I'm struggling with this 1200 Calories a day thing...



  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Before reading about it on this site I had never heard the term starvation mode before, I think it was invented here.

    LOL...they're talking about the thing that fitness models run into....when you're 10% bodyfat and you wanna be 9%, and it's damn near impossible!
    No, starvation mode is where you don't feed your body enough calories, so it thinks it's starving and slows your metabolism way down.

    no it isn't. i'm pretty sure that the post you quoted has it right. you can't go into starvation mode until you have an extremely low body fat percentage. an overweight person who is eating 1200 calories a day or whatever many calories a day cannot go into starvation mode. that's not starvation mode.
  • 3tmom3t
    3tmom3t Posts: 44 Member
    I completely understand. I have only been logging faithfully for about a week and have been at about 1200 calories everyday except one. When I log my exercise, MVP deducts calories from my food and it appears I didn't eat as much as I need. Then I get a warning about starvation mode. I am still trying to find a "happy place" with food and exercise that results in weight loss. This week I have not lost any weight even with the low calories and exercising 6 days. Frustrated, but also have UTI infection and on antibiotics...perhaps that has affected weight loss this week.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I completely understand. I have only been logging faithfully for about a week and have been at about 1200 calories everyday except one. When I log my exercise, MVP deducts calories from my food and it appears I didn't eat as much as I need. Then I get a warning about starvation mode. I am still trying to find a "happy place" with food and exercise that results in weight loss. This week I have not lost any weight even with the low calories and exercising 6 days. Frustrated, but also have UTI infection and on antibiotics...perhaps that has affected weight loss this week.

    MFP doesn't deduct calories from your food when you log exercise. It adds calories to your goal. It will only say the silly blurb about starvation mode if you eat 1200 calories total, not net.
  • witeowl
    witeowl Posts: 89
    How did you get overweight in the first place?

    This is what I never get. If you were able to eat over 1200 calories before starting your current weight-loss program, then why is it suddenly a problem now?

    On the other hand, I realize that some people are as chronically underweight as I've been chronically overweight, and perhaps they're on a weight-gain program, in which case I'd suggest a doctor's advice and maybe adding a few Ensure drinks throughout the day (they were originally a supplement for elderly people who tend to undereat).
  • runningagainstmyself
    I struggle with this too.

    To be perfectly frank with you, I suggest paying attention to your body more than what a website dictates. This tool is a guide, nothing more. Aside from paying attention to what goes INTO your body, I would just be mindful of how you are feeling after eating. I rarely hit 1200 but I never feel hungry. I think that is the difference.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    that is stupid! Make yourself eat...... Exactly what witeowl said-how did u get fat in the first place if u never eat???????
  • currierand
    currierand Posts: 155 Member
    How did you get overweight in the first place?

    I don't mean to sound like a ***** but this is always what I think when someone has this "problem". Do I "net" my goal everyday?, no. Sometimes I'm under and sometimes I'm over...it all evens out over the week for the most part. If you are low on calories there are plenty of tasty, calorie dense foods that can put you over the top. I guess for some of us (myself included), this is the first time I've used a food log and tracked calories so when I am at a net loss for the day (usually on a heavy workout day) I realize its probably because I am actually paying attention to what I'm eating now and making better choices. I certainly didn't put on this excess weight by sticking to 1350 (my current daily goal).

    Plan your day out. I'm sure you can find a way to eat a measly 1200 calories. Good luck. Kelly.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    This thread just made me eat walnuts.
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    It always amazes me when overweight people tell me they can't eat even a basic amount like 1200 calories. No one, ever, ever, ever got fat on 1200 calories or less a day. An 8 year old should be eating that much! EAT NORMAL FOOD! Forget sticking to broccoli and chicken breasts! It doesn't have to be that hard.

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    how many times are people going to say exactly the same thing about being amazed that people can't eat 1200 calories even thought they got fat? it's rude.

    it's already been explained how it's possible to fall into that category, but i guess people don't want to actually read the thread and would rather make the same rude post over and over as though they are being original.
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    You and me both!!! lmbo
  • spizzybop
    It always amazes me when overweight people tell me they can't eat even a basic amount like 1200 calories. No one, ever, ever, ever got fat on 1200 calories or less a day. An 8 year old should be eating that much! EAT NORMAL FOOD! Forget sticking to broccoli and chicken breasts! It doesn't have to be that hard.

  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    Some days I can't eat all of my 1200 caloriew and I am worried about "starvation mode". I eat a lot of lean protein & drink protein shakes- one when I wake up and one after a workout (as per trainers suggestion) BUT somedays I am just not hungry enough to eat all of my MFP calories but am always over in the protein area. Can people please give any advice/suggestions in plain-easy to understand english?

