Ladies Help TOM is here & I need some tips

Hey girls,

I've just started this journey on Jan 3.. and so far as of my last weigh in last Sat I was 6 lbs down. I've been weighing myself every Saturday morning after the I use the bathroom. Tomorrow is Saturday but TOM is here today. I've heard that you gain weight during TOM so I wasn't planning on weighing myself this week and just wait til next week.

My major problem is my appetite.. I have a HUGE appetite during TOM.. feels like I could eat every hour on the hour and still not be full. I always say if it wasn't for TOM I'd think I was pregnant with triplets. In the past Ive always indulged myself and ate when I felt hungry.. but I feel like if I do that for 3-5 days I'm going to gain the 6 lbs I lost back. I'd like the next time I step on the scale to be 4-6 lbs down, but I don't want to spend the next 3-5 days starving myself. Was wondering if anyone else has a similar problem and what do you do to curb your appetite during TOM?

Thanks in advanced guys!


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Drink lots of water.

    Get some light exercise - getting the blood flowing can help with the aches.

    Find something that keeps your mind occupied, so you aren't focused on food.

    Plan out one indulgence a day.

    Make sure you are eating back your exercise calories.

    Make sure you are eating filling foods: lean proteins, veggies, whole grains.
  • willprovost
    willprovost Posts: 32 Member
    Not a lady, but... Why not just weigh yourself anyways? I know you say it will be a little higher than normal, but the key is to keep focused on what your goals are, not an arbitrary number in time. If it's high... so be it. Keep track of what you eat, try and stay sensible, and focus towards the end goals you set for yourself.

    Best of luck.
  • AzPie
    AzPie Posts: 21 Member
    Have to admit I loved the supportive and sensible post from the male poster. In the end I think you need to find a different way of comforting yourself during this time. What works for me is a piece of dark chomp late and a cup of hot tea or glass of wine.
  • AzPie
    AzPie Posts: 21 Member
    It should have said dark chocolate
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Not a lady, but... Why not just weigh yourself anyways? I know you say it will be a little higher than normal, but the key is to keep focused on what your goals are, not an arbitrary number in time. If it's high... so be it. Keep track of what you eat, try and stay sensible, and focus towards the end goals you set for yourself.

    Best of luck.

    Clearly you are a male and unfamiliar with the precarious emotional state that can accompany TOM and the devastating effects of even a small gain on said emotional state! :)

    Just do your best- it will pass.
  • Spexs
    Spexs Posts: 4
    Make sure you have lots of crunchy, salty snacks on hand and I like AZPie's advice of dark chocolate. Prepare yourself for TOM, don't let it walk all over you. Remember, you are trying to retrain how you think , as well as, how you eat. I say if you are strong enough to handle the scale going up, do it. If not don't. I know I can handle it now, so I do but there was a time when I couldn't and it led to overeating. Don't let TOM ruin your hard work. Good luck!
  • apg2302
    apg2302 Posts: 667
    My sister suffers from endemetriosis, and therefore it is TOM for her all the time, and her advice was to drink water when you get an attack of the chobbles, and flavoured ce chips! They give your mouth something to do, and I've actually found they work for me too!
    Of course, no PMT for me, but just remember that as soon as you're off, you'll feel like you've lost even more than normal, so try and think of it as a time for extra due diligence? :)
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    Make sure you have lots of crunchy, salty snacks on hand and I like AZPie's advice of dark chocolate. Prepare yourself for TOM, don't let it walk all over you. Remember, you are trying to retrain how you think , as well as, how you eat. I say if you are strong enough to handle the scale going up, do it. If not don't. I know I can handle it now, so I do but there was a time when I couldn't and it led to overeating. Don't let TOM ruin your hard work. Good luck!

    I think this is the best post! I do the same thing as far as weighing, i used to not be able to because it upset me, but now I know it is just water retention and that it usually goes down as long as I keep in control. AS far as wanting to eat, I eat 3 meals plus at least 2 snacks usually, if I get the munchies I just make sure I have the healthiest munchies i can on hand, lots of fruits!! also drink ALOT of water b/c it helps keep your system flushed and not have as much bloat. This is what works for me, it may or may not for you, only you can be the judge of that, just do the best you can! You have worked really hard and you can keep it up even in spite of TOM ( I am saying this partially for myself too b/c TOM is here at the moment for me as well lol).
  • TruScorpio169
    TruScorpio169 Posts: 27 Member
    Drink lots of water.

    Get some light exercise - getting the blood flowing can help with the aches.

    Find something that keeps your mind occupied, so you aren't focused on food.

    Plan out one indulgence a day.

    Make sure you are eating back your exercise calories.

