HELP! Pouchy Tummy

Can anyone tell me a way to make that pouchy go away?!
I have no problem losing weight around my waist and that seems to be the main area crunches work...


  • bekah1301
    bekah1301 Posts: 48 Member
    If you mean the bit I think you mean I had issues with that too, but annoyingly my personal trainer told me that that area is mainly down to diet. I noticed a big (gradual, but big now) difference when I cut back on the amount of fat, sugar and salt I ate. Everyone knows to eat less fat on a diet but sometimes forget to check hidden salt and sugar contents.
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    My stomach is always at its flattest when I consistently do a bunch of cardio followed by about 8-10 minutes of abdominal exercises.
  • beccasetsfire
    beccasetsfire Posts: 135
    Thanks! I'll keep up what I'm doing then and try to cut down my salt i already eat less fat and sugar then i used to! :-D
  • CoachJ77
    CoachJ77 Posts: 80 Member
    What I tell the people I train is to limit your carbs (which is sugars as well). Leg lifts, planks, oblique planks, etc are good to target them. The thing is all that does is build muscle but diet is truly what is going to make them show more and become more firm. Also vitamin E lotions help tighten skin from what I hear so you may wanna take a look into that. Good luck!
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I have been told also that this part is mainly down to diet BUT Jillian on the 30 day shred dvd recommends reverse crunches for the pouch area - I didn't know what these were until I got the dvd but they are good for working the bottom of your abs!

    If you google them or maybe have a look on Utube there may be an example on there for you as I think they're a bit hard to explain! Hope this helps a bit :)