I have a fast food addiction.. Here is my plan of attack..

I seriously think i have a fast food addiction. Not to sodas and McDonald's and Burger King but to pizza and cheesesteaks and fries and burgers and Strombolis etc.. And usually I go food shopping, I buy lots of healthy food, eat it for a few days, then cave and get takeout with unhealthy food. Last night I did just that, steak sandwich, fries, and mozzarella sticks. I had significantly painful heartburn all night which happens anytime I eat really fatty food, however I don't seem to remember this until after I finish eating.

So here is my plan - I don't believe in giving up food and the notion that you can never have something. So today when I go food shopping I will buy chip steak for cheesesteaks, lean ground beef to make hamburgers, frozen whole wheat pizza shells or dough, frozen crinkle cut fries ( a serving is only 120 calories).... And I will have these items readily available to me so that next time I just have to have something bad, I will be in control, it will be made my way. It's not perfect, but it will cut down on calories. And maybe I won't want it so much if it's already in my house.


  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    that sounds like a great plan to me! good luck!
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Good luck. I cook lower calorie versions of stuff like that too but sometimes only take away will do so I have one but plan ahead for it and make sure it's within my calorie allowance.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I seriously think i have a fast food addiction. Not to sodas and McDonald's and Burger King but to pizza and cheesesteaks and fries and burgers and Strombolis etc.. And usually I go food shopping, I buy lots of healthy food, eat it for a few days, then cave and get takeout with unhealthy food. Last night I did just that, steak sandwich, fries, and mozzarella sticks. I had significantly painful heartburn all night which happens anytime I eat really fatty food, however I don't seem to remember this until after I finish eating.

    So here is my plan - I don't believe in giving up food and the notion that you can never have something. So today when I go food shopping I will buy chip steak for cheesesteaks, lean ground beef to make hamburgers, frozen whole wheat pizza shells or dough, frozen crinkle cut fries ( a serving is only 120 calories).... And I will have these items readily available to me so that next time I just have to have something bad, I will be in control, it will be made my way. It's not perfect, but it will cut down on calories. And maybe I won't want it so much if it's already in my house.

    Buy enough food and other supplies for two weeks, fill your car to the top with gas, freeze your cards in a block of ice until you NEED it. Get rid of all take out leaflets and phone numbers, drive or walk different routes so you don't go past your favourite places. Carry healthy satisfying food with you wherever you go - in your bag or car.
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
    Dude, its ok to blow up. We all blow up, but try to blow up with three bowls of cheerios instead of a cheese steak and fries... add me.
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    I think you have a really great plan! If you prepare them at home, you're likely to cut 300-600 (or more) calores out (I don't see how fast food chains manage to cram in so many extra calories). And what's more, if you portion size and fit the calories into your budget, it won't even be a binge!!!
  • TheVoiceOfGodlove
    TheVoiceOfGodlove Posts: 11 Member
    Good for you! My husband and I just taught our youth group a lesson on goal setting and how to set yourself up for success rather than failure. It sounds like you've realized the value of that. That is a really big step! :happy:

    (Now, OUR next step is to get rid of the Mountain Dew and candy in the house...!)
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    me a fast food junkie?! honey i used to go to mcdonalds and order a dollar double cheese burger and a diet coke ..then drive over across the street to kentucky fried chicken to get the works with extra gravey... then id go somewhere else later to get dessert or donuts .. good gracious no wonder i was 300lbs.. i do fast few far and in between now . i dont want to be 300 lbs again .. keep yourself busy and always have food in the car you can snack on when you get a fast food attack
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    That's what I do - prepare a less fatty version at home.
  • Firefox, Thanks a million for the idea of freezing the credit cards!! I have pondered that problem for months, just leaving them at home wouldn't work at all, it would just take a couple minutes longer to end up at the store...
  • for me it has been necessary to just make a plan and then see what happens and adjust based on the outcome. Some foods I can have in moderation, some I am happy with a substitute, some if I even have something like them by brain just hits the go get more button and I am back in the struggle with food. for the ones that just light me up, once I manage to get rid of them, seeing it like cats that trigger allergies in me, I don't get triggered and after a while i lose the craving for them as well. Good luck with your plan
  • Joluru
    Joluru Posts: 89 Member
    Sounds like a good plan! You can be in control of ingredients, sodium, and portion - much better altogether.

    Maybe try sweet potato fries for a little extra nutrition in your fries. They're surprisingly easy to make from scratch, too.
  • MerlinWilliams
    MerlinWilliams Posts: 92 Member
    Sounds more like the OP has a carbohydrate addiction, rather than fast food in general.

    I can eat all sorts of fatty meats with no reflux. My reflux disappeared when I removed wheat from my diet. I went further and removed all grains; now I have no sweet cravings at all.

    I can enjoy a cheeseburger, I just toss the bun.
  • rbl1225
    rbl1225 Posts: 235 Member
    That's a good plan! Good luck! Hope it works well for you!!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    In general, I like your plan. My question is, are you planning on only getting these fast food substitutes, or will you be combining them with the healthier choices?

    Really, either way is a fine place to start.

    One substitution you might look into down the line is making your own sweet potato treats, instead of French fries. Just cut up the sweet potato, toss with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Pop this in the oven at 425 for about 30 minutes. Ore Ida even makes sweet potato fries if you want to use those as a transition, but I have never looked at the ingredient list nor nutrition facts.

    Dang, now I wish I had a sweet potato in the house...
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Fast food was my major downfall and got me quickly to 354 lbs. I had to give it up for a LONGGGGGGGGGGG time before it became easier. Now I have it occasionally and it's okay. I used to not be able to get in a car without being tempted by it.

    I don't think you need to completely cut yourself off of the things you love. Just set up limitations and always have a plan for it. I wont eat fast food unless I do it on a major calorie burn day. I go hiking and typically burn 2-3k calories and that more than makes up for a double cheeseburger or two :)