New here and need some support :)

I'm new on here , well 2 weeks new, and im trying to find some supportive people to help me along. I'll help you as well :)

I've tried so many times to lose weight in the past but always failed. This time i have to do it. My partner proposed and i want to look good on my wedding day. Especially as everyone will be looking at me!

So add me, send me a message etc and we can help each other a long this path to a healthier life.

I also have a blog, ...... check it out sometime :)


  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: i was in the same boat as you but since i have joined mfp it has been great. you get support & encouragement everyday. i am sending a friend request your way.
  • Wow youve lost so much!
    I had a bad day yesterday, feeling ill and just wanted to eat EVERYTHING in sight! but i battled on and feel better for it thanks to reading success stories on here!
  • JackieA47
    JackieA47 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm really new too!! It's always good to have extra motivation and support where you can, I've been a bit slack about engaging with the community on here but seeing other peoples success stories and ideas is a great way to keep my motivation up. Have sent you an add request :)
  • Hi, I have been on here for two weeks now and have realised just how much rubbish I do eat on a normal day to day basis. It's the snacking in between that gets me... but now, I snack (if I have to) on Belvita or kelloggs moments (they are really low in the bad stuff and don't taste horrible). Clemantines and plenty of fruit (not bananas) instead of chocolate. I have lost 4lb now by cutting out all that rubbish, lessened my servings of meals, don't always have bread (take a look at that, brown can be worse). What seems to work for me is to basically plan next day of food the night before, then you have a good idea of what your goal is!
    The best thing for me (surprisingly) is that I turned down a chocolate muffin, shocking everyone who knows me... but I did it and felt really good (not at the time, but afterwards). :noway:
    Good luck with this and keep in touch.
  • Hi :)


    I also just joined MFP to lose weight for my wedding, getting married in August and want to lose about 33lbs - hopefully by June if possible...

    I've found MFP absolutely awesome and people have been so encouraging!

    I'll send you a friend request :)

  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    You can add me if you want, but I will be honest. I don't like the low calories your eating (looked at your food diary). You are starving your body. I use to do the same thing and sure at first I lost, but then I was drained, tired, and the weight was slow coming off. I lost 40 lbs before joining MFP and my ticker shows 3 as of last week. (I joined MFP on 1/16/13). I will be doing my weigh in for this week on Saturday or Sunday. When people say, it takes more to eat to lose weight, they are not lieing, it works. it kicks up your motabilism and you have more energy than you know what to do with. I wish you luck and if you want me as a friend. add me, but it is gonna be hard to be encouraging/motavational to you with such low calorie counts. (under 1000.. OUCH)
  • Me too :) joining MFP was the best thing ive ever done and the weight has fallen off. Ive gone from a 16 to a 10!!:smile:

    More than happy to offer my support !!
  • finallyhome2019
    finallyhome2019 Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome! I would be happy to be one of your MFP friends....We can all use the support of great motivating people!

    You'll do fine!
  • I'm new at this too. Just started a week ago and will give you all the support that you will need. Welcome!!
  • I have been told i need more calories before but the problem is, i eat when im hungry. The things i do eat fill me up aswell. And i drink so much water during the day that i dont tend to snack. Im trying very hard to up my calories though.

    Do you guys have any advice on healthy but higher calorie meals that i could try out?