Weighing In

How often do you all weigh yourself? My goal is to lose 10 lbs a month so I thought I would weight myself once a month. I know our weight fluctuates, so weighing every day is out of the question for me. Thoughts? :smile:


  • kashlen
    kashlen Posts: 16
    I think everyone is different with what works, but for me I have to weigh myself everyday. Seeing a loss or a gain equally motivates me. If I see a gain I work out harder, if I see a loss it keeps me going on the right track. I also like to see the graph of the weight having a downward trend.
  • dblaacker
    dblaacker Posts: 153 Member
    I weigh myself about every other day to stay in check, but I keep my official weigh-ins to one day a week. I record my weight and my measurements on here that day. I was measuring myself on Friday mornings, but I've decided to switch to Saturday morning instead so that I can stay in check on Friday nights when I usually relax and let my nutritional guard down.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    I weigh every day (kind of obsessively) but I don't log it until the end of the week.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Every day Monday through Thursday and just when I feel like it on the weekend
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I weigh every day (kind of obsessively) but I don't log it until the end of the week.

    ^^^ This

    I like to see how different foods fluctuate my weight. Usually it stays within a pound unless I eat a lot of sodium. Funny, I never go lower on the scale until my weigh in day...even if I change my designated weigh in day, it only ever goes down on that day...if I'm fortunate!

    I'm hoping to move away from the scale and more towards measurements though.
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    I try to keep it to once a week - any more and I get obsessive, any less and I lose sight of my goal. I need to see the little losses to spur me on.
  • Once a week, I don't like the ball and chain of the scale. I log my food and exercise and part of me want to see if I has lost anything each day but it gives me something to look forward to on Mondays when I go to the gym. I seem to be working harder because i want to start my week of good. Plus it makes me have to stay in check over the weekend when it is the hardest! Good luck with what ever you decide.
  • I weigh in once a week mostly. I may get on the scale a few mornings a week though. You weigh less in the morning:)
  • Emmadennewitz
    Emmadennewitz Posts: 106 Member
    I used to weight myself daily until my trainer told me it was a bad idea because your weight can fluctuate based of foods you've eaten. You can have several pounds of water weight eating a meal high in sodium. I now weight myself once a month and I feel much better not obsessing everyday. It was a hard habit to break at first but I'm happy I only weight myself monthly now.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I weigh in once a month.
  • I weigh once a week but tend to get frustrated because of how it can fluctuate. I'm considering changing to once a month because of that, but can't seem to avoid the scale...it calls to me! I guess I need to know how i'm doing along the way. Maybe it's time to just put it away for the month!
  • I weigh in once a week and try to keep it the same time of day. For me it's right away in the morning when I get up.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    like everyone has said, I have an official weigh-in saturday mornings @8am or whenever i get to the gym.

    but during the week i will weigh myself to see where i may be that saturday. generally i know that on friday night after i am done with cardio that i will be approx 3 lbs less the next morning so i can gauge it from that.
  • mabupi
    mabupi Posts: 15
    I have found in the past that I get obsessive with the scale and get too excited (positively or negatively) about the numbers. In the past, weighing myself each day or even each week ended up being a detriment for me. So this time around, I'm weighing once a month and just paying close attention to how I feel each day when I make healthy choices, and celebrating every time my pants button a little easier. =) I'm hoping to change my mentality to "a lifetime of fitness" instead of "dieting to see the numbers drop."

    But I totally envy everyone out there who can be motivated by the scale...it's nice to have instant feedback sometimes!