Stay at home Mom struggles!



  • abbyo3
    abbyo3 Posts: 2
    i am also a stay at home mom with three kids,20 month old and 7 weeks twins,so i need not tell you how difficult it is for me to really fight it off i just think about my kids and how much i have to be healthy for them.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    So, I dont have kids but I work out at home 90% of the time because the gym at my work is gross and full people. My hubs and I sucked it up and bought an elliptical. It was about $400 new. They are way cheaper used. It is in the corner of the living room. Would it be possible to get the kids to watch a movie with you while you work out and htey sit on the couch/floor and watch Nemo or something? Even if you cant get an elliptical those mini stair steppers are fairly cheap and give you a work out also.
  • fraggles1805
    fraggles1805 Posts: 33 Member
    I find it hard, I have a 9 month old home all day and a 5 year old a school. My husband comes home at 5.30 but then I work in home care from 7 til 11 so have literally zero time to myself. I am a member at a gym and go on a saturday and a sunday morning and do exercise at home the other 5 days a week. Its soooo hard. Got to bed at midnight last night after work, baby woke at 2 teething, got him back to sleep at 4 and then up at 6 for school run. Plus I work 6 evenings a week so have a very severe lack of sleep at the minute!!

    Determined to do it though for my daughter if nothing else, she knows I am big and someone at school told her she had a 'fat mum'. It finally gave me the motivation I need.
  • Sophlilcady
    Sophlilcady Posts: 21 Member
    I thought I'd write in my experience.
    I'm an overweight (roughly 240 lbs) single mum of two girls under three years of age. I have found the number one best roll for me is a gym with a crèche. It gives me a break, me time to get in my own head without battling with
    'MILK! BEBE!'

    Etc etc. I tried doing workout videos while my youngest had her nap... It's not easy to do much with a 2.5 year old constantly demanding you dance ballroom style with her, or do sit ups with her sitting in your stomach.

    They LOVE the crèche (they don't go to any other kind of care) and I love working out. I find even when we have had a bad night (neither sleep through!) if I haul *kitten* to the gym it gives me MORE energy and I'm MORE motivated to eat healthy instead of sit on my butt and eat.
  • Louder4
    Louder4 Posts: 57 Member
    Another SAHM mom here. Things that help me are: workout DVD's at nap time or bed time, running up and down stairs while kids play, puwhing kids in stroller and using our stationary bike or treadmil (craigslist).
    I too try not to bring the junk in, but when I do or my hubby does it goes far away. For example, the Dorito's that my older 2 like in their lunches get put in the garage fridge or freezer. Makes it really hard for me to binge while feeding the baby vs. grabbing a handful here and there out of the pantry (really eating the whole bag). All treats/candy/cookies go straight to the deep freezer too!
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Yes! One of our sacred rules is that my husband is NOT to bring my trigger foods in the house, (potato chips, ice cream, cookies, pizza,) and if he does, he hides it in a special spot away from the kids and I. I can't tell you how many daily food logs have been ruined by me just having 1 or 2 servings of these foods, day after day until it is gone. If I want to eat that junk, I do it in public where the portion is controlled and I can't go back a couple hours for more like I can in my cabinet. Honestly, the snacks that my kids eat are similar to mine, (veggies, pita chips, cheese cubes, fruit leather, etc,) but some of them, (the "healthier" goldfish crackers,) don't even sound good to me so no problem picking off their plates!
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I got my 3-year-old daughter a Just Dance game, and we BOTH work out to it during the day. :) Also, I only give myself a treat - cookies, or ice cream, or chocolate milk - if I exercised the calories away first, and only at night. Having a set "snack time" helped me defeat cravings during the day. :)