Educate me please

Okay, so this may sound a little silly. If so please don't clown me on here- just don't comment :blushing:

But i was wondering....if you have a calorie intake goal of 1200.....can you eat WHATEVER you want within that 1200??? For example...McDonalds fish filet sandwich, or chick fil a, ice cream...anything!! Or does it all have to be a healthy 1200 calories.

Although i have been sticking with the healthy 1200, and im loving my results! i just wanted to know if me dodging the street that Dairy Queen sits on is all in vein :happy:


  • jersey_jenn
    jersey_jenn Posts: 122 Member
    that's a good question lol I've been eating whatever to stay in the 1200, I even had a Wendy's cheeseburger, but I've only been at this for 2 weeks so far, so I'm not sure if it will have different effects long term
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Yes, but it is not healthy obviously. You should google the Twinkie Diet.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I pretty much ate what I wanted while I was losing weight and just used portion control. That may be a little more difficult for you (depending on what you like...Dairy Queen) since your calorie intake is only set at 1200. Mini Blizzard is roughly 450 calories.
  • I try to eat healthy on most days, yesterday was a bad day.. I needed my Mc Donald’s and i got my Mc Donald’s. I did have a lighter lunch due to the morning indulgence. I think it is a personal choice as to what your goals are and your mind set. My mind tells me do what makes you happy within limits : ) :laugh:
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    Okay, so this may sound a little silly. If so please don't clown me on here- just don't comment :blushing:

    But i was wondering....if you have a calorie intake goal of 1800.....can you eat WHATEVER you want within that 1800??? For example...McDonalds fish filet sandwich, or chick fil a, ice cream...anything!! Or does it all have to be a healthy 1800calories.

    Although i have been sticking with the healthy 1800, and im loving my results! i just wanted to know if me dodging the street that Dairy Queen sits on is all in vein :happy:

    Fixed it for you.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Everyone has their own opinions. I have been around 1400-1500 calories an eaten things like that if they fit my calories many times. Lost 30 lbs doing it! I don't eat it daily or anything but it will not be the end of the word if you want a yummy cheeseburger.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    You can eat whatever you want within the 1200 calories.
    I don't suggest eating that stuff due to it's highly processed nature and lower nutritional value than a large homemade salad with a tbsp of balsamic vinegar and grilled chicken...

    But if you want it, eat it.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    you may still lose weight by eating 1200 calories a day of unhealthy food but you wont' feel as good as you would eating 1200 calories of healthy food. I would personally not be able to make it through the day on 1200 calories healthy or not but I work a job where I'm on my feet a lot and have a lot of activity during the day. It's ok to have it occassionally, but if you eat it all the time you won't reap the feel good benefits of eating healthy. There's a commercial on TV with a kids protein drink and they have the kids doing activities dressed up as what they eat....that's a good analogy of how you are what you eat :wink:
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Depends what your goals are. If you want to lose weight on the scales at any cost you can certainly eat 1200 calories of sugar and lard if you so chose. If you want to lose weight whilst remaining healthy, get the best from your workouts, end up with the least fat and most muscle then you would be best eating 1200 nutritious calories. Having said that 1200 calories is not enough for the vast majority of people who are physically active, it's very difficult to get a balance of all the nutrients and all the food groups you need for health. Healthy eating is not just defined by what you eat but also by how much and the balance.
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    I think every once in a while its ok-- obviously you don't want to eat that everyday, but for a treat, and to avoid depriving yourself, give yourself a treat now and then.
  • Garfunklette
    Garfunklette Posts: 22 Member
    I go with the "eat what you like, but stay between BMR and TDEE-x%" mentality. It's easier to fit in healthier foods, and figuring out how many calories were in fast foods was a big eye-opener. But I'm more likely to stick with it if I don't deny myself specific food categories.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Yes you can eat whatever you want.

    You SHOULD eat what you need to to meet your daily macro/micro nutrient goals.

    That said, I have McDonald's at least once a week, along with Taco Bell and sushi.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    That's a great question. If your BMR is higher than 1200 then by eating 1200 a day you should lose weight. What you eat within that 1200 will contribute to you body composition, however.

    Have ever heard of skinny fat? This happens when you have a high fat/carb diet and without doing much physical activities like weights (yep, girls can do weight training too without getting the crazy bulging muscles) . You'd end up looking skinny with the cloth on but the skin could be fluffy underneath.

  • I believe it is good too eat some treats like that once a week so you don't feel deprived! Good Luck
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    I can't prove it but I think there is no harm is eating something that is not particularly healthy if you stay within your calorie budget. That's what's great about counting calories. You can "spend" them as you wish. I just think you need to make sure that you are not opening the door to a binge. Sometimes one bad thing can set you off. I think the key is making it a planned splurge rather than a total laspe in judgment!
  • letbc
    letbc Posts: 27 Member
    I'm sure it can be done but my fear is that if you have one meal with 1200 calories then it's going to be much harder to stay on track. Later that day when you get hungry again you will need/want to eat and when you do you won't lose weight. The other scenerio is that it will just be too hard to keep it under 1200 when each meal is so high calorie and you will give up. Pick a day with extra exercise to indulge if you want to or make it that rare treat. Remember - alot of that junk has high sodium so you may temporarily gain water weight.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    You don't *have* to pick healthy food all the time. But you'll get a LOT more food for that 1200 cal if you make healthier choices than McD.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    You could if you wanted to but you would have absolutely no guarantee to lose weight but be a lot more likely to gain instead but who knows as everyones body works differently.

    Logging that food and seeing what you have too much of and see what the reprocussions of those overages are on a daily basis and maybe that will change your mind from seeing those kinds of foods as acceptable.

    Won't sugar coat it here, you put crap in and you will either look or feel like crap. When I eat healthy in comparison to fast food or restaurant food I notice a huge increase in energy and better will power to refuse the stuff that isn't as good for me not to mention the shed of nearly 4 inches in two months off my hips and feeling like I look good with mostly a healthy diet and a bit of working out.

    It is worth it to skip that street. You will thank yourself in the end.
  • mikechrisrob
    mikechrisrob Posts: 2 Member
    I think a calorie is a calorie, may not be healthy, but as long as you stay in your 1200, you should be ok, just don't do it every day. I have been at this for three weeks and have lost 8 lbs, and a few days I have gone over my 1340 calories, but cut back a little the next day. try the mc grilled chicken sandwitch, very few calories,
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I personally think that if your vices are fast food and fries / burgers, that you should give that up at the beginning of your journey. The reason some people got to where they are is self control, and if you continue to eat the things you normally do then you are just tip toeing on thin ice. Learn how to eat healthy, then 'reward' your hard work with an occasional naughty meal. You can eat more healthy foods than unhealthy - which in the long run can make you fuller longer and you can reach your goals faster - and not just calories matter, why not worry about nutrients? No one wants a corvette with a Studebaker engine under the hood, same reason why eating nutrient dense food vs low nutrient food is better - even though it boils down to calories in vs out LEARN how to eat right and healthy so you can feel better, perform better, and live longer. You learn to appreciate cheesecake more when you eat it once a month not twice a day because it fits your macros