Looking for support - Not your average 50 YO

Hi everyone! I have been on mfp for a while but have left a come back a few times.
I see posts where people talk about life getting in the way and I can say, without hesitation, I completely understand.
A little about me. I am a personal trainer, coach, I do a body work called Muscle Activation Techniques, I am a national competitor in a sport called hydrofoiling. I am raising a grandson and was raising 2 grand daughters who just went back to live with their mom in September. I have been married for 31 years have 5 kids and 8 grand kids.
Life often "gets in the way". So here I am, asking for support and letting you know I will be on your cheering and accountability team too.
Let me know if you are up for the challenge of holding this crazy lady accountable. 8-)


  • witchieboo
    witchieboo Posts: 43 Member
    Your sure active. I also have been married 30 years one grandchild on the way. Lately I have been doing exercise in doors. The temperature here has been below -30 C. So go as far as the car. I do go to the Gym to work out but yesterday the temperature was -40C so I use the WII and bike instead at home.
  • WorkingonmeAliG
    WorkingonmeAliG Posts: 19 Member
    I workout at home most of the time. I work out of a gym but I still like to workout at home. We have had WARM weather here on the eastern slope in Colorado. We need some of that cold and wet weather!!
    AMKAG Posts: 31 Member
    I've been on and off MFP for a couple years too. Now back at it. I'm looking really for only a couple friends, as I can't keep up if I've got a bunch... I live in SW denver and pretty busy with two kids, been married 24 years, work part - full time. I don't post alot, but log every day and if I see no one else "supporting" you I will will.

    I'm working towards a "younger you" That's a book that supports life time changes and one hour of activitiy a day. Not there yet, I'm not into the crazy fads or balls to walls kind of stuff, I'm more, is this sustainable? challanging? but doable? and fits into my life. I love to ski, but this year, not so much...

    Add me if you like..
  • gabe_irun4coffee
    gabe_irun4coffee Posts: 230 Member
    Always up for a challenge! Feel free to add! :-)
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    I'm from Colorado too (the Springs) and am 51. Just joined 25 days ago, have lost 6 pounds so far. Haven't exercised EVERY day but am trying to. I need a cheerleader too, feel free to add me (I'm not sure how to do that myself yet)!
  • roxxym
    roxxym Posts: 2
    Hi, my name is Roxana. I just joined today. I live in Arvada, Co. I will be 50this coming Sept. and I would love to loss 50lb or more. I really have packed on the punds over the last 7 years. Last week my brother -in-law told how FAT i have gotten.. REALLY? I didn't look in the mirror and noticed that. WHAT A SLAP IN THE FACE. But I guess thats what I neededto realize I need to loss a lot of weight. So here I am looking for support. Thanks for listening.
  • insanesonny
    insanesonny Posts: 10 Member
    I am for the challenge. I just started again today. I also have been here several times before but seem to fall back. Im sticking it this time.