Under calories for two weeks and up 1.6 Pounds!



  • my friend don't feel aloe I have been under mine too and haven't lost 1 lb I gained 2 so go figure idk what to do either if u find out let me know.
    Thanks and good luck
  • Thanks guys! I didn't add exercise calories into the TDEE because I would rather not confuse myself with the MFP calculations when I log my exercise. I generally try to eat back at least half of my exercise calories, sometimes all if the workout was more intense.

    I think I'll try eating my BMR plus exercise calories for the next couple weeks and see what happens. If the pounds start to come off too fast, I'll up my calories again.
    I didn't gain the weight overnight, so I don't plan to try to lose it that way either. I'm aiming for the 1.5-2 lb/week range with a focus on becoming fit/strong, and smaller. The number on the scale isn't my end all be all!
    I want to do this the right way. I want to get to my goal, and maintain without fear of gaining it back because I did it all wrong!

    I'll keep you posted!