Hello everyone here on my fitness pal! I just wanted to extend myself a little bit and make this REAL. Everyone has their own reasons for losing weight, getting healthier etc.... I've gained and lost throughout my life and finding myself overweight MOST of the time. I'm 37, and wanting to lose quite a bit of weight. I've realized my reasoning does go beyond vanity but for the longest time it felt like pure vanity alone. ((okay it is still a big motivator haha) I've realized this is all about how I feel. Losing the weight, getting healtier. I've read recently, that having a happy and positive body image is very important. Not having this seeps into other parts of our our emotional well being. I think I've had enough of having to settle for clothes I don't like because I"m overweight. I think I've had enough of feeling insecure. I absolutely DREAD going shopping. I've had enough experience with dieting and losing that I'm also not one of these people that seem to magically lose 15 lbs in a month. If you are one of those people, be THANKFUL. So, i guess my point is I'm in this for the long haul and want to make life changes so I can keep the weight off! I've just started working out this month and it has been going great so far. I'm looking for friends who are in the same boat! I really want to the total make over too. Time for a new year, and a healthier life. Would love to hear from others on this journey! :laugh:
