Just wanted to say hello

Hi everyone. My name is Deanna, and I am 41 years old. I currently weigh 156 pounds. My goal weight is 135 pounds. At one point, I weighed as much as 186 pounds. I am thrilled with my 30-pound weight loss thus far, but I've been stuck for over a year now between 156 pounds and 172 pounds. I tend to yo-yo between those two weights. I eat a vegetarian diet and am moving towards becoming vegan. I have a habit of jumping in with both feet and then end up failing due to being overwhelmed, as I try to do too much at once. This time, I am going to try to make changes slowly, as I keep reading that that will help the positive changes to stick. My new plan is to start this weekend by measuring, weighing, and logging my food and begin riding my exercise bicycle for ten minutes, three times a week. I wish everyone much success with their personal goals!


  • elorawood
    elorawood Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    It is true what they say. Doing it slowly and building up is much better. I used to do it the ¨hard-core¨ way as well with high hopes and would be so unhappy when things didn´t go the way I had planned them. Don´t get me wrong, this here can be difficult too, but logging daily, being informed about what we eat, having a few friends and encouraging each other really makes a difference :)

    Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • DogTrainingGal
    Thanks elorawood! I pre-logged in my meal plan for tomorrow, as well as my exercise plan. I am going to print it out and hang it on the refrigerator to keep me on track tomorrow. I will check off everything as I eat/do it to help keep myself encouraged. Being 156 pounds now, I do not consider myself overweight any longer (even though the BMI calculator still puts me in the "overweight" category), but I would like to get into better shape and tone up. I've gone down this road before, and I know I can do it!