Not new, but could use a little support and friends :)


my name is Felix and i'm a 22 years old student from Canada. I'm not new to myfitnesspal, I used it 2 years ago and managed to lose 40 pounds. However, since then I stopped, went back to my old bad habits and gained it all back...

I currently weight 240 pounds (the highest I have ever been is 250) and 2 years ago I had managed to get to 205. I've been yo-yoing ever since...I'm beginning to have many health issues (diabetes, knees, stomach...etc) and I decided that it was time to change for real ! I'm not happy, not healthy and not really enjoying life all because of my weight.

My long-term goal is to lose 50 pounds and subsequently replace it with muscles and get under 15% bodyfat (I currently am at 35.5%...).

I never had friends on myfitnesspal but I think that it could definitely help me stay on track and dedicated !!! So, feel free to add me and hopefully we can motivate and inspire each other :)

thanks !


  • Hi Felix!
    Us students have to stick together! We can really do it this time :)
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Welcome back! Feel free to add me been at this since the first of July and I'm down 124 pounds so far! Hoping that this time I have actually adopted a new healthier lifestyle. Always log and give and take advice... Good luck this time around!
  • tracygolden
    tracygolden Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome back and best wishes......
  • Hi Felix,
    I'm new to this but I feel that encouragement and support of others going through the same thing, can help one another. Add me as a friend and feel free to talk to me anytime. Best of luck, I know you can do it!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • thanks for all the friend request and encouragement everyone ! :) we can and we will definitely succeed !
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    Im in the same predicament as you my friend, i'll send you an add. Us students need to stick together!
  • clynn84
    clynn84 Posts: 18 Member
    welcome back! feel free to add me! I like friends and I like to cheer people on as well as have people help cheer me on!
  • rhondaedwards146
    rhondaedwards146 Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me :smile: we all need support in our weight loss journey
  • thanks ! :) I added you both !
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    welcome back! feel free to add me! I like friends and I like to cheer people on as well as have people help cheer me on!

    i couldn't have said it better myself.
  • ukkiosan
    ukkiosan Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome back! I just got back on MFP too - I lost 15lbs a year ago and subsequently gained it all back (and then some) due to stress at school.

    Feel free to add, we did it before and we can do it again!
  • douglasbeale
    douglasbeale Posts: 66 Member
    Felix I'm new here, but not to dieting. I too gained back everything I lost from last year too.

    I'm fought another dependency for years, with many a failed attempts, and just now have 10 years dependency free. So I'm here to tell you you can change your life! It's hard work, but not imposable. Don't ever give up.

    You can count on me, I'll friend you now. Feel free to contact me if you need support.

    Reaching out for help is a smart move. Keep up the good work!

  • Anyone who needs a friend can add me :)