealand dollars $120 I done it for 2 month nothing happened I didn't lose jack but if u wana spend money then good luck
    Can some please tell me how I can post a picture up so I CAN sHOW HER THE BOtTLES CAN REALLY WE gIVING ADIVCE BUT ThEN SHE STILlING going about if any one has tired it

    Yes i saw your comment. I was telling everyone else that what i wanted were reviews like yours to be able to see other people's experiences. Thanks for sharing your experience with me.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member

    Again, you aren't stupid or crazy. You just got hit by someone trying to sell you something when you were vulnerable. Disregard it.

    =( I dont like being vulnerable
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    sounds like a pile of African Mango Bull****.

    lmfao !

    I thought this was going to be a joke thread...

    damn do i really sound that stupid? =(

    I wasn't implying that you were stupid. A lot of threads like this pop up, usually asking about the validity of some "magic" ingredient to aid weight loss. I hadn't heard of African Mango Bush pills and assumed someone had made it up to poke fun at the green coffee bean/raspberry ketones phenomena.

    When I was younger I was game for fat burners and other pills that I thought would speed up my weight loss. Like you said, we all want to get there as fast a possible. I realize now that pills are stupid.

    I hope you do it the healthy way, too. You will reach your goal, put solid effort into it and enjoy the accomplishment of doing it on your own - no magic required :smile:
    I agree you don't sound stupid at all. what's stupid, is those pills, the companies that make them, and the sellers who push them. I got caught up in the ephedra bs back in the day. One day I ended up in Santa Barbara because I was in a bad mood over my pain and thought I'm just gonna take care of all my own problems today starting with getting my own place and I had lots of energy that particular day. Well several hours, mall stops, makeovers, and freeways, and open houses later I found myself on a pay phone getting my mother's credit card number down to find a hotel for the night because I was insanely tired, it was dark out, I was in an unknown town and with zero cash!?!?! my mom was mortified how i'd gotten so far she'd thought i was laid up in bed with pain as per usual.

    Upon return a few weeks later a dr. told me they found amphetamines in my system and why hadn't I been honest about being a "recreational" user. WTF!?!? I was floored AND offended. After popping in and out of the office a few times and asking me some pointed but confusing questions he concluded that my cold and my desire for weight loss had collided in the form of cold medicines combined with diet pills showing up as drugs in my system and were responsible for that weird "road trip". Literally I was tripping!

    I tell you this here out loud because I want everyone to be wary of everything wacky, too good to be true, that makes you feel funny, that does the impossible, that someone has to pressure or trick you into, that is too faddish, or that just makes your gut instincts pop up. It took my friend months to convince me to use these and me YEARS to convince her NOT too after my trip. She was hot, I was fat, how could I know better? Well I'm the one who is now happy married with kids and a normal life. I don't even know where she is now only that last time I checked she was drinking too much with a new relationship and spending time in hot tubs with her new BF his EX GF and his father in law. Weirdo soup if you ask me. Don't drink the kool aid!:noway:

    whoaaaaa thats some crazy-ISHHHHHHHHHHHH

    now you scared me off of them for good.

    OK no african bushes and mangos for me