
Hi all, I’m Monet, I started MFP back in Aug12 but I kind of fell off but this new year has brought new promise and it's starting off pretty good.

Trying to cut out processed foods/ high sodium foods and soda has been a real struggle. We live with my S/O's grandparents who must cook everything in butter and salt and most of it comes from a box or can and it’s hard to fix a healthy meal when a big greasy and cheezy one is sitting hot and ready on the stove. But I’m trying.
So I hope you all achieve all of your goals and I achieve mine, and would love some new friends to help me out.


  • jenzy2009
    Hi there~ It can definitely be hard. Let's be friends and help each other through this. I am low carbing right now. This first 2 weeks eating only meat and eggs and cheese. It is really hard but it does work if you can get through it. Do you have any ideas of what you are going to do?
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    Lately ive been just been trying to eat more fresh fruits and veggies(not really a veggie person) i do have a neglected gym membership that i am going to start using again. and watch my calorie intake for the past few weeks ive been doing ok.
  • jenzy2009
    sounds like you are off to a good start :)