    Make sure you are eating filling foods: lean proteins, veggies, whole grains.

    Great Tips... Thanks!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    There are birth control pills where you take an active pill every day so you don't get your period or if you're done having kids you could always get novasure. There's no medical need to have a period so I don't understand why anyone would subject themselves to it.
  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
    Eat salad too! I make a salad with tons of lettuce, mandarin oranges, feta, and lite rasp vinaigrette, and it's really filling and satisfies the sugar cravings! Super good. If you like broccoli, steam up a big plate and add some lemon pepper. Filling up on greens and water is a good thing. :) I have the same issue, and you should just forget weighing yourself this week. Add an extra workout too, to make yourself feel better, and get good sleep.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    You've gotten some great advice here, so I just wanted to throw in there that it does get easier. I used to be the same way just before TOM, but after a couple of months not giving in, this past TOM I had hardly any cravings at all!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Sometimes when you think you're hungry you're really just thirsty. Get one of those big cups with a lid and a straw. Something about a straw just encourages me to suck down a lot of water, and drinking water can help you feel full. Also, the lady with the dark chocolate has got the right idea. Just one square of dark chocolate is strong enough to cover my chocolate cravings!
  • TruScorpio169
    TruScorpio169 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks guys lots of great advice... I'm not so much concerned with cravings because now that I know they are coming I can be prepared for them. My problem is the ridiculous hunger... I'm just concerned I'm gonna be eating my 1600 calories but siting there most of the day thinking "I'm hungry" only thing I can think of that might help is eating more filling foods!

    *crossing my fingers* that this works!

    Also to address the scale thing and weighing myself... even though I'm expecting it I'd rather not know.. whether I expect it or not gaining weight is not gonna be a positive moment for me.. I'm going to be disappointed. I'd rather skip this week and just find out next week.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    I don't weight myself during TOM either. You can be up to 10lbs heavier during that time and it can mess with your head, so why do it? I suggest before you "binge" drink 16oz of water or more and if you're still hungry, then eat something high in protein and/or fiber. Plain Greek yogurt with ground flax seed and fresh fruit is a great snack that can keep you satisfied without sabotaging your day. I also keep dark chocolate handy when I crave something sweet. I sometimes make my own trail mix of dark chocolate, unsalted almonds, and raisins, which also is a satisfying healthy snack.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Just weigh yourself, and get it over with. When I look at my weigh ins (and I weigh every time I go to the gym, so usually three or four times a week), there's always one cluster a month that's higher. That's when I'm having my period. And you know something? Over the past 16 weeks that I've been on this journey, that cluster gets lower and lower as a peak each month. There's still a peak, and there's still a cluster, but it's following the same trend line as the rest of my weigh ins and it's coming down.

    It's a number. Weigh, record, move on. You are more than that number. If you're making true, real progress, that number will keep getting lower over time.

    And moderation. One square of chocolate, not five. One treat, not twenty. You can control your cravings, and give in a little bit. Just eat within your calories and practice moderation.
  • TruScorpio169
    TruScorpio169 Posts: 27 Member
    Eat salad too! I make a salad with tons of lettuce, mandarin oranges, feta, and lite rasp vinaigrette, and it's really filling and satisfies the sugar cravings! Super good. If you like broccoli, steam up a big plate and add some lemon pepper. Filling up on greens and water is a good thing. :) I have the same issue, and you should just forget weighing yourself this week. Add an extra workout too, to make yourself feel better, and get good sleep.

    That sounds awesome I'm def gonna try it!
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    Do you know your bmr and tdee? If your pic is current you may have your info set too low. 1600 sounds awfully low. Drink lots of water and ramp up the fiber. Also eat all your protein goal. Helps keep you full
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I feel your pain. Its my tom too and I am so hungry and nothing not even water is really helping. I had lots of fruit and will probably eat a little something before bed and drink more water.
  • TruScorpio169
    TruScorpio169 Posts: 27 Member
    I don't weight myself during TOM either. You can be up to 10lbs heavier during that time and it can mess with your head, so why do it? I suggest before you "binge" drink 16oz of water or more and if you're still hungry, then eat something high in protein and/or fiber. Plain Greek yogurt with ground flax seed and fresh fruit is a great snack that can keep you satisfied without sabotaging your day. I also keep dark chocolate handy when I crave something sweet. I sometimes make my own trail mix of dark chocolate, unsalted almonds, and raisins, which also is a satisfying healthy snack.

    I'm not a big fan of Greek Yogurt but can probably tolerate the flavored ones not the plain.. you mentioning flax seeds reminds that someone mentioned chia seeds apparently they are really filling.. I want to look into both of them! Thanks!