A little motivation!

For those of you that have been discouraged everytime you look at the scale:

Are you taking measurements? It can be so frustrating to work your behind off and Step on the scale to be dissapointed! My advice is stick with it and start measuring! I have been at this now for, well tomorrow will be my 3 week mark! The first week I immediately lost 5 lbs.! I was shocked as I thought this is almost effortless! My 2nd week I started to get discouraged as I weigh myself everyday The number seemed to keep going up, so much so that I gained the 5 lbs back and then some! I now weigh more than I did when I started and I was feeling really down! And almost gave up! But I've been talking to some profesionals and I am no longer thinking about quiting! I also now know the importance of measuring! You see I have actually been gaining weight because I'm building muscle! You, like me, may not always see results on the scale but that doesn't mean you aren't progressing! Start measuring! You'll get that motivation back when you start seeing the full picture instead of just a piece of the puzzle! Good luck everyone! :-)


  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    This is extremely good advice. One of the most critical, core pieces of advice anyone just starting should heed.

    At the end of the day, I don't care if the scale says 200 or 150. If I'm fit and healthy with low body fat and look good naked, sucks to the scale!
  • sunflower52690
    Exactly! It's not about weight! It's about being healthy and feeling good in your own skin! Way to go to you on your progress! :-)
  • HOLLEE85
    Also may I add that it's not good to weigh yourself everyday. Your body weight does fluctuate from day to day so I suggest picking a certain day of the week (for me it's always Mondays) and weigh in first thing in the morning BEFORE eating anything.......And try and weigh yourself naked.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    So true....at some point in your journey, body composition should become a more important factor than simple weight loss. My current profile pic shows me 5 months ago and yesterday. I'm actually 7 lbs heavier in the after pic on the right (I'm a gainer) but I lost 1.5"in both my waist and belly and look so much tighter!