    Hm. It would help if you would make your diary public so people can see what exactly you're eating. There could be easy additions that you can make to your diet, but it's hard to give good advice if we don't know exactly what you're doing already. Also, nuts are an awesome protein filled go-to snack to up your calories.

    You actually may be eating a bit too much protein - protein is very filling, so if you eat a lot of it, often you won't be as hungry. At least, I find that to be the case with me. Maybe try cutting that back a bit and adding in something else -- some grains, like rice or even a bit of pasta, maybe. Do you eat bananas? As far as fruit goes, if you want to add some fruit to your diet, bananas are good (100 cals for a medium sized banana). I like to eat them before or after a workout for the carb boost and the potassium. Also, avocados, if you like them, are both nutrient and calorie rich.
  • 3tmom3t
    3tmom3t Posts: 44 Member
    I think a lot of posters here are neglecting the fact that you have someone who is trying to change their eating habits which got them in trouble to begin with. Maybe it isn't that they can't get enough calories, but that they are afraid of falling back into old high calorie habits so they actually eat too few calories. One of two things can happen....find a balance and lose weight or get frustrated and return to old lifestyle.
  • PositivelyFit74
    PositivelyFit74 Posts: 5 Member
    Before reading about it on this site I had never heard the term starvation mode before, I think it was invented here.

    No. Not invented here. Google it. It's an actual thing. Scientifically proven. :)
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    Before reading about it on this site I had never heard the term starvation mode before, I think it was invented here.

    LOL...they're talking about the thing that fitness models run into....when you're 10% bodyfat and you wanna be 9%, and it's damn near impossible!
    No, starvation mode is where you don't feed your body enough calories, so it thinks it's starving and slows your metabolism way down.

    no it isn't. i'm pretty sure that the post you quoted has it right. you can't go into starvation mode until you have an extremely low body fat percentage. an overweight person who is eating 1200 calories a day or whatever many calories a day cannot go into starvation mode. that's not starvation mode.

    That just makes sense, if someone is overweight and eats below maint cals their body will use the body fat for fuel.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Learn about good nutrition. You need to eat part of the five food groups every day to get all the nourishment that you need. IF you are having a problem making up your 1200 calories, I suspect that you are not eating well.

    Eating well while on a diet can be a challenge, but your problem is that you have gaps in your nutrition. This website on nutrition prepared by the Canadian government gives you some basics: The Canada Food Guide. I would encourage you to look at your eating in the light of its recommendations to find out how to make up those missing calories.

  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    for me 1200 cal is fine...but it is what you eat that can make the difference.
    I keep my sugar content low.... no more than 9g per 100 cal of anything...this excludes fruit for it can have up to 14 g. i try to get 2 servings at least in in a day when on 1200 cal and i usually choose the lower cal ones. fruit is good for fiber...as well as veggies are. FIBER is another good thing to make sure u get in... i get alot of mine in with fiber one cereal in the morning. but when on alot of shakes (low carb... little sugar) use the non flavored benefiber powder.. fiber helps slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream hence..i know with me that is..decreases cravings. I also limit my bread intake..pasta etc because the higher carbs create more cravings for me. I make sure my protein is balance for the day..60-80 grams to maintain lean muscle mass. Also i make sure to drink my water. One must differentiate between hunger and head hunger. i find first starting out..until the body is detoxified from all the junk and excess that crave will be with you...thinking yer hungry...but once into it i am fine. remember to drink slow...and EAT slow..chew chew chew....

    eat healthy and be healthy.... we all are differnent you have to find what works for you.......
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I've not read all the replies but I had the same problem eating 1200 calories a day at first.

    It is a huge adjustment and tracking calories makes you realise how much you were eating. If you don't track, you can easily over eat, which is how we got overweight. There are also many chemicals in unhealthy foods that block hormones causing us to over eat. All of a sudden, we are really watching what we eat and every bit that I ate was carefully chosen. Then you add in exercise and my tummy was a sore mess. Between trying to eat healthy foods and exercise, I just wasn't hungry and did struggle to get to 1200 daily.

    Now that I'm further along my journey, I have learned to eat more and enjoy it. I do have a new respect for food and try to stay away processed foods and refined sugars. If I crave a sweet, I make it myself.

    Please don't be so harsh and judgemental, this is just an adjustment stage and will get through but come here for advice to make positive changes.
  • justjo83
    justjo83 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree. Be supportive!! Follow our mothers if you havnt got nothing nice to say don't say it at all :happy: