Need support and friends

So I am back on myfitnesspal and I am trying to come up with a plan to work on losing 30 pounds. But I feel all over the place and just stressed out about losing weight. It's a lot of pressure. I would love to make new friends and not feel like I'm doing this alone. Maybe learn some tips too.


  • Angela7zFit
    Angela7zFit Posts: 53 Member
    Do it one day at a time. I try and plan my meals for the week ahead. This way there is less chance of falling off the course. I do allow a "Cheat" meal a week so that I don't feel overwhelmed or deprived. I have started back at the gym this helps with the stress factor in y life. I have a husband two kids work full time dealing with my father who had a stroke back in June and is not walking. There are lots of obstacles. I have tried and failed many times. I try and focus on the small successes. Yesterday my dad had brain surgery help prevent any further strokes ( the surgery went well )after a long stressful day at the hospital I felt like eating mcdonalds fries or a bag of chip but I prevailed the small victiry and went home.

    Stay strong !! Feel free to add me.

    Have a good day.
  • Hey!
    They say the most important factor in weight loss is your food choices. When I started I felt the same as you. I had been living on a fast food and canned diet, and was like 'Where do I start?!'
    My advice is for you to learn about food, and start cooking! Home made foods made from WHOLE ingredients as much as possible. Lots of veggies and fruits and grains and meats. (adjust for personal preferences). The more good whole foods you eat, the less processed junk you eat, and that is the biggest reason people gain weight.
    I like going on pinterest, and learning new healthy recipies.
    I am yet to get into a fitness routine, but I walk every day so I have a commitment that I need to follow through on.
  • DeneshaS
    DeneshaS Posts: 21 Member
    Well last year was when I gained 30 pounds. I had to deal with three deaths and adapt to a new lifestyle that is very very stressful. I tried dieting and exercising but I admit I gave up many times, especially when the boyfriend tempts you with cooked food! But it's a new year and I have a fresh start. I realized that my biggest mistake was thinking I could do this alone and I really can't. So over the weekend I am gathering all the information I printed out from my weight loss plan and I am starting it on Sunday. I also want to burn at least 10,000 calories a month now (inspired by the 10,000 cal Oct 12 challenge!). But one day at a time!
  • SchizJophrenic
    SchizJophrenic Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me for support :)
  • I know how you feel, it seem easier when you have a great support team.
  • steamingcoffee
    steamingcoffee Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in a very similar boat, I gained about 30 lbs over the past year due to being over stressed and dealing with loss. You are so right, just gotta take it one day at a time. If you just focus on what you can do for yourself as far as weight loss day to day instead of focusing on how much you have to lose in the long run seems to help make it seem more manageable and less stressful