Educate me please



  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    There are some on here who will tell you yes, you can eat anything you want If It Fits Your Macros--i.e., the carbohydrate, protein, fat and/or calorie goals you've set. Yes, you may lose some weight...for a while...even on the Twinkie Diet. In the long run, though, you'll do better and be healthier eating mostly Real Food. You know, meat/fish/fowl, whole eggs, nuts, veggies, whole fruit, with minimal grains and sugar, and very little junk food. An occasional small treat is fine if it doesn't set you to craving them constantly.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Ehh 1200 calories is 1200 calories. I realized that I could eat 1200 calories at lunch alone with the way my eating habits were. I've seen better results by eating healthy and I have actually noticed that I can get that full feeling by eating roughly 350 calories too. CRAZY!

    Anyways portion control is a good key for weight loss and burgers come in a controlled portion but I do it more for health reasons. My Dad had a heartattack at 45 and he was considered a healthy weight but his eating habits were no bueno. My Mom is pre-diabetic and spent thousands on the lapband surgery but she still gains weight and her eating habits are no bueno. So it all seems to lead down to what you put in your body.
  • darkheart
    darkheart Posts: 104 Member
    It's quality, not quantity.

    While the pounds may fall off due to the calorie deficit, you'll find that you'll still retain (or even gain) body fat.

    I'm no expert, but based solely on my own experience, it's best to make sure you're getting quality, nutrient-rich foods. I lost a lot of weight in the beginning due to regulating calories, but I noticed the way the fat sat on my body wasn't any different. I looked like a slightly smaller version of what I had started out with.

    It's okay to have a meal here and there that may not necessarily be considered nutritious, but that's good for your own sanity! Try to eat lean proteins with a vegetable at each meal. Cut out refined white starches and processed sugars and replace them with whole grains and fruits. You'll notice you'll feel better overall as well.

    I know others will disagree, but find something that works best for you and stick with it! No plan is right for everyone; we all have different bodies.

    Good luck!
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    Sounds like 1,200 calories will keep you alive.

    The quality of your fuel determines how long and how well you will live. Eat nothing but deep fried fish sticks for your 1,200 calories will:
    * deprive your body of needed nutrition,
    * build plaque in your veins,
    * start heart disease,
    * kill your liver and ......

    You get the picture.

    Yes, it matters what you eat.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Okay, so this may sound a little silly. If so please don't clown me on here- just don't comment :blushing:

    But i was wondering....if you have a calorie intake goal of 1200.....can you eat WHATEVER you want within that 1200??? For example...McDonalds fish filet sandwich, or chick fil a, ice cream...anything!! Or does it all have to be a healthy 1200 calories.

    Although i have been sticking with the healthy 1200, and im loving my results! i just wanted to know if me dodging the street that Dairy Queen sits on is all in vein :happy:

    My opinion is that it isn't ok. But that could also just be my body. I can be well under my calories for the day, but if I've eaten unhealthy food, I won't lose weight. I even went through a period where I hate tons of fruit thinking it was ok. I gained weight, because essentially, it's just sugar.

    The bottom line really is, do you want to eat healthy and be healthy? Or are you just concerned with staying under that calorie allowance and hopefully losing weight? :) It's totally your choice to make.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    You will lose weight if you continually eat less calories than you expend, regardless of the source of calories.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Okay, so this may sound a little silly. If so please don't clown me on here- just don't comment :blushing:

    But i was wondering....if you have a calorie intake goal of 1800.....can you eat WHATEVER you want within that 1800??? For example...McDonalds fish filet sandwich, or chick fil a, ice cream...anything!! Or does it all have to be a healthy 1800calories.

    Although i have been sticking with the healthy 1800, and im loving my results! i just wanted to know if me dodging the street that Dairy Queen sits on is all in vein :happy:

    Fixed it for you.

  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I would say that 1200 is too low, really, but yes, you can have ice cream within your calorie intake if you so desire. Just don't go crazy. I wouldn't put it directly in your veins, though. That might not work out too well. :)
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I do not see how anyone can do 1200. I am mean when I am hungry. If I tried to that, my husband would have divorced me.

    I definitely eat fast food once in awhile. Problem is, the food is much higher in calories and you do not get to eat as much.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    can you eat WHATEVER you want within that 1200??? For example...McDonalds fish filet sandwich, or chick fil a, ice cream...anything!! Or does it all have to be a healthy 1200 calories.

    If you stuck with the 1200, then yes. But here's my take on it.

    There's more to hunger than the number of calories you're eating. The body has many mechanisms to tell you you're full. As an obese person, I think a lot of my mechanisms were on haywire. Hormones, chemicals, signals... all work together to tell you to put down the fork. Filet o fish, processed food, added sugars... these mess with those signals. Blood glucose spikes and troughs, lack of fiber, highly dense caloric foods with little vitamins and minerals... you'll have your caloric needs, but you won't have your nutrition or "fullness" needs met, and therefor you'll have ravenous cravings and indulge and not know the bag of fries you just ate were 50% of your calorie needs for the day.

    Simply put, subsisting solely on McDonald's doesn't "fill _ME_ up" on only 1200 calories. egg mcmuffin for breakfast, two hamburgers for lunch, two hamburgers for dinner and I'm already at 1300 calories.