Need Advice - Please Help

I have been on MFP since1/2/13.

I am a 33 year old male, 5'11" 211lbs with a desk job. Since I started MFP I run 4 miles 3-4 times per week. MFP set my TDEE at 2410 (based on my sedentary lifestyle selection) and factored in a 1000 calorie defict for my 2lb a week weight loss goal.

Here's my dilema. I've lost 7lbs to date but have not lost anything over the last two weeks. I've eaten at or slightly below my Net Calorie goal of 1410 pretty consistently. From many posts that I've read I'm beginning to think I am not eating enough calories.

I went to some other websites and run TDEE and BMR calcs which give me a TDEE of 2714 (desk job) and a BMR of 2057. My understanding is I should never eat below my BMR so I am confused as to why MFP set my net cal goal at 1410.

At this point I'm very confused and am under the imprression I need to increase my calories in order to drop the weight.

I'm hoping you fellow MFPers can help me out. Thanks.


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Part of the reason MFP set your calorie goal so low is that you set your pound per week goal too high...the program is only as good as the data its given. And this is a common mistake many people make. Everyone in such a rush to lose the weight NOW that they don't even glance at the note about the "suggested" one pound per week setting. I'm not sure how much weight you're looking to lose but here's a good guideline to use:
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    Another way to look at this is how the amount of weight figures out per week. You've been at this for 4 weeks and have lose 7 pounds. That's 1.75 pounds per week on average which is really not that far from the 2 pound per week goal you set for yourself. Especially considering that it's likely 1 pound per week is a more realistic goal.

    Stop being so hard on yourself and learn patience. You're doing great!
  • NLKatherine
    NLKatherine Posts: 37 Member
    no advice, but I want to follow this as I have similar concerns
  • The first couple of weeks if your eating below your calorie intake your body trys to hold on to it because it thinks you are trying to starve. Once your body gets use to what your doing then it will start to drop the weight. I eat below my calorie intake because i want to lose weight faster, so i know that the next two weeks i may not even lose a pound but by the third week i should lose around 5lbs it may not be the healthiest way to do it.
  • cmh_09
    cmh_09 Posts: 3
    Thanks for the response Minnie.

    My goal was to lose 33lbs and go from 218 to 185. Based on your feedback this would have me at a 1lb per week weight loss goal. I will adjust my MFP settings to see what impact it has on my calorie goals. Thanks again!
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    I agree you are not eating enough. As an example my husband is your height and started at 215. He is eating between 1810 and 2000 calories and is losing weight. He is now 194 and believe me he is not supper strict with his exercise. So, check your calculations again, there are a few good one out there like Good Luck.
  • cyberiarob
    cyberiarob Posts: 229 Member
    Not necessarily advice, but here's what I've done...

    I'm a 34 year old male, 6'0" with a desk job and started my weight loss at 225 pounds. I originally started with diet alone at about 1000-1200 calories, did that for about 3 months and lost 40 pounds. Then I started moderate exercise (run a few miles, ride stationary bike, etc.) and upped my net calories to about 1400-1450 calories. Been doing that for about a month and a half and have lost an additional 15 pounds.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    BMR of 2057

    Most people here will tell you to eat every day, on average, above your BMR.

    200+ lb, tall, dude, runs 4 miles... yeah, eat at least on average 2000 cal. every day of whole foods.
  • cmh_09
    cmh_09 Posts: 3
    Thanks JCollins, Lynn, Rob, and WB. I appreciate the help!