MIO Active Connect



  • Hi Friends!
    I am new to this message board.

    I got My Mio Active Connect in the mail yesterday and got frustrated when it said that I walked 200 steps when I had just went up the stairs. However, I read that it measures the amount of effort in your steps; not just the steps you take. I ran up the stairs, so it's considered a numerous amount of steps - makes sense.

    This morning I set the timer for 1 hour because I was in a Kettle Bells class. Somehow during that hour, it switched from reading the calories I burned off of heart rate to steps. So, after a 1 hour class (which is typically 600 calories burned), it said I only burned 22. I was very disappointed.

    I'll try it again based on my heart rate on Monday when I take my step aerobics class.

    Reading other posts, I'm wondering if my sweat was interfering with it?!

    What do you guys think? Has anyone worked out and gotten a reading that made sense yet?
  • Hi
    I am thinking of getting a MIO active connect and do a lot of kettlebell classes and workouts. Could you let me know if the MIO is working for you ? Also, how is it wearing it when you do a kettlebell snatch for intance?
  • c53204
    c53204 Posts: 35 Member
    At first I saw this device on MFP and seems like a great idea.

    But, not easy to get in UK. Software supplied is for Windows only - not Mac OSX.

    Also expect that it will be heavily US based databases, etc - too often this happens. I like FitBit, but use MFP for foods as the FitBit food Database is USA or German?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    At first I saw this device on MFP and seems like a great idea.

    But, not easy to get in UK. Software supplied is for Windows only - not Mac OSX.

    Also expect that it will be heavily US based databases, etc - too often this happens. I like FitBit, but use MFP for foods as the FitBit food Database is USA or German?
    Same as Bodymedia Fit. The UK- equivalent- KIfit doesn't do the link or the core.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I really wanted to get one but they're not available in the UK :( I can't find anything good for calculating daily calorie expenditure over here (except Kifit but that is ridiculously expensive).

    Have you looked at the fitbit.

    ^ That.

    LOVE my FitBit.
  • EliTheRev
    EliTheRev Posts: 12 Member
    Got a MIO from Amazon in the mail yesterday.
    Sending it back on Monday.

    Doesn't work at all. Not impressed.
    It's bigger crap than the BASIS.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Got a MIO from Amazon in the mail yesterday.
    Sending it back on Monday.

    Doesn't work at all. Not impressed.
    It's bigger crap than the BASIS.
    What's wrong with the Basis?
  • Hello, I am looking into buying the MIO Active Connect. But seeing as I live in the UK there is a no returns policy where I am buying it from, I was just wondering if the MIO is the best one to get or not because I really like it but on here a lot of people aren't happy with it which worries me. I don't want to buy it and then it is absolute rubbish because it is a lot of money including shipping etc. Any replies would be useful, thanks lucy :)
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Not sure if you've read the rest of the thread but you can get the Kifit in the UK which is the Bodymediafit.
  • RitaZebra
    RitaZebra Posts: 2 Member
    My friend & I bought the Mio Active because it connected to MFP, but it wil not sync, we have Java 7, Windows7, and google chrome, we tried many browsers, on many computers, we took it to work and asked out IT department to try for us but it will not upload, sooo frustrating because we only bought it because it synced with MFP, so upset.
  • holieghloren
    holieghloren Posts: 9 Member
    If you have your mio active connect set with HR unlocked you maybe getting an unclear read if you are sweating a lot. That kills the battery pretty quick but it can also mess up your heart rate reader. Same with the cashier having the heart rate unlocked option on is more sensative
  • WalkerPop
    WalkerPop Posts: 436 Member
    A community member sent me a direct message asking if the problems I'd had with the MIO had been worked out. That was in 10/2012 and it dawned on me that I'd left the thread with out posting my outcome. (Very selfish. Sorry.) Here's my replay to her(?):

    I'm not sure about which failure you're referring.

    (a) It counted hundreds of steps taken during my 40 minute commute (by vehicle) to work each day. Usually, I had my arm relatively stationary on the armrest.
    (b) Counting literal steps may work out to be accurate in the long run, but when I would go for a walk and try to count steps as taken, my total and its were frequently not close. They also would not vary consistently, where I could factor up or down.
    (c) Through a series of updates and resets - watch AND PC - I successfully uploaded to their website once.
    (d) While their site seemed to connect with MFP, the data from the one upload never transferred to MFP. In fairness, that may be because the calories burned on that trial (not a full day) did not exceed my BMR or what MFP assumes I'll burn by simply breathing each day. Since I'm not sure what the logic is, I don't know if this was a failure or was working as intended.

    I decided that it was not worth it for me and sent it back. I did this within refund period and they were gracious with the refund. I have nothing but positive things to say about my interaction with the company. They were very responsive - responding to email inquiries even during the weekend, frequently within an hour or two - when I reached out for help.

    Some of my issues (like logging steps while driving) puzzled them and they sent me a replacement with no hesitation. Other concerns were "known issues [they] are working to correct." (They may well be fixed now, since they've had the time and Windows and other programs have had several updates since.)

    Overall, I would give the company a 5 of 5 rating and my experience with the product a 2 of 5. Though I've decided it is not right for me, I'm sure they are continually making improvements. If you want a watch-type interface, it may be right for you. Because of the response and reaction I received, I'm relatively confident that you could try it with little risked (beside your time).

    I hope my thoughts are helpful. I apologize to you and the rest of the community for failing to post this outcome. I'll try to find one of those posts and post this as a followup.

  • deejaylexy
    deejaylexy Posts: 1 Member
    Just got my MIO Active Sync - will try it out and see how it goes. :)