Hi there, fairly new to MFP

I'm Courtney, i'm 22 and recently graduated college. 4 years ago going into college, I was 135 at 5'5 (and I thought I was big then lol) but over the past few years the dining hall food, late night snacks, alcohol, and lack of exercise has made me jump up to 160. So really my goal here is to lose 30-40 lbs and tone up in the process.

This week I started working out with a trainer. I went Monday and Wednesday and ouch do I hurt, I can barely walk down stairs! But it feels great and i'm dedicated to making exercise a big part of my life. I'm also going to be trying to eat a more balanced diet, cutting back on calories and processed food.

Tbh, part of the reason why my exercise and diet has gone by the wayside is alcohol. Between frat parties, hitting the bars and just having wine nights with my sorority sisters, I was drinking probably 3-4 times a week. That right there is a lot of calories, but it also made it hard the next day to have the motivation to eat good foods ,let alone work out. So this is going to be a big part of my plan. Drinking only one night a week I hope will help this process along!

Anyways, there is my ramble, just had to get that out. Feel free to friend me or w/e if you are in or have been in a similar spot or just because.


  • jflori
    jflori Posts: 25
    I'm in my last year of college so I know how you feel!
    That's awesome you started with a trainer :)
    Good luck with your journey!!
  • CourtGettingThin
    CourtGettingThin Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks! I hope yours goes well also!
    My gym is doing 10 training sessions for free within 2 months of when you start, so i'm def taking advantage of that.
    I might continue with it after, but my trainer is teaching me lots of things I can do on my own so that I can continue the workouts if I decide not continue with the sessions.
  • olsondre
    olsondre Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome! Sounds like you have a good plan starting off
  • melissakatemey81
    Hi :) I'm 5'6 and 154.... hoping to get to 121 by July / August.

    I'm 31 one and was relatively slim in my 20's then by 28 / 29 it started to go downhill - I decided to take loosing weight seriously for 2013...

    When you in your 20's you always think you bigger than you are but trust me after the 30 mark it scares the crap out of you!

    Good luck, I'm sure you can do it :)

    Will send you a friend request :)
  • MrsIngram2012

    I left Uni, started working, drinking, eating out so went from being slim in my teens early twenties to mid thirties thinking how have I gotten this big. Turning things around now. Want to get to around 160lbs

    Mrs I x