New Here! Need To Loose Total 6st 9Lb!

jenniferthomas89 Posts: 11
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All!

I've been tracking my food on myfitnesspal for 4 weeks now, and so far have lost 16.3 LB! woohoo!

A bit about me, i'm jenni, 20, and live in blackpool, Uk.#

i'm rubbish at diets & the most i ever lost before this diet was 8LBs!,

Below is my goal weights etc.

Start Weight: 198Lb
Goal Weight: 105Lb

First Goal Holiday 19-June , 175Lb

Current Weight: 181.7Lb

I think thats all, anything else just ask :)



  • Gordy83
    Gordy83 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm from the UK too. First off - if you dont mind me asking..... what height are you? 105lbs sounds light! over the past year or two i've managed to shift 4 1/2 stones and the best part of that was through this website. Track everything, good and bad!. My secret to losing weight was walking! I walked 2 hours a day, one at night one in the morning. covering in excess of 5miles in total. Helped the dog lose quite a bit too!

    Good Luck
  • WarrenB
    WarrenB Posts: 1
    Brilliant effort so far!

    Am new here myself, 34 and from the UK too. Just joined up after some encouragement from the wife! I need to lose about 7st.

    Good luck!
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Hi Jenni. I'm in the UK too - I've lost about a stone so far (around 4 to go) and I really do credit this website. I've been going to the gym much more regularly now that I see in numbers what a huge difference it makes and I think twice when I'm tempted to eat big portions now that I know roughly what that can do to my calories for the day! So good on you for your great start and be sure to stick around!

    Oh and anyone who wants to add me as a friend, please do. The motivation and encouragement is fabulous!
  • Hey Jenny, I'm from the UK too and I'm about the same weight as you now.

    Been doing the gym thing, and it seems to be toning things up, but the weight still seems to stay, thinking I might need some new scales!

    Add me as a buddy if you like.

    Heather :)
  • Hey, I am 21, and 173lbs. My goal weight is 130lbs. I agree with the other poster that 105lbs seems very slight, unless you are about 5 foot ! I'm 5"7.

    Add me as a friend if u like, as we are similar weights !
  • hi all :) thanks for the replys! :)

    I know 105 sounds low, but i'm only 5 foot and half a inch! yes tiny i know, but i put everywhere 5'1. and that's the healthiest weight its given me :)

  • Gordy83
    Gordy83 Posts: 10 Member
    Maybe 105 isnt too low then, although my "ideal weight" is about another stone off my current weight which is far too low for an ex rugby player with broad shoulders!

    Well Good luck.
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