I need help!

I have been using this site for four weeks now and I seem to be stuck on weight loss. I have lost 3.5 lbs and have another 25 to go. I exercise every day and I have lost some inches (11 since January) but the scales don't seem to move. I never go over my calorie count. I know that I should eat ALL the calories assigned to me, but I am only under by less than 100. Are there any suggestions to help me? How many calories should I consume at a meal, should I have more at one than another? Thanks.


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    You're very likely just at a plateau. It WILL pass. I've had times when I've gone 5 weeks without a loss, or even gained a little. :grumble: But, eventually, since I kept plugging away with the exercise and watching my numbers, the scale DID go down! :bigsmile: Just keep at it, and you WON'T be sorry! :wink: :smile:
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    11 inches since January sounds like GREAT progess!! Sometimes the scales aren't the true reflection of your efforts. If you continue to lose inches are your clothes are feeling looser then I think you're doing really well. You may be losing fat and putting on muscle which weighs more than fat.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Just keep at it! You have to plug through those darn plateaus. ALSO look at what kind of foods you are eating and if you eating late at night? My experience and what others keep reinforcing is that it is important to eat 6 smaller meals spread out over your day (with your core calories prior to the evening) and to eat your allotted calories. When I hit a plateau, I actually INCREASED my calorie intake to maintenance level for a few weeks, and then when I went back to weight loss calories, I started dropping again. Mixing up your exercise helps too. BUT whatever may be happening, you have got to stick with your weight loss plan or you know it just will not happen; so hang in there!!!!!!!
  • TTabour
    TTabour Posts: 13
    Keep at it. I recntly plataued for 5 weeks then started losing again.I have lost 4 lbs in the last two weeks. It is frustrating when you get stuck. Just keep at it and you will begin to lose again..
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You might change up your exercise a little bit or eat more of your calories at breakfast and lunch and fewer at dinner. If it's only been a week since you lost, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Stick with it, it'll come off.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    It's hard when you get stuck on a number. I started here 3/18/10, in need of loosing 97lbs. First 2 weeks I lost 13lbs, I thought WOW, this is going to be easy. This Thursday is week 7 for me, and only 24lbs off. Nothing at all came off the last 2 weeks. But, I have dropped 2 pants sizes and 1 shirt size, so I know something is happening. Can't wait to see Thursdays weigh in, but not going to let it disappoint me, when I can see the difference. Hang in there, we didn't get this size overnight, and we won't get the size we wanna be overnight either. Remember, Rome wasnn't built in a day!
  • acabanil37
    acabanil37 Posts: 7
    I recently hit a plateau so I lowered my carbohydrate intake. I limited my refined carbohydrates but still continued to eat fruit. It made a huge difference and after a 3 week plateau I lost 4 pounds. THANK GOODNESS!!