Anyone with PCOS??

Hi ladies, around a year ago now I was diagnosed with mild polycystic ovarian syndrome, and thought it would be cool to chat to / meet more people who have this *kitten* of a syndrome, and get support, ideas and motivation off each other for beating this! My doctor told me if I can lose approx 15kgs (30 pounds or so) that I would more than likely get rid of the PCOS... So anyone else with this, feel free to add me :) Jade


  • jesikabaker4u
    jesikabaker4u Posts: 215 Member
    Hi, I have it too, unfortunately :-( I was diagnosed when I was 18, 6 years ago. I hadn't done anything about it in the past but am now trying to concieve so it's a big incentive for me to lose weight. I have about a 100lbs to lose. A lot lol. More than welcome to add me for motivation :-)
  • Caryn03
    Caryn03 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi.. I have it as well :(. I was diagnosed just about 7 months ago. And I'm in the same boat as jesikabaker4u, we are ttc and we are doing things to be able to do so. And I know losing weight will increase our success chances. So, i'm trying really hard to do good and stay on track. There are a couple PCOS groups on here that you can look into joining. I'm in a couple of them.

    Good Luck with your weight loss Jade!
    And Great job so far Jesika!!!
  • lmcrowe82
    lmcrowe82 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I too have it. I was diagnosed about 2 years ago but it was suspected when I was 19 (11 years ago). It has been really hard to get pregnant a second time, which is why I'm trying to lose weight again. I miscarried after losing 30 pounds 2 years ago with lots of hard work. It was devastating and I gained all of it back and then some. I'm back on track with 5% off in 3 weeks and hoping I can get down further before getting pregnant again. We have been trying for a while so that's the crappiest